Deluge Arizona Timezone is Inaccurate

Deluge Arizona Timezone is Inaccurate


We're running into an issue with the Arizona timezone. Zoho seems to treat 12:30 PM PST as 11:30 AM in the America/Phoenix timezone, however this is not accurate.  If I understood correctly, almost all of Arizona is in Mountain Standard Time all year.  This means that during summer, the time in Arizona should match the time in California.  In winter, the time in Arizona should be ahead of California by one hour.

Assuming I understood this correctly, Zoho appears to be treating Arizona as Mountain time throughout the whole year.  Here is a copy of the code I am running:

  1. dateTimeString = "08,27,23 12:30:00 pm";
  2. // dateTimeStringJanuary = "01,27,23 12:30:00 pm";
  3. timezone0 = "US/Pacific";
  4. timezone1 = "US/Arizona";
  5. timezone2 = "America/Phoenix";
  6. timezone3 = "US/Mountain";
  7. timezone4 = "US/Eastern";
  8. info "Initial datetime: " + dateTimeString;
  9. info timezone0 + ": " + toTime(dateTimeString,"MM,d,yyyy hh:mm:ss a",timezone0);
  10. info timezone1 + ": " + toTime(dateTimeString,"MM,d,yyyy hh:mm:ss a",timezone1);
  11. info timezone2 + ": " + toTime(dateTimeString,"MM,d,yyyy hh:mm:ss a",timezone2);
  12. info timezone3 + ": " + toTime(dateTimeString,"MM,d,yyyy hh:mm:ss a",timezone3);
  13. info timezone4 + ": " + toTime(dateTimeString,"MM,d,yyyy hh:mm:ss a",timezone4);
  14. return "";
Here is the output:
  1. Info
    • Initial datetime: 08,27,23 12:30:00 pm
    • US/Pacific: 27-Aug-0023 12:30:00
    • US/Arizona: 27-Aug-0023 11:30:00
    • America/Phoenix: 27-Aug-0023 11:30:00
    • US/Mountain: 27-Aug-0023 11:30:00
    • US/Eastern: 27-Aug-0023 09:30:00
    Function executed successfully
As shown in the above info statements, our timestamp is being incorrectly set to 11:30 AM for Arizona even though it should match the US/Pacific time.

For more information, our Zoho account is set to Pacific time.

Does anyone have any insight as to why this may be happening?  Thank you in advance!