ODBC Driver?
Any word on when the ODBC driver for the DB and Reports will be released? Thanks...
Dashboard View: URL link
Hi, Is URL /Permalink accessing user can have the view by option? We'd like to see the Dashboard by Folders, Related views or Types. Which helps us to see multiple category/function Dashboard by one URL Link
Where are the new charts?
When I click on 'Try New Charts' and create a chart view, I see the same old set of charts both in the toolbar as well as after clicking 'Other Charts' link. Where are the new charts?
unable to send message;Reason:554 5.1.8 Sender Address Blocked
Why our Email account "support@luxepick.com" has been Blocked without intimation and reason. We have to send email's to the Client more than 50 -70 per day. Can you make it Active ASAP. Thank you in Adavance. Cyril A
Problem with importing Google Docs Spreadsheet formula field values into Zoho Report
The value in a Google Docs Spreadsheet field that is calculated by a formula, will not be imported into Zoho Reports. Any solutions for this? Thank you in advance. Jeroen
calculate new field over invoice module
How can I calculate a new field (numeric) that I create in Zoho CRM??? Zoho Reports does not show me the new field :(
Calculate Index
I need to use an index at several levels within my data: Market level, Station level, Daypart level, etc. I've tried a custom formula, which accepts "(Actual Impressions/Estimated Impressions)*100" but is not a value that is useable in charts, pivot tables, and doesn't show up in the data set underneath the column. How do I get this to show up so I can use it?
Creating Zoho Reports using data in Zoho Recruit
Hi, I am managing a group of my recruiters whom are using Zoho Recruits, therefore I would like to generate reports that will enable me to track the following aspects and etc. : 1) Recruiters Productivity - No. of Job Postings, Candidates and Clients 2) Progression of Stages of Job Postings 3) Sales Pipeline I want to create these reports based on the data present in Zoho Recruit using Zoho Reports. I am available for an online meeting anytime from 11am to 4pm tomorrow (14/10/16) My contact details
Google analytics data
Hi everybody I have some problem with google analytics: If I see for example the data on google analytics page of my web site, I see for the 3 of october, 37 sessions and 31 users. If I look at the tab imported in zoho report, "USERS", for the same day, I count in the tab in the column users 35, and in the column session 37... why??? Date Landing Page User Type Users Sessions 2016-10-03 / New Visitor 14 14 2016-10-03 / Returning Visitor 3 3 2016-10-03 /chirurgo-plastico/ New Visitor 4 4 2016-10-03
Connecting three sources of data
I have three sources of data in three separate tables, and I would like to be able to report across all three. I'd like suggestions for the best practice for connecting them: Table 1 is a query table based on Zoho CRM sync that joins Accounts with Potentials to show total sales by client. Each Account has a unique Client ID that we assign it. Table 2 is an uploaded table of Invoices from our accounting system. Unique Client IDs are attached. Table 3 is an uploaded table of receipts from our accounting
New Features rolled out on October 7, 2016
Enhancements in User Filters In continuation with our updates on the user filter feature ( Timeline Filter ), we have once again come up with a list of enhancements to increase its usability. In this update the following features have been supported: 1. Highlighting applied filters: This feature automatically highlights the user filter that has been applied on your report/dashboard with a subtle green color. This helps you quickly identify the filter that has been applied. 2. Filter Level
Not showing calculation options
I use a lot of charts that show the monthly count and then a running average over time. Sometimes, I'm not getting the option to do the calculation over time. What is the data table requirement to allow calculations over time? Here is the table and the chart I'm trying to create. I'm attempting a combo chart, the bars showing the Total Count for that month and then a line for the running average. When I attempt to use the average running total, the option is not showing on the drop down list.
Aggregate Formula with mixed values
Hi, I want to make a Formula where I can obtain the following data: It is a Pivot Table, I want a fixed value the (sum of "1VENTAS" / the sum of each one of the lines)*100 and I´ve tried with many combinations with no success, it is possible to have this result even with other type of table? Thanks in advance
Report 'number of potential in each stage by month' not working
In the report 'number of potential in each stage by month', within Zoho Reports, there is a severe logical error. The X axis is based on last stage modification date. This means that the report shows status changes within the month, not potentials in each stage by month. For instance, at the 1st day of the month, the report shows no potentials in the new months. In fact, we still have the same number of potential in each stage as the day before (last day of previous month). Also, when looking
Ordenar dias de la semana.
