Are you tired of building software in a vacuum? Do you ever wonder how your code fits into the bigger picture of a company's success? This session is your route to becoming a developer who develops software that strategically fuels business growth.
In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, businesses face unprecedented challenges that demand a level of adaptability and agility never seen before. As the business environment undergoes constant change, the need for organizations to adapt fast becomes a survival imperative and a key driver for sustained success. As such, organizations must adapt processes and technology (e.g. apps, native features, custom functions, etc) that power intelligent processes to create compelling user experiences.
In this session, David introduces us to value chain architecture. He discusses value chain architecture, and how this facilitates solutions architecture and development for business impact. He also delves into its impacts on product adoption, customer experiences, etc., and then dives deep into a set of custom solutions orchestrated to improve a value chain component.