Can you segment scheduled reports based on dynamic data?
Hi, With the scheduled automatic reporting/emailing feature, can the recipients be dynamically generated, based on the data in the DB? Consider i have data like this: Date User Event 12/02/17 Bob ProfileViewed 15/02/17 Bob ProfileViewed 14/02/17 Alice ProfileClicked Data is basically tracking of events for "Users". At the end of the month, i would then like to individually email Bob and Alice giving them a summary of their data. The next month, there might be more
Data fetch problem (Support team won't reply to bug reports)
Hi, I have a problem fetching data from csv located on my server through zoho. At the same time, opening the same url in a browser works fine. I've submitted three bug reports describing this problem yesterday and received no replies.
How to disguise values in a publicly shared Dashboard (Access without login)
Hi, I publicly share a dashboard with some of our partners but I don't want them to see the names of our customers (Account Name). The dashboard can be accessed without login. Please see screenshot attached. Best regards
Underlying data translation for reports
Good Morning, When viewing a report's underlying data, is there a way to translate lookup columns into user-friendly data? Example:: I have a report that shows Average Winning Bid, which is a combination of multiple tables. When drilling in to the data, or viewing the underlying data, the lookup columns are still viewable as IDs, rather than the data they lookup. For example, I'd want 'Donated Item Auction Type' to show "Silent, Live, Premium", etc. vs. the ID.
How can I run a report to see the last contact (notes and activities) with each account?
The only thing that I have found that comes close to what we need, which is to see when our sales team last had contact with every account, is a notes report but that gives me every single note. We just want to see the last note for every account. This is basically to see when each account was last contacted but one of our sales representatives. I'm stumped.
Adding a 6-letter code to every row within Table Accounts
Hi, I want to add a random and unique 6-letter code to every row in table Accounts. What's the right SQL code? I tried several but nothing worked out so far... Best regards, Gabriel
How to use the function "Edit Design" for Zoho CRM Modules?
Hi Zoho-Team, We're desperately looking for a way to combine data from "Zoho CRM" and "Google Analytics". Best way would probably be to Auto-Join the respective tables from each module by using the "Edit Design" to define relationships (like shown in your table). However, this seems not to be available for both modules. The button is just not visible :-) See screenshot The only thing I can do is to LOOK on the "Model Diagram" but there is no way to EDIT the existing relationships. How can I do this?
Using the JDBC connection to Run aa select statement from Googlesheets
I have seen the following Apps script to run a select statement from Google Sheets. // Replace the variables in this block with real values. var address = 'database_IP_address'; var user = 'user_name'; var userPwd = 'user_password'; var db = 'database_name'; var dbUrl = 'jdbc:mysql://' + address + '/' + db; // Read up to 1000 rows of data from the table and log them. function readFromTable() { var conn = Jdbc.getConnection(dbUrl, user, userPwd); var start = new Date(); var stmt = conn.createStatement();
How to sort funnel stages?
I need to develop a funnel chart and I see that Zoho Reports always sort the funnel stages based on the % of items, where the items with the largest % are on top. If the stages are visitors, contacts, leads, visitors will typically appear on top because you have more visitors than contacts and more contacts than leads. In my case, however, the funnel illustrates a life cycle where there are more items at the end of the funnel than at the beginning. - Stage A: 10 - Stage B: 25 - Stage C: 200 I want
Zoho Report - Service Desk integration
Currently the Service Desk integration only imports a default set of fields and can not be modified. The "item" field is not currently imported and is critical to enable reporting of repeating incidents and service requests and should be included as part of the standard import process. Additionally the option to import custom created fields should be included to enable reporting on custom created fields i.e. system downtime, major incident type, Sap subsystem etc....
Import SD+ Projects
Is there a way to import Project data from ServiceDesk Plus into ZOHO Reports? Can you do an export of data and then import or link to the data? Has anyone tried this?
Not shown view to the user.
Hi. I have an issue while shared view with one of my user. But when I checked this view in the user screen. I got the error see Screenshot. Please help regarding this.
