New Features rolled out on June 12, 2018
Split Column Option for Data Preparation Do you have a concatenated values in your columns which you want to split for making better sense of your data and analytics? A simple example is splitting a customer name column as first name and last name. The new Split Column option helps you do this exactly. The Split Column option allows you to split the value in a column into multiple columns based on a separator. This can be applied over the columns with data type Text, Multi-line Text, Email and URL.
New Features rolled out on June 7, 2018
Importing from MS Access Database using Import Wizard Now you can import data from the MS Access database files you have stored in Local Drives, Web URLs, FTP servers or Cloud Drives right from the Import Wizard in Zoho Reports user interface. Previously MS Access database files can be imported only using the Upload Tool. You can choose a Single table, Multiple tables or write a custom SQL query to fetch the data for importing. You can schedule the import in periodic intervals if the Access database
Tip of the Week - Set Different Default User Filter for each User
Zoho Reports allows you to set different default user filters for each user. Let's say when you are sharing the Sales graph to your sales managers, then you can choose to set each of them their respective region's sales data as the default option. You can set this using Variables. Variables are placeholders that help Administrators/ Database Owners to map specific values for individual users of the reporting database. These mapped Variables can be further used in various scenarios such as sharing
"Mark as Personal Data" option appeared
Hi Folks, I see that there is now a configuration option on data tables but I can find no reference to it in update notes or in the help section. The tooltip simply says "Specify 'Yes' if the column contains Personal Data, which needs to be handled for GDPR compliance" but doesn't say what it can be used for or what the effect of setting it to 'Yes' actually is. Can you point me in the direction of a release explanation? Cheers, James
Creating a YTD Sales Person Performance Report
Hi , I need to know how to create a Sales Person Performance YTD report. How can i go about creating one in zoho reports. Regards Binitha
Implementing Oauth 2.0 for my Application
Does Zoho Reports supports Oauth 2.0 authentication ?
Report on sales line items?
We are a small batch manufacturer and must keep a running report on items on order and their status (not finaincial staus- physical). Currently we are performing invoice exports out of Books, but then must filter for custom:class, sales items desired and so on. It would be more efficient if we could maintain a report in Zoho Reports which gave us the same info with out performing an export and manipulation. We have a custom class for shipped, order, WIP (work in progress), Design, Waiting on Customer,
Query Table Comments
Hi, I would like to enquire if the ability to add comments to the SQL code in reporting Query Tables will be supported in future as, at present, trying to add comments to the code results in an error stating that only SELECT statement code is allowed.
New Features rolled out on May 28, 2018
GDPR Compliance In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) effective from May 25, 2018, we have made the following enhancement in Zoho Reports. Marking data columns as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Right to Data Portability Right to Erase and Forget Data Enhanced Data security on export and private URLs Follow the below links to know more Zoho Reports GDPR compliance enhancements GDPR Compliance Corporate Statement Zoho new Privacy Policy New Enhancements in Dashboards
Calculate the Date Time Difference by including working hours only from 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM and excluding Friday's
I want to Calculate the Date Time Difference by including working hours only from 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM and excluding Friday's in zoho reports. Please help me how can I do that. Thanks
New Features rolled out on May 16, 2018
Geo Maps for Zoho Reports (Beta) Zoho Reports users can now visualize their geographical data using a new chart called Map Chart (also called as Geo Maps). A map chart is a map of a world, continent, or country, with the data values assigned to specific regions through chart visualizations. At present Zoho Reports supports 5 types of Geo map types - Map scatter, Map bubble, Map pie, Map bubble pie and Map filled. These map charts will help you in analyzing your geospatial data using cool and interactive
Reporting on Event Duration
I need a way to be able to report on the duration of Events. Is this possible through a formula field or through reporting somehow? Thanks,
Street address included in Geo Mapping
Hi, I've been able to get the geomapping to successfully work but it only shows one data point for that county/zip code. It would be nice if the Geo mapping included a Street address or allow you to enter a specific Latitude, Longitude so that the points would scatter more. You can see in the attached screen shot that there is a pin called 'Jackson', meaning Jackson County next to the City 'Medford. In Medford, Jackson County we have 200+ clients and the pins don't represent or show this due to
Adjusting Legend Scale
Is there any option to adjust the 'scale' used when coloring a fill Geo-map?
