Zoho Invoice custom function for Estimate module

Zoho Invoice custom function for Estimate module

I using invoice.zoho.
I want to update "quantity" after push custom fields (Ex: NightQty and Qly): 
  1. quantity = NightQty * Qly
I created a custom function for Estimate module in Custom functions tab:
  1. estimateID = estimate.get("estimate_id");
  2. organizationID = organization.get("organization_id");
  3. estimateMap = zoho.books.getRecordsByID("Estimates",organizationID,estimateID).get("estimate").toMap();
  4. itemJSON = estimateMap.get("line_items").toList();
  5. updatedLineItems = List();
  6. for each  item in itemJSON
  7. {
  8. item_CFs = item.get("item_custom_fields").toList();
  9. updatedLineItem = Map();
  10. updatedLineItem.put("line_item_id",item.get("line_item_id"));
  11. nights = 0;
  12. roomqty = 0;
  13. for each  item_cf in item_CFs
  14. {
  15. if(item_cf.get("label").equalsIgnoreCase("NightQly"))
  16. {
  17. nights = item_cf.get("value").toDecimal();
  18. }
  19. else if(item_cf.get("label").equalsIgnoreCase("Qly"))
  20. {
  21. roomqty = item_cf.get("value").toDecimal();
  22. }
  23. }
  24. qty = nights * roomqty;
  25. updatedLineItem.put("quantity",qty);
  26. updatedLineItems.add(updatedLineItem);
  27. }
  28. json = Map();
  29. json.put("line_items",updatedLineItems);
  30. response = zoho.books.updateRecord("Estimates",organizationID,estimateID,json);
  31. info response.get("message");
And I added to "Workflow Rules". But this function not working and I receive error:  Custom Function Estimate failed to execute for the workflow Update Estimate.  
This code worked on Invoice module with "zoho intergration" like "zoho.invoice.getRecordByID()" and "zoho.invoice.update()".
Can help me?