Zoho books and squarespace integration

Zoho books and squarespace integration

I currently have a squarespace store and am looking into Zoho books. Some of my key products are configurable and I also make extensive use of product variants. I have an extensive ERP and Product Lifecycle background and am looking for the best way to set up Zoho Inventory.
  1. Is there a best practice guide on when to use Item groups vs composite items?
  2. Are there recommendations on a robust integration platform?
    1. I have attached an integration use case to this post and have shared it with Appypie as they seem to have the most robust integration and they are requesting access to both my squarespace and Zoho account. Since I don't have Zoho configured yet it isn't possible. 
    2. I have also asked my local Zoho account manager but have not recieved an answer even though it has been a few weeks. 

      • Topic Participants

      • pete