Zoho email app for Android

Zoho email app for Android

I have a Galaxy Note 10.1.  I use Swipe for typing.  I use gmail and outlook email apps on it with no problems.  The Zoho app has a couple of problems that need to be addressed:

1. The edit screen repeatedly refreshes, like every 5 1o 10 seconds.  When it does that, it cancels any word I might be "typing" and I have to start over.  Not fun trying to "beat the clock" when entering a long word.

2. After so many characters, perhaps 250 (just guessing), it won't let me enter any more text.  I tried deleting text from the forwarded text below my message in hopes it would free up space in the "buffer", but it appeared to be not doing anything.  However, it WAS deleting text because when you use Swype, it shows the word you are typing up in a little bar along with all its guesses.  When I was attempting to delete the forwarded text, Swype was registering it in its bar, showing the text disappearing even though the text did not appear to be disappearing in the edit area.

Thanks otherwise for a very nice email application.