Zoho + Linkedin

Zoho + Linkedin


I know things are in discussion with Linkedin but to me, things need to move forward quicker than that, so it matches Zoho recruit's users needs.

I realized something lately.
When candidates apply through Linkedin, it creates a specific tab in their profile. This is good, it means Zoho recruit is almost ready to integrate with Linkedin.

So, instead of waiting for a go from Linkedin (don't know what we are waiting for to be honest, because other ATS, already are integrated with Linkedin), why not using this existing tab this way too ?

- Paste the Linkedin profile URL in the candidate page. Here : 
This would be the reverse process of a candidate applying through Linkedin (apply to a job with his linkedin profile, it creates a Linkedin Tab within Zoho Recruit, it pastes the url there).

So in our situation, for people not applying through Linkedin or already in our databse :
- Paste of the Linkedin URL there = launch of the Linkedin public profile scrapping = creation of the Linkedin tab within Zoho Recruit).

+ to go further, asking for the scrapping frequency (every week, month or year). This way, automatically, Zoho recruit would scrap Linkedin profiles and update Linkedin public page.

That would be fantastic to get these feature and as I said before, a game changer for Zoho recruit. That's what recruiters using Linkedin want. And these are public data, don't see why Linkedin would be bother by that. 
We can do it manually but it would take us ages.

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