Zoho Thrive connection to off-line purchases

Zoho Thrive connection to off-line purchases

Is it possible for Zoho thrive to connect to subscriptions or Books and pull purchase data from clients who purchase off-line or maybe through a different sales department where items are not listed on a website for sale? Say I have a customer that signed up using an affiliate link on my website but we sell them something directly over the phone. Is Thrive able to back link to books or Subscriptions and track that purchase to the person and give credit to the affiliate? 

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      • Zoho Thrive has a new look!

        Hello Zoho Thrive Users! We are delighted to announce the debut of Zoho Thrive’s new and enhanced user interface. With the revamped design, we have focused on delivering a quicker experience to set up and run the affiliate and customer loyalty programs.