Zoho Workdrive Sync - How delete local Files without risking the orgignal files in workdrive

Zoho Workdrive Sync - How delete local Files without risking the orgignal files in workdrive


we also use workdrive in our company. One or the other employee also uses the Workdrive Sync app. Thus, the desired files from Workdrive are downloaded to the local hard drive and thus you can work with it at several locations / computers.

But one of our employees had the problem that the hard drive was completely full. If she had not asked again, she would have deleted the files. Since she also has the permissions to delete files in Workdrive, she almost deleted the files in Workdrive itself.

As an IT admin, I see a big problem with this.
I would delete the Workdrive app for the employees where the hard drive would be full and then delete the folder where the files are located. Thus, theoretically, the synchronization would no longer have to take place and the deletion of the files should not be a risk, since the deletion would only have to take place locally.
I would like to discuss this again and get feedback and briefly point out that the Workdrive app might also get a special note during installation, since there is also the TrueSync, which has the same function as Sync, but the files are only pulled individually.