Zoho Connect - What Constitutes an Internal Network?

Zoho Connect - What Constitutes an Internal Network?

I use Zoho One in my sole trader business and love most of the problems and annoyed with others. This question relates to using Zoho Connect as a collaboration and communication tool for the Chamber of Commerce I am the VP for. But I really struggle with the difference between an internal network.

Our Chamber of Commerce is a not for profit and outside of one paid officer is run by business people like myself as volunteers. We need a tool to streamline our own communication, and create transparency around strategy teams and our internal executive events. We will need to liase with some external people and believe we can do this adequately with our guest function.

My belief is that the internal network is what we need. The problem I have is that we will all have different email domains. So all 13 executive committee members will have separate email domains based on their own business domains. Is this allowed in an internal network? We are in internal network with the Chamber of Commerce, but use different email addresses.

I will be obvious here as well, if our circumstance is aligned more to an external network, the investment required is not possible from us then to use ZOHO.

Any insight will be valuable.