Zoho Invoice's 2019 in a Nutshell

Zoho Invoice's 2019 in a Nutshell

Hello, everyone!

December has often been a time to pause and reflect on the accomplishments of the year. Here at Zoho Invoice, it's no different. The past 12 months have kept us busy rolling out countless features and enhancements to provide you the best invoicing experience. Now, it's time take to a step back and rewind through the major updates we've made to Zoho Invoice in 2019.

We know that's a pretty long list, but that's not even all of it! There were countless other updates, which you can read about in the What's New Timeline or Release Notes. Check them out, and tell us in the comments below about your favorite update of the year.

Zoho Invoice was started a decade ago, and we've come a long way since then. As we wrap up 2019 and step into a new decade, we want to take a moment to thank each one of you, our valued customers, for being with us on this tremendous journey. 

Here's wishing you all a happy and successful 2020. :)

The Zoho Invoice Team

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