I am trying to Sum data by a Month/Year date range to merge with another table
I currently have a report for Quotas by sales rep and date (Mm/yy) A separate report for Sales by Mm/DD, and Rep. I can do pivot tables independently for quota and sales; however when I attempt to add sales to the quota pivot to determine the variance by month Sales vs. quota, the sales is summing the entire year not by month. I believe that a query to get a sum of sales by month is the route I should take AND then merge to the quota table. yet this is where I am not able to get the proper sum of
Using Geo Mapping
Hi, I've been able to get Zoho Reports to generate some geo maps but am having some issues with 'unresolved' location. I currently have the United States Postal Service Zip Code data set loaded. I use that to 'tag' all geo columns onto my data. It doesn't seem to be working 100%. What geodata should I be using to get it to work accurately. I've attached the sample map I'm working on with the data I'm missing. In this example I'm missing Jackson County, Oregon. I know there is a Jackson County in
Filters in Dashboard
Hello, I am fairly new to using Zoho. I have been using the platform over the past few months to create different table and reports of project data. We are ready to take several of those reports and tables and create one dashboard to show the different indicators of our project. To best read and analyze our data it is important to be able to filter it for specific geographic areas. The filters are the same for each of the reports and tables. My question is: Is there a way to create one main filter
Hello Zoho DB team, Does Zoho DB & Reports support FULL OUTER JOIN? It will be great if you could help me to get the following data from Zoho DB. I have two tables containing date and values like: Table A. 1999-01-01 123 1999-03-08 234 Table B. 1999-01-01 21 1999-04-01 456 From these, I want to run SQL to get 1999-01-01 A.VALUE=123, B.VALUE=21 1999-03-03 A.VALUE=234 B.VALUE=21 // As I don't have value for 199-03-3 in B, I just want to copy the previous value here. 1999-04-01 A.VALUE=234 B.VALUE=456
Can we link a record from a report to a view in Zoho CRM
Hi everybody, I have created some lists of customers with Zoho report. We would like to update these customers in Zoho CRM. Is there a possibility to have a link in these lists to click on and go directly on the customer form in Zoho CRM to update it? Thanks a lot for your answers. Have a great day Val
SQL Query for TOP N and Other Rows
Hi Zoho Reports Team, We have a requirement where we need to list TOP 15 values based on Dollar amount and the 16th Row should be the "OTHER" comprising of all the values not in TOP 15. See attached file for more clarity: Could you please help us in developing this query? Thanks, Kumar
Una base de datos con las columnas vendedor direccion tipocliente telefono correo contacto tiene campos vacios a los que complete con 'PENDIENTE', necesito una consulta para totalizar los pendientes de cada columna el cual logre con esto SELECT ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "GANADERIA ABRIL 2018" WHERE Direccion = 'PENDIENTE' ) as Direccion, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "GANADERIA ABRIL 2018" WHERE Telefono = 'PENDIENTE' ) as Telefono, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "GANADERIA ABRIL 2018" WHERE tipoCliente =
Linking Zoho modules in Reports
Hi, I find that we do reporting to Stakeholders in different Regional areas. This report includes: Projects in their area, Help Desk usage by end users in their area, enrollment Potentials from the CRM, and can also include Training Survey comments/answers. Currently, I use the Organization's zip code to then add addtional information, our designated Region names, and different grant/programs labels we participate with to add a columns. These columns are then used to filter dashboards to different
Upload tool with access 2013
Dear Help desck guys. Yesterday I've updated my MS Access to 2013 version (I had 2007) and now the update tool I've been using for more than 1 year does not work anymore. The error screen is attached (also the "db connection params"). Please help me to solve this issue. Kind Regards
Dashboard = Simple math operation on of 2 summarized numbers
Assume there are 2 tables - revenue and cost. Revenue total is the sum of all rows and cost total is the same for cost table. Profit is revenue total minus cost total. How do i do that in dashboard?
Geo Mapping update/use
Hi, I had request to use the beta geo mapping tool in Report. We had it on our account at one time. I see it no longer there. is there a way to use it when creating a SQL Query table to define geo coded information?
Formatting size and placement of widgets and charts
It is SO HARD to get a dashboard to look nice. To make a dashboard look nice is really hard. As a user I don't have access to the height/width setting on a KPI widget or charts. The 'Sticky' method of placing items causes them to shift and move in unwanted ways. There is no precision to control height/width/placement. I could literally spend hours trying to get the items to line up. There is also no alignment tool to help with this issue either. This is the only major thing holding up back from using
How to: copy a folder to another account/reporting database?
Hi there. Unfortunately for me, I am new with Zoho reports. My question is: how can I copy a folder containing several reports, and a dashboard from another folder, to another reporting database. Can I copy these to another account in a specific database? I found an "Procedure to copy the database from one account to another account" but along the way i get a message that tells me that the database could not be found. Thanks in advance. Victor
New Features rolled out on 10 March, 2018!
