Zoho Commerce Major Display Issues Across Webstore

Zoho Commerce Major Display Issues Across Webstore

Dear Support Team,

I am writing to report a significant display issue affecting our entire Webstore.
Upon accessing our website:https://switeu.zohocommerce.eu/,  the following problems are consistently observed across all pages:

  1. Overly Large Magnifying Icons: The magnifying glass icons, along with "+" and "-" signs, are excessively large. These icons overlap with product images and text.

  2. Misaligned Text: Product descriptions, prices, and stock information are misaligned. Text appears cut off or improperly formatted.

  3. Chaotic Page Layout: The overall layout of product pages is disrupted. Elements are out of place, and the consistency of font sizes and placements is lost.

Attached is a screenshot illustrating these problems on the B-mount Power Solutions catogory, but please note that this issue affects all sections of the site.

Could you please investigate and resolve these critical display issues as soon as possible?

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Best regards,
Wenting LIU from SWIT Europe