Zoho iPhone App - fields not updating; calls made through app not showing on reporting / dashboards on web app

Zoho iPhone App - fields not updating; calls made through app not showing on reporting / dashboards on web app


Two issues with the iPhone app:

1. The fields on the iphone app will not update (ex: new call or event types are not appearing, and deleted ones still appear on mobile app). 

2. When I log calls through the iPhone app, the activity is not appearing on my reports or dashboards which specifically filter by that criteria. For example, the weekly call activity will exclude any calls that I log via the iPhone app - I have to then log-in through the webapp, press edit and save, and then the calls will appear on the reports I've created for call activity. 

Can you please advise on how to fix 1 if possible, and explain if 2 is a known bug?
