Zoho Payroll Access

Zoho Payroll Access

I am about to take my second client off Zoho Payroll. My lost hours and frustration is HUGE. I highly discourage this product as it is LONG WAY to go before it is usable.

  1. Zoho one with 5 users.
  2. Only need 4 employees in Payroll, therefore the smallest number is purchased.
  3. The book keeper who is Admin to Books and processes payroll cannot access Payroll because we have 4 employees in Payroll.
  4. I was told we would have to buy a 5th license for Zoho Payroll in order for the book keeper to access and process payroll.
  5. The Book keeper is not on the company payroll either.
  6. Yet, the Owner of the company who is also not on payroll CAN access Payroll. The Owner is also a 5th user, but he can access with no problem.

The Zoho One license should govern the number of Users and their access to Apps like CRM, Books, Payroll, etc. The number of people being processed for pay in Zoho Payroll should NOT govern who can access and use Payroll. The Zoho Payroll license is for the NUMBER OF PEOPLE THAT ARE BEING PAID. The User Access to Books is the Parent for accessing Payroll, NOT the number of employees being paid.

On my call today with tech support, I was told we have to buy another license on Payroll for someone to access and be on payroll, even though they are not on Payroll. I was also told that this is not a design flaw, just the way it was designed.

It is fairly common to have a non-employee book keeper that processes payroll. The book keeper needs access to Books and Payroll, this person does NOT need to be on payroll. 

If this isn't fixed ASAP, then I will move this client to SurePay.