Zoho Books API Charging a customer with their Creditcard or ACH Banking info

Zoho Books API Charging a customer with their Creditcard or ACH Banking info

It is unclear if using this API, can acutally charge the customer.

When we process invoices in Books, we Select "Record Payment" and then Charge Customer.
The Client has either a CreditCard on file, or they have Banking info on file.

We want to be able to automate this process:
We Currently automatically create the invoices from an API
We would like to be able to Charge the Customer's ACH or Creditcard via the API so that we do not need to open each invoice and click "Record Payment" -> Charge Customer

I see that there is a payment_mode
Mode through which payment is made. This can be checkcashcreditcardbanktransferbankremittanceautotransaction or others
However, it appears that this may be informational only and will not actaully charge the customer, and mark the invoice as Paid, or indicate that "PAyment is initiated"