Pivot table filter to show (distinct?) count
I often create pivot tables that show responses to surveys. The Rows are generally built using Response Date, Question, and Response (verbatim comments). We are trying to protect clients' anonymity so we only allow our charts to show data with 3+ responses (that way they can't filter down to the individual level and figure out who said what) "Response ID" is what we use as an identifying factor --- A random number we generate for every response that we can tie back to their personal information.
Save customization changes to reports
Can I save the customization changes in the report area? I currently use the free version at ZOHO Desk. Best regards Gabriel Hernández
Unicode / UTF-8 Support in Zoho Reports
Hi Support, We have a Google Form which stores input from people into a Google Sheet, we then have a hourly "Imported" in Zoho Reports, we takes the udpated data and updates a Zoho Reports Table. however, it seems UTF-8 Characters are being stripped out from the text entered into the Google Forms / Google Sheets. The specific example I have is the "See No Evil Monkey" character.
Data type conversion to e-mail fails
I have a regular table with a column data type:email, and a custom formula where I basically make an email from another column clickable and add a subject line with this formula: concat( "user_email",'?subject=Custom Subject Text') This works fine in the table view. When I click the link it opens a new message in outlook with the email and subject filled out. However when I clean up the table a little by creating a Query table, this column is converted into the data type 'Plain text'. If I go to
ZOHO Report Fields
Good Day, I am creating automatic reports that are sent out weekly. We do not want to have the Potential ID from ZOHO on the report but I am unable to delete it from the columns. Please advise.
Two Look-Ups to One Table
I need help with performing two lookup's against the same table. I am attempting to create a report that shows when a file was submitted by an operator and when that file was approved by an officer. Both the operator and officer are employees with entries in the employee table. The file submission and approval records are in a submission table. I want to join the submission table to the employee table twice: once on the operator ID and a second time on the officer ID. When I generate a report
Allow non-logged in users to export from Dashboard
I have a few dashboards I would like to share with non-Zoho users. This works fine creating a permalink using the publish options, but these users do not have the 'Export' option. I only see this for logged in Zoho users. How can I allow non-Zoho users to export Dashboards?
Rename columns of imported tables
I have tables that are imported via the SQL import tool. It's all working well but I am unable to rename the columns to make it more user friendly. I'm guessing this is because the import tool needs the column names to match with the export source. So for example instead of user_name I would want the column to be called Username. This is a simple example, I have columns that I need to completely rename since they don't make sense. Is this possible, maybe as an alias? If not, how can I create a more
Relative Date Range based on pay cycle
Hello, We are relatively new to Zoho Reports and still trying to figure things out. I am wondering if there is a way we can create a relative date range based on our pay period cycle? We have an hours report we would like to tie to that. So versus the last two weeks, the two week period needs to calculate based on the start of each pay period. For example our last pay period started on Sunday Jan 8th and ends tomorrow on the 21st. I would like to be able to run a report that knows thats the current
Making January 1st apart of week 52.
I am trying to include January 1st as apart of my final week for 2016. I have my column "usage week" correct, but can not figure out how to get my column "week to read "Dec, 26 2016" Thanks for all and help. Let me know if you need more information.
Filter/Search on Summary Report
I have a summary report with about 1400 rows. How can I allow users to filter and search on this report like they can on regular tabular reports?
Indeed Integration - XML Feed
Hi all, Has anyone intergrated indeed so that it appears on indeed when i post from Zoho, my indeed account manager has asked for a XML or something? Cheers Chris McGuigan
Allow users to adjust X axis dimension
I have a chart shared with some users. Along the X axis is date by 'Month & Year'. Is it possible to let users adjust the X axis dimensions to Year, week, etc? At the moment if I want to allow users to show results by week, month and year, I have to create and share 3 separate charts with this set as the X axis. Thanks
Aggregate Formula: SUMIF date matches last month
Hello, I was trying to sum only data that match last month. In SQL I was able to do it, but I was wondering if this is possible with Aggregate Formula also. This would be an example of what I was trying to do (which did not work): sumif(Month("Steering_MasterDB"."Date")=(Month(getdate())-1), "Steering_MasterDB"."Revenues Actual",0) I am open to any suggestion as long as I get the same result. Thank you Kastriot
Max Size for Multi-Line Text?
