Zoho Connect Internal and External Users / Members / Guests

Zoho Connect Internal and External Users / Members / Guests

Hey Zohoholics!

I'm going to apologize in advance for asking a question that seems to have ben asked before.....but the whole thing is still very confusing (and maybe a bit concerning).

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zoho and really would like to use Zoho Connect for my external mastermind group and course participants.

I have been playing around with Zoho Connect for some time to try to see if it's really the right tool for me and keep gettin stuck with the pricing and member scenarios. 

So this is my understanding and confusion...

I have Zoho One, and am able to create an internal and external network.

The internal network allows me to create "EXTERNAL USERS" (not sure how many though).

The external network allows me to create "EXTERNAL MEMBERS"  or "EXTERNAL GUESTS"

It's my understanding that External  Members have MORE functionality than External Guests.....  presumably because they are actually creating Zoho Accounts.

So here is my confusion.... I want to invite GUESTS because I don't want them to create zoho accounts and I really don't mind the more limited functionality....but it appears in order to add these guests with limited functionality....we have to pay $100/month in addition to the Zoho One subscription, which is over DOUBLE the cost of the ENTIRE Zoho One platform.

So here are my questions....

Is it true that users (called guests) still have less functionality?

Is it true that the ability to add GUESTS to external networks is not included in Zoho One (when I try to add a guest it says I'm on the FREE plan)

Is there any plan in between ZERO guests and 100 guests?


I am going to say this only because I know Zoho likes to compete and know what others are doing out there...which is fantastic.  But another massively popular option for unlimited-member communities out there is selling for $23/month and $97/m for the added ability to design and deliver courses inside the network. I won't say which one here out of respect for zoho. I've just never seen Zoho so far out of the competitive price range on any product they have ever created.

I hope I'm not stepping out of line by saying that, but in another post I was reading, someone said it was welcome because Zoho doesn't mind referencing other products.

So I'm confused.  I love Zoho and will continue to be a big supporter as long as it's feasible.  I just feel I must be missing something.  Going from "included with zoho one" to add $100/m for external guests seems like a pretty steep climb...so do I have something wrong here, or am I missing something?

Of course, I don't mind paying for add-ons but when an add-on is over DOUBLE the price of the ENTIRE Zoho One platform, it can seem to many of us like a "bait and switch".  That kind of jump is not what I'd expect from Zoho given their mission and dedication to affordability.  And again, if I have this wrong, I really do apologize. I've been wrong before!  I'm trying not to jump to conclusions!

I have been using Zoho for about five years, and have been using just a few apps to their potential..... I have been hesitant to go "all in" with the whole ecosystem because I'm beginning to see potential red flags that what started as a super-affordable platform for my business may become very expensive once I start digging into it more and see that adding functions are going to increase my costs by 100%

I've always seen Zoho One as being a very cool "beta" because when I first committed to it years ago (I actually have two Zoho One accounts), most of the apps outside of CRM were very buggy and not really ready for "prime time".   I always thought the pricing was the "reward' for hanging in there.  But as some of the apps are getting more mature, I fear Zoho One members will slowly get priced out....as would be the case with a $100/month community app.  

If this same scenario plays out with 2-3 apps, then Zoho One ceases to be Zoho One in the eyes of customers like me.

Again, I love the vision of Zoho....and I hope this is not seen as a disrespectful post, but one of confusion and maybe, depending on the answer....one of concern.  

Have a great day, and thank you!