New Formatting options for Charts and KPI Widgets Zoho Reports now provides flexible formatting options to format all the elements in charts and KPI Widgets. Charts: You can now format all the data elements used in creating a chart. Earlier, Zoho Reports allowed you to only format the columns dropped in Y-axis shelf. With this new update, you can customize the formatting for all the columns that are used in creating the report. Watch the below video to learn how. Click to learn more. KPI Widgets:
How to retreive payment mode?
Hi, I want to create a report with the following columns: invoice date, amount and payment mode. However I cannot see which table has the payment mode field. Can someone help me? Thank you in advance,
Formula Column with fixed string
I am trying to add a formula column to a table with a fixed string value. So even if I add more rows to the table, the new rows will have the same value in that column. In excel that would just be ='string' But I have not been able to figure out how to do this in the Zoho Reports Formula. Any ideas?
tabular vew add field from other joined tables
I want to create a tabular view based on a table, and add other columns from other tables joined by lookup field. In Chart view or Pivot or summary, when you create a new one, you can see on the left side all the table related by lookup field, and you can add the field you want, but in the tabular view, i Don´t see how to do that.
Including fields from multiple Project Modules in Tabular View
How can I select fields from multiple Project Modules to be in a single tabular view? Specifically, I want the Project Group Name (From the Groups Module) to appear in a column rather than the Group ID in (in the Projects Module) without using an SQL query? Is there a way to drag or look up and add a column?
Report of the Week - How to create a Bullet Chart?
A Bullet Chart is best suited to highlight a metric and compare it with a target value. You can also represent qualitative ranges of performance (or targets) such as poor, satisfactory, and good nicely in a bullet chart. The qualitative ranges are displayed as varying intensities of a single hue for easy comparison. A Bullet chart widget in Zoho Reports looks as shown below. In our example we have plotted the Sales in 2018. The blue bar denotes the total sales done so far. The grey line is the target
New Features rolled out on 27th March 2018
New and Improved Google Analytics Integration We are happy to announce the new version of Google Analytics advanced reporting connector. This new and improved integration allows you to seamlessly import your website data from Google Analytics into Zoho Reports. It also allows you to create and import custom modules (modules that are created by combining data from selective dimensions and metrics). That apart, we have extended support to import data from ' Ecommerce ' and ' Site Speed ' modules.
Tip of the Week - Dial/Bullet Charts
Monthly revenue, daily traffic to website, number of support tickets resolved, downloads or sign ups got, we all have targets. Dial and Bullet charts are the best when it comes to seeing how close to the target you really are. Zoho Reports supports Dial and Bullet Charts as part of KPI widgets in dashboards. These charts are highly customizable. You can set either a constant value or a dynamic value (based on your column) as the target. You can also customize the look and feel of the chart as needed.
New features rolled out on 13 March, 2018!
Zoho Campaigns Advanced Analytics We at Zoho Reports are very happy to announce the release of Zoho Campaigns Advanced Analytics connector. Zoho Campaigns advanced analytics integration powered by Zoho Reports enables you to easily analyze your email campaigns and derive great insights. Product marketers and analysts can slice and dice their campaign data and derive key campaign metrics such as campaigns trend, conversion rate, click rate, open rate, unsubscription trend and do much more. Zoho
Private Link Changed
We have 100s of dashboards and use a private link without login to display on our internal websites. Many of them no longer work and when we look at the private key without login, they are different today then they were last week. How do I determine how this occurred and can we change it back?
Report of the Week - How to create a 100% Stacked Bar?
Stacked chart allows you to easily analyze the patterns and trends in your data by comparing the parts of your dataset to the whole. In other words, it plots the contribution of each value to the total, across categories. Whereas, a 100% Stacked Bar plots the contribution of each category in percentage. Example: In our example, we are going to create a 100% stacked bar chart to display the sales contribution of each product category across regions. Steps to create a 100% Stacked Bar Chart: In order
Error Log?
Hi Support, Suppose if a scheduler runs and tried to pull the data from different server but due to some issue or incompatibility data in those CSV/Spreadsheets, Some Rows may not be inserted or based on the configuration the NULL value will be set to those respective columns. Do we have any error log system where i can identify these rows and columns which are error prone and not imported successfully? Do we have this provision if so how do i access it ? And do we have rollback and retry options
Routine or Stored Procedure - in Scheduled way
Hi Support, Do we have any stored procedure or routine provision which i can build and schedule it to run for particular frequency to achieve some results. Please do let me know whether it is included or working on it? if working on it what could be the turnaround time? Appreciate your response. Thanks.
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