Zobot triggered via button onclick with custom action only shown once

Zobot triggered via button onclick with custom action only shown once


I have a web page with a button configured like:

<button type="button" id="download-sample-chapters" onclick="$zoho.salesiq.visitor.customaction('download-sample-chapters-onclick');">Download sample book</button>

And I have a codeless zobot configured with a custom criteria where the "Current Page URL" is specified and the bot is configured to initiate when the customer performs the custom action "download-sample-chapters-onclick".

When I view my web page and click the "Download sample book" button, the zobot appears.

However, if I minimize the zobot, then refresh the browser page, if I click on the "Download sample book" button nothing happens.

In SalesIQ when I view the details of the visitor, I can see the name of the custom action download-sample-chapters-onclick displayed each time I click on the button, so it seems SalesIQ is aware of the button clicks but is not triggering the zobot to be displayed for some reason.

How can I ensure that "every" time someone clicks on my button the Zobot is displayed?

Thanks for your help.
Kind Regards,