When trying to enter a vendor's bill that contains items with bigger quantity than ordered in the PO (it happens quite often) - The system would not let us save the bill and show this error:
"Quantity recorded cannot be more than quantity ordered."
This is probably a bug or a short-sighted implementation. Nevertheless, in real business life - we often get more items than ordered and we are billed accordingly so this behavior is incorrect.
The expected behavior should be to allow us to enter the bill as is and override the PO.
Yes, it should reflect a larger inventory as well because the bill is the determining document - NOT THE PO
It is important that we also be able to track the situation - meaning show that we received more than we ordered and therefore the suggestion (by tech support) of modifying the PO after it was sent to the vendor and fulfilled is unacceptable as it may open a pandora box for other issues and data integrity risks.
It's ok to show an alert or notification that we are entering larger quantity than ordered but it should not prevent us from entering the bill correctly.
This is a critical issue that needs to be addressed immediately. PLEASE ADDRESS THIS ASAP!!!!!!
Eyal Kattan