Saludos. Tengo una columna con los dias de la semana o los dias del ano escritos en la modalidad texto. Necesito poder ordenar los dias de la semana o los meses del ano en las tablas dinamicas o graficos. Gracias.
Widget: Latest Date in the table
Dear Sir, I'd like to have a widget which shows latest sales date which is in the table(data).
Configuring the graphic for comparing the sales % per month
I would like to have a graphic that would give me te eight of some product on the period in analises. Example: Global sale Jan: 10.000 Global sale Fev: 10.000 Global sale Mar: 10.000 Product A sales Jan: 1.000 (10% of global sales) Product A sales Fev: 3.000 (30% of global sales) Product A sales Mar: 2.000 (20% of global sales) I would like a graphic with x-axis with month and y-axis the % of product A sales and that the bar would give me 10% em January, 30% in February and 20% in March... Currently
GIS Visualization of Data
Do you guys planing to have GIS Visualization as feature in the reporting platform? if yes when? Thanks
Create Report with User vs Activity Type based on completion
I need to create a report that details how many activities a user has completed, but sorted by the type of activity. Under Task Status, we have a bunch of different statuses that we use to track our sales teams progress, so far I can only pull this data based on created or modified date, and completed date just gives me a total summary, without the breakdown of status. Is this possible to do?
Zoho Support tickets into Zoho Reports
Can you help me pull my Zoho Support records into Zoho support. Using the url :https://support.zoho.com/api/xml/requests/getrecords?authtoken=......... I can pull down XML or JSON but when I try to put that URL as an Import parameter Zoho Reports says " Unknown host or host not reachable. Please verify the URL Provided"
Documentacion de FUnciones y Formula de Zoho Reports
Saludos. Podrian indicarme donde hallar documentacion relacionada con las formulas existentes en Zoho report asi como ejemplo de que se puede hacer con cada una de ellas. Gracias.
Invalid value passed in parameter
Hi all! I'm having some issues with embedding a permanent link to a dashboard in an external website. In Safari it works perfectly, but in Chrome and IE I get an error displaying the "Invalid value passed in parameter" and in Firefox the frame doesn't`t even load. Is there a way to workaround or correct this?
Promedio Diario de cada Mes
Saludos. Necesito elaborar un grafico que me permita visualizar el promedio diario por mes de servicios prestados. En una formula seria algo como : Sumar el total de servicios prestados durante un mes y dividirlos entre el numero de dias que aparecen como trabajados durante ese mes. Esto me permitirá reconocer cual es el comportamiento real de atenciones diarias que se realizan. Gracias por su atención.
New Features rolled out on September 20, 2016
Introducing Variables Feature in Zoho Reports Zoho Reports has introduced a new feature called Variables . Variables are placeholders that helps database administrators/owners to assign dynamic values for individual users of the database . You can use these variables as a part of the Sharing filter criteria to filter reports dynamically based on the user who has logged in. You can currently use variables in Sharing Filter criteria. We plan to support variables in features such as user filters,
Presentación Grafico con tres Valores
Saludos. Actualmente cuando elaboramos un Gráfico con tres Valores y escogemos este estilo de presentación, el resultado obtenido al mostrar los valores en la coordenada Y es el siguiente: Como se aprecia la información se torna confusa por la disposición de los valores mostrados. En un Post anterior creo haber hecho esta solicitud y disculpe si la repito pero su valor es considerable para quienes trabajamos en la presentación de informes de gestión. Mi solicitud gira en torno a la posibilidad de
How do i get data into other databases other than the default?
I have the default database that is receiving data but I have two other databases that are blank that I wish to also have the data imported into. How can I get all three databases to have this? The database I am using is the ME ServiceDesk Plus Analytics
Hi all, Is it possible to use the API to retrieve one column in Zoho Report to update a drop down/lookup field in Zhoho? I tried to use the API with tickets, but I am not able to achieve this. I followed the post here, but got Invalid XML/JSON format alert. ticketDetails = getUrl(("https://accounts.zoho.com/login?servicename=ZohoReports&FROM_AGENT=true&LOGIN_ID=<your username>&PASSWORD=<your password>")); ticket = (ticketDetails.toString()).subString(((ticketDetails).indexOf("TICKET=") + 7),((ticketDetails).indexOf("RESULT")
As the report shows all agents regardless of orders and order numbers if the order exists.
