Zoho Notebook Improvement

Zoho Notebook Improvement

I've observed this app over the past seven years, from its initial launch to the present day, and unfortunately, it hasn't become my go-to notebook app. To enhance its viability as a regular notetaking application, I'd like to offer the following suggestions to the Zoho Management:

1. Revise Default Note View Design:
The current setup, where a note opens as a separate window in both the web and desktop versions, is counterintuitive. This design restricts the view area, making navigation cumbersome. Consider implementing a multiple windows option and a left menu panel to create a more user-friendly experience. Editing and sorting notes should be seamless and intuitive.

2. Compact Notebook and Note List View:
The current appearance leans more towards a sticky notes app rather than a comprehensive notetaking application. A more compact and organized notebook and note list view would enhance the overall usability.

3. Improved PDF Management:
The app needs an overdue feature – better PDF management. Currently, it functions more as a PDF file manager than a notetaking app. Enhance its capabilities to allow users to insert PDFs into notes and perform lightweight annotations.

4. Integration of Whiteboards:
Incorporating whiteboard functionality would elevate the app's utility, especially for collaborative and visual notetaking.

5. Insert Audio in a Note:
Adding the ability to insert audio into notes would cater to users who prefer capturing ideas or information verbally.

6. Enhanced Tag Management:
Streamline the tag management process for better organization and retrieval of notes. A more intuitive tagging system can significantly improve user experience.

Optional Enhancements:

  1. Bookmarking in a Note: Allow users to bookmark specific points within a note for quick reference.
  2. Extract Highlighted/Annotated Text: Enable users to extract highlighted or annotated text for easy sharing or repurposing.
  3. Improved Stylus Support: Enhance the app's compatibility with stylus input for users who prefer handwriting.
  4. More Template Options: Introduce a variety of templates to cater to different notetaking needs.
  5. Bi-Directional Linking Between Notes
  6. OCR (Optical Character Recognition): Implement OCR functionality to make handwritten or printed text within images or PDFs searchable.
  7. Summarize Notes: Provide a feature to automatically generate summaries of lengthy notes for quick overviews.
  8. More Integrations.
I am expecting a comment on this from the Zoho Management. Zoho can consider creating a roadmap page detailing upcoming features, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement.


      • Sticky Posts

      • Migrate your Notebook data to the new, mobile Notebook.

        Zoho Notebook is transforming. The new version will include exciting new features and a completely new user experience. The initial version will be mobile based, available for Android and iOS. A new web version will be available after the initial mobile release.   With the release of the new Notebook approaching, we're migrating most of your current data to the new version. Once the new version is released, there will be an additional window to migrate your data. We will not provide access to the