Zoho FSM Extension for Zoho Desk: For Enhanced On-Site Assistance and Unified Customer Support

Zoho FSM Extension for Zoho Desk: For Enhanced On-Site Assistance and Unified Customer Support

We are stoked to present to you Zoho FSM for Zoho Desk, an extension that will help you convert Zoho Desk tickets that require on-site assistance into field service requests in Zoho FSM, ensuring a smooth hand-off from the help desk to field technicians. Apart from enabling call center agents to create field service requests with ease, this extension will provide them with real-time access to all relevant service request information within Zoho Desk, empowering them to provide accurate and up-to-date information to customers. This will result in a more unified and collaborative approach to handling customer issues requiring on-site assistance.

What does it offer?  

This extension will enable you to do the following:
  • Convert customer inquiries or issues quickly into actionable tasks
  • Contextually view Zoho FSM information in your Zoho Desk records
  • View Zoho FSM notes seamlessly from Zoho Desk
  • Manage customers across Zoho Desk and Zoho FSM

Convert customer inquiries or issues quickly into actionable tasks

You can create Zoho FSM Requests, Estimates, and Work Orders from a Zoho Desk Ticket. When a customer calls in with an issue that requires on-site assistance, the call center agent can quickly create a service request with all the necessary details. This will save time by eliminating the need to switch between applications, making the process more efficient, and reducing the risk of errors. This also ensures that you can easily track the progress of a job from start to finish, providing greater visibility into the status of each task.

Contextually view Zoho FSM information in your Zoho Desk records   

In a Zoho Desk Account/Contact/Ticket record, you can view the related Zoho FSM Requests, Estimates, Work Orders, Service Appointments and Assets. The call center agent will be equipped with all information to respond to any customer enquiries and provide accurate updates. Also, when viewing a Zoho Desk Contact record, they will be able to see details of past interactions. This allows for a comprehensive view of the contact's history and helps in providing personalized and efficient service. Thus, contextual information ensures that all the necessary data is readily available.

View Zoho FSM notes seamlessly from Zoho Desk

The notes that you add to the Contact, Company, Request, Estimate, Work Order, Service Appointment, and Asset records in Zoho FSM can be viewed from Zoho Desk. This fosters better collaboration between call center agents and field technicians. Technicians can easily communicate with agents, share customer notes, and coordinate on complex issues.

Manage customers across Zoho Desk and Zoho FSM  

The contacts that are created from the many communication channels in Zoho Desk can be either linked to existing Zoho FSM Contacts or pushed to Zoho FSM as new Contacts. Similarly, you can link Zoho Desk Accounts to Zoho FSM Companies or push Zoho Desk Accounts as Companies to Zoho FSM. Once you have associated a Zoho Desk Customer with a Zoho FSM Customer, you can create Zoho FSM Requests, Estimates, or Work Orders for it. You also have the option to unlink the Zoho Desk customer from the Zoho FSM customer to which you linked it.
Link/Push Zoho Desk Customer to Zoho FSM

Create Zoho FSM transaction records for a Zoho Desk Customer

Unlink Zoho Desk Customer from Zoho FSM

For in-depth details of the extension, how to install it, uses, etc, refer to the link below:
Please feel free to contact at us support@zohofsm.com for any queries.