Is there a Max size for Multi-Line Text field ? We have a row, where this column seems to be clipped at a max length. Based on the API & Help Documentations, I could not find max field length for Multi-Line Text field. Thanks.
Combo Chart (hide Markers in line)
Hi there. I'm working with a combo Chart and can not find the way to hide line Markers (see attached picture). Can you please help me to do it? Thanks Matias
Pareto chart equivalent
Hi, I am trying to create the pareto chart of "Total % of profit" and "total profit" by product sub-category. I came across the following issues and was wondering if there is another approach. In a report, you can create a "% of Total" calc for measure. However, how do you make it cumulative? Which is the Pareto curve in orange (below graph shows). When I have a report with two measures - say "Total Profit" and "% of Total of Profit", I am unable to sort by any of the measures. I can only sort the
Merge multiple tables
I have about 30 individual CSV files being imported from Dropbox. I thought I could import them all into one table and have them update weekly, but this does not work as far as updating weekly? Should it? So I'm guessing the alternative is to import each csv into it's own table and then merge all tables into one? I don't really want a report, just a combined table that I can search and filter on. Thanks
how to connect local database using php
hi all...... i am new with zoho reports can any body tell me how to attach zoho reports to our site which is built in php
The table does not open
Hi, I added 1 column to the table. But it does not open anymore. Can you help me urgently?
Design Button for automatic Table Join
Hi in the Tutorial Video of Zoho Report is show that you can click a Button Call Design Change on the upper left Side of a table. In my case this button is missing - so I can only use sql language for joining tables - but I want to us the automatic query tool. any Ideas?
Zoho Reports integration zoho campaign
How can I integrate Zoho Campaigns in Zoho Reports? We would like to compare different campaigns and build KPI dashboards. Many Thanks and best regards Björn
Calculate points by platform and line chart
I'm trying to recreate this chart in Zoho and running into a few problems. It shows how many points are achieved over a few years and has separate lines for where these points were achieved on App or Web. In my table I've got separate columns for - the year points were achieved, ie 2016 - the amount of points the given row achieved ie 1000 - what platform they were achieved on, ie app or web (A or W) To get a similar chart to above, I'm thinking I have to create a formula column calculating: - amount
Link a ZoHo table to a MySQL database table on my website.
I have an existing database/table on my website but I like ZoHo's reports better. Is it possible to create a LIVE link (ODBC or ??) from my data source (a MySQL table) to ZoHo's table? If so how?
Add Functions and Variables to Default Filter Values. Defaults for Date Ranges and Create Single Date Filters
Hello Everyone, These could probably all be their own topics, but I like how they tie together. First - Adding the use of Functions and Variables to the Defaults in User Filters would give developers so much more flexibility for their report writing. Second - Allowing the use of the Default Values in a Date User Filter (here comes the tie in) with the use of Functions would allow the use of things like From: DATE_ADD(DateField, interval -7 day) To: MAX(DateField) as values while allowing us to
Nested If is Null Function
Hi, I had a table where had a 4 columns by names: 1. TMI Verticals 2. C&K Verticals 3. TMI e2E Academy Pvt. Ltd. 4.Group Shared Services Verticals From the above 4 columns are dependents values, the value selected from the field should come in another New Column. Please help me out to resolve by problem.
New Features rolled out on January 02, 2017
Variable Support for Groups Zoho Reports has now enhanced the Variable feature which was introduced recently to setup groups. You can now create variables and map the values to groups. If you have created groups for sharing and collaboration, you can map variable values to them. To map a variable to a group Click the Add User/Group option in the Create New Variable page and select My Groups. Click to know more. Cloud Databases: Hourly Periodic Import Schedule Zoho Reports recently released a very
Zoho reports - Inbound, Outbound & Pending
Hi We are using Zoho reports with the Manage Engine Service desk system and would like to create a report to show inbound, Outbound and Pending requests like on the manage engine dashboard. As you can see we need several values on the X Axis which i'm not sure if it can be done. We do not require the overdue requests as above but would like to know how many tickets were pending on that day so that we can see how we see if we managing the requests thanks Dan
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