Zoho Workdrive - Client Users - Issues

Zoho Workdrive - Client Users - Issues

I found an announcement (posted 1 month ago) about "client users" where one of the MVPs had commented about the price of adding client users.

I agree the price of adding client users is a lot more than in other products, like MS Teams, Asana and Monday.com so we would not be using Zoho for any collaberation with outside users.

This is crqzy as I had never heard of Zoho and stubled on it by choice. We have over 200 clients who we would have shared some info with via workdrive but now they will never get to hear about Zoho because of the prohibitive price of adding client users. That is a lot of free advertising lost by Zoho by making a lot more people (potential customers for ZOHO!!) aware fo your products.

PLUS we were considering a Zoho One licence that would generate around £90 per month to Zoho but this will now be one of our consideration factsors as to whether we now sign up after the trial.

We are finding a lot of silly annoying points like this in  Zoho compared to MS Teams, Asana, Monday.com etc that we have also be evaluating so to what to use ourselves and also market to our own customers for their businesses.

It a shame as overall you have great products but it is little things like this that really don't help. It could explain why MS Teams, Asana, Monday.com etc are getting huge number of new users but Zoho is almosy unknown (in the UK for sure).

Please consider this it is meant as proactive constructive comment not just a negative one.

We would have loved to promote Zoho One to around 500 plus business in the UK that could generate around £50,000 to £100,000 per month for Zoho. or £600,000 yo £1,000,000

If you dont want to get left behind the like of MS Teams, Asana, Monday.com, Sheets and others in the projects and business systems and lose out on uge growht potential for Zoho you really need to condider this.


Get client users into Zoho One licences as my understanding is that you cannot in workdrive have client users if on a Zoho One licence.

Include a reasonable number of free includes client users for the organisation (not individual users but maybe based on number of user licences). I think somewhere around 25 client users (per Zoho one licence)

So for example if we had 4 users on our Zoho One acocunt with credit of 25 for each licence so 100 client user licences for the organisation a whoe to allocate as we see fit that would be more usable and acceptable.

Then add client users in batches of say 25 at a one of price (not a recorriung price as that will put people off big time if already paying for Zoho one licences!.

Fod for thought.. keep up the good work and please keep improving these type of silly little problems that need not be that is clear for feedback you are being sent are a negative issue..