Hi! There are two tables: Orders and Agents. Each agent is obliged every day to create order. As in any report, where there is a filter over a period of dates, show all agents, regardless of orders and order numbers if the order exists. By default, when you select a date period, agents who have no orders in this period - hiding. LEFT JOIN in the query - does not solve the problem. Lookup Column - does not solve the problem.
Currency symbol:
Isn't there Indian Rupee symbol in the currency format?
Formatting multiple columns of a query table at once
Is there a way to do this? I tried selecting the required columns and formatting but it only formats the first column. I have about a hundred columns and hence need help with this.
Date datatype in the update criteria
Hi, I am trying to update a row in a table using a column of the data type Date in the update criteria. The update query doesn't work for me when the data type of the column in the update criteria is Date but works perfectly fine when I change the type to Plain Text. Specifying update criteria as follows - "(EmailID = 'abc@xyz.com') and (\"newdate\" = '12 Sep 2016')" I'm using this in Java and the specified date format is correct. Please advise. Regards, Sagar
Cant execute UploadFromDB.sh
Hi, I have configured upload tool according to guidelines given. But when i run "sh UploadFromDB.sh" in /bin directory of Upload tool, i get this message: Unable to launch "/Users/zodi91/Downloads/ZohoReports/UploadTool/jre/bin/java" (8) Please help.
Reports Cap
Are the reports viewed per page always capped at 500? Seem like too perfect a number to not be
Exporting dashboard as pdf
I have created a dashboard that I want to export and send off to a client for their monthly report. However, the export as pdf function is not printer friendly. Is there anyway to add page breaks to the dashboard so that it prints correctly?
Can Zoho Reports really handle millions of rows?
Zoho Reports claim that it can handle millions of rows. I frequently encounter the error "Sorry, refresh operation of the underlying query table was aborted, as processing time exceeded the allowed time limit. Please try after some time. Contact support, if the issue persists" on trying to view a query table which joins two tables with just 16,554 and 16,550 rows. The query table just joins the two tables on four columns which have all been indexed. Not sure what to believe- what I experience or
Restaurar Tabla de Base de Datos desde la Copia de Seguridad
Saludos. Quisiera saber si es posible restaurar la base de datos en la tabla desde donde fue copiada (respaldada) sin tener que iniciar nuevamente el proceso de descarga del archivo y posterior carga en la tabla. Gracias.
Help with an aggregate formula
I'm not use this is the right place for this, but i need help creating an aggregated formula (or some other means to achieve what im looking for) So to explain the issue im having, lets say we're having an lottery in my office based on sales. So im importing a spreadsheet with the sales persons name, the date of the sale, and the sale amount. Several sales happen every week, so there's several entries per person and week. This person is the receive a lottery ticket for every 25000 he sells for each
500 Server Error
When trying to either add or update rows in our data via an API call we are suddenly getting the a 500: Internal Service Error response. This is happening on all four tables that we use and has been working fine until a Friday. Any idea why this is happening?
Trasladar a una cuenta final de Zoho Report todo lo realizado en una Cuenta Inicial
Saludos. He abierto una cuenta de Zoho Report "For Free" para ensayar y desarrollar una serie de reportes de una única base de datos con un numero de registros inferior a los 100.000 permitidos. Logrado mi propósito deseo trasladar todo el trabajo realizado a mi cuenta "De Pago" par poder compartir mi información con mi equipo de trabajo sin necesidad de que ellos inicien sesión. Mi pregunta es: Como puedo trasladar todo el contenido (Tabla de Datos, Gráficos, Dashboard) realizados en mi cuenta "for
SQL - Using Sum(Column A) When Column B Contains 'ABC'
Using SQL... How do I sum Column A only when Column B contains specific text - such as 'ABC'? And then Sum Column A again if Column B contains 'XYZ', and so on and so forth. Column A is the number -- Column B contains a wide variety of text descriptions that I want to "sum" over and over again and drop into different columns that I name myself. Thank you, Judy B.
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