Zobot won't close ticket and open new one

Zobot won't close ticket and open new one


I'm having a trouble with Zobot while trying to open multiple tickets for the user during the same conversation. I've created a simple SalesIQ script to close the ticket by its ID and implemented it into a plug. It really does close the ticket but unfortunately the bot keeps writing data to the same ticket, although it's closed. As a result we may have a ticket with a subject "Sales related", having a sales related request in the beginning and requesting technical assistance with photo attachments in the end. In same ticket.

The idea was that user chooses question, then ticket is created (or vice versa, I checked both scenarios - also tried to start from ticket creation and questions after) and once he came to the end of the script - bot asks if he has any other questions. If no - conversation ends, if yes - the plug is closing the ticket (and it really does - in Desk I see status changes to Closed in green color) and then brings user back to the questions list, so it's kind of looped. 

So, basically, I see no possibility to create multiple tickets for one user during one conversation. Is there a way? Or it would be great if Zoho devs might create a Block for current ticket closure. Its important for us, since during one chat client may require assistance from two departments (lets say, technical and sales). Ending the conversation in each scenario and asking client to restart the bot is not an option. 

Thank you in advance!

      • Topic Participants

      • Vadim