Zoho Inventory Community Digest September 2020 - a monthly rundown

Zoho Inventory Community Digest September 2020 - a monthly rundown

Hello all!

Hope you are all safe and holding up well. Another month has passed, and we've managed to gather a number of updates, a few webinars, and some expert sessions for you. Check out some of the latest developments for this month in the September edition of the Community Digest for Zoho Inventory.

1. Ask The Experts series:  

The recent episodes of our Ask The Experts series have been mostly focused on two areas: tools for internal collaboration, and improving customer experiences through digital payments and online transactions. You can read more about these sessions and the discussions from the links below. If you find something that you would like to discuss in more detail, feel free to post your questions and ideas under the relevant topics and we can take up the discussion from there.
2. Functionality spotlight:

This month we want to help you understand how Zoho Inventory, Amazon, and Zoho Commerce can help you drive your sales to greater heights. Zoho Inventory can manage your transactions across multiple platforms while acting as a single central system for controlling your stock distribution.

Take a look at this recorded webinar, which will help you understand more about this topic including some easy hacks to set up this integration in your Zoho Inventory account.
3. Productivity guides:

Check out our Amazon FBA ebook which covers everything you’ll need to know about selling on Amazon FBA. The ebook will walk you through the selling process and best practices so you can make sure that everything runs smoothly.
4. Zoho Inventory 101:
  • We have been hosting an e-invoicing webinar series on the much-talked-about feature update for India on e-invoicing. The feature will roll out on the 1st of October. Leading up to the rollout, experts from the industry have been joining us to discuss multiple topics related to it across 6 different webinars, with the last one being hosted on the 30th of September 2020.
    Register here.
  • We host free weekly webinars for Zoho Inventory, titled 'Features of Zoho Inventory — a guided tour,' where we walk you through all the key features of Zoho Inventory. 

5. Mobile app updates
Zoho Inventory is now iOS 14 ready. Check out our blog on the iOS 14 release across Zoho. Update your Zoho Inventory iOS app today to get the iOS 14 user experience.

6. Product updates

Some of our latest updates in Zoho Inventory include:
  • Discounts at the line-item level when using the Avalara integration
  • Report-level permissions for controlled user access
  • Integration with multiple sales channels for Zoho Inventory using the latest CartRover integration
  • Item-level discounts in bills and purchase orders
  • Language support for Bahasa, Thai, and Vietnamese

7. Beta updates: 

Get access to the beta version of the User Level Warehouse Restriction feature in Zoho Inventory. You can place a request for access by sending an email to us at support@zohoinventory.com

This feature will help you restrict user access across the different modules of Zoho Inventory, such as Sales Transactions, Purchase Transactions, Warehouse Management, Stock Transfers, and Reporting.

Thanks for reading. Watch the space for more updates and stay safe!

Salman Nazar
Community Manager | Zoho Inventory