Zoho Expense: Product Updates (July-September, 2020)

Zoho Expense: Product Updates (July-September, 2020)

During the past few months, we've focused on making Zoho Expense compatible across multiple platforms. These set of new enhancements for the mobile and web application can help you sync your expense related data accurately.

Apart from unveiling the much awaited Amazon Business integration this month, we've worked on other enhancements such as filtering reports based on the report type to a slew of other iOS updates. Read on to know all the enhancements we have worked on.

Amazon Business Integration (US edition only)

Previously, you would have created expenses manually in Zoho Expense if you purchased supplies for your business on Amazon e-commerce website. 

Well, not anymore. Once the integration is set up, all your invoices from your Amazon Business account will be automatically synced as expenses in Zoho Expense, drastically reducing any manual data entry. 

Every line item in an invoice from Amazon Business will be synced as individual line items in an expense in Zoho Expense. So you can quickly view the details from the product descriptions, costs, and fee breakdowns of all your business purchases from Amazon Business.

To enable the integration: go to the Admin module > Integrations > Amazon Business under Other Apps > Set up Now. Learn More.

Auto-scan Supports New Languages

In addition to the auto-scanning receipts in multiple languages, Zoho Expense can now read receipts in Malay, Thai, Vietnamese, Russian languages.

Filter Reports Based On Type 

You can now filter reports based on the report type. You can filter using the Advanced Search option or by customizing the report in the Analytics section. 

For example, you can set 'Business Travel' as the report type while customizing the report. When you generate the report, only the details of the reports that belong to the 'Business Travel' report type will be listed.

iOS Updates

  • Add Zoho Expense Widgets to Your Home Screen: With iOS 14, you can utilize the Zoho Expense widgets to view all your pending transactions, view ongoing trips, track your mileage, and create expenses or reports right from your iPhone’s home screen.
  • Sign up Using Apple ID (For new users): Register or sign up to Zoho Expense using your Apple ID. While signing up, you can use your Apple ID or choose to hide it with the proxy email address that Apple provides, thus protecting your email address.
  • Trip Preferences: Select your preferred trip option and request more travel options. 

Android and iOS Update

  • Reschedule Trips: You can now reschedule or cancel your trip itinerary if your trip is postponed.

These are all the major enhancements we have made to Zoho Expense for now. Give these features a spin and let us know what you think in the comments section below. 

If you need any assistance, you can write to us at support@zohoexpense.com and we'll assist you. Stay tuned for more updates from Zoho Expense.

Bennet Noel L
The Zoho Expense Team