Zoho Survey integrating with Zoho CRM

Zoho Survey integrating with Zoho CRM

Hello, I have questions about some of the functionality of Zoho Survey integrating with Zoho CRM. (We have CRM only at this point and need to decide whether to use zoho survey, too, or an external survey provider.)

Question is basically about 1) data privacy, 2) getting an individual's survey answers (some of them) into that contact’s crm fields, 3) importing contact’s previous answer data from any type of crm field, prefilled into a different survey later on, where they can either keep the prefilled answers as they are or edit / overwrite them.

This is what we want to do, and I need to know if it’s possible:


•             Recipient can save their answers as they go, and return to them later

•             Complete data privacy on the saved data of an incomplete survey. How

does this work? Could anyone else access their answers somehow? By guessing their link?


1.            Email Survey.v.1 to a CRM contact, pre-filled with some fields from

the CRM such as Name fields and date of birth

2.            Send automatic reminder emails approx. 3 and 7 days after the invite,

if they haven’t filled it in yet.

3.            Send automatic ‘meeting postponed’ email approx. 11 days after the

invite, if they haven’t filled it in yet.

•             All emails are sent from and recorded in the crm

If they fill it in:

4.            Survey Answer doc is attached to their CRM Contact or Account record

5.            Certain survey answers are inserted into fields in the CRM (would

this be automated or manual upload?)


One year later:

1.            Email *Survey.v.2* to a CRM contact, pre-filled with MORE fields from

the CRM ie *incl some of last year’s answers – either numerical or open text fields*

2.            Send automatic reminder emails approx. 3 and 7 days after the invite,

if they haven’t filled it in yet.

3.            Send automatic ‘meeting postponed’ email approx. 11 days after the

invite, if they haven’t filled it in yet.

•             All emails are sent from and recorded in the crm

If they fill it in:

4.            Survey Answer doc is attached to their CRM Contact or Account record

5.            Certain survey answers are inserted into fields in the CRM (either

overwriting the previous year’s fields; or into new fields, tbc) REPEAT ANNUALLY


Thank you