How can I highlight rows in a view that is being shared?
Hi Experts, I want to share a report view with a few users. The report is in Pivot form and has multiple rows. However, I want to highlight a few rows before sharing them to the users. Is there any option to highlight a select few rows out of all the available rows in a report ? Thanks, Manish
Trailing 12 Month Chart
Hello, I am looking to make a trailing 12 month chart in Zoho Reports. Could you please assist me on how to do this? Thanks,
Percent of totals
Hi, I have a table that shows inventory item purchases. If I have an example where 100 items were purchased during a time period and the sum of these purchases equals $100,000 What I am looking for is to show the items purchased that represent the top 70% of the total purchased value. So in this case, I am trying to list the items where the sum of the individual purchase values adds up to $70,000. I am assuming that I want to work with a query table and with sql I understand that I would use a select
Zoho Reports - New feature rolled out on May 6, 2015
Advanced Summary Functions support on Aggregate Formula Zoho Reports now supports applying Advanced Summary Functions (Windowing functions) even over Aggregate Formula while creating reports. So far when you use an Aggregate formula in a report, you will not be able to apply other functions on the formulae. The function will always be selected as 'Actual' and cannot be modified. Now you can apply other windowing calculation such as Running Total, Difference form, Moving Calculation etc.,
Weekly sales report template
We have recently just starting using Zoho, it has as a great selection of reports. However I am looking for one that will provide me with a snapshot by rep of their weekly activity (leads, activity and potential spend of the leads etc). Can someone lead me in the right direction. Thanks Andrea
Zoho CRM Inventory Module Integration with Zoho Reports
Was wondering if there is a release date for zoho reports integration with the Zoho CRM inventory module.
Importing from Pipedrive into Zoho Report
Hi! I'm using Pipedrive and I want to start using Zoho Reports. After a few moments in Zoho, I managed to start importing the Pipedrive API JSON results that contain all my Deals data. However, after the first few steps, I get a message that there is a 300 columns limit, and that my dataset has about 700 columns. It is impossible for me to filter this "by hand". Has anyone done this successfully before? I tried using the "", which returns what seems to be all my deals and
Creating Reports for Individuals
Hi All, I want to create a report that send out the Data to my Employer for the following: Leads - Status (Nurture, working, etc.) Notes - On those leads that I have worked upon Last Modified Date - When was it updated last BY ME I need to send this report end of every week. Please help me out to understand how I can create this report and how can get the Scheduler Activated to Auto Generate the reports. If possible please add a link of YouTube or Step by Step Guide for the above Report Creation.
Using Zoho Criteria to pass a parameter to a report URL
Hello Can anyone help me? I'm tearing my hair out trying to determine whether my issue is syntax-related or that I'm trying to do something that just cannot be done. As part of my report url, I have the following Zoho Criteria specified... ...ZOHO_CRITERIA=(%22Work Completed%22.%22Email%22%3DCurrentUser)&ZOHO_DELIMITER=0"> where: 'Work Completed' is the name of the Zoho Reports table in the Report that I am referencing to embed into my Zoho Creator Page. (I must specify the table as the same field
Metric Widget negative sign
Hi, I have created a Metric widget which compares YTD sales for current year vs the previous year. The figure is a negative however, the Metric widget shows a positive number with the red indicator (indicating value is negative) - see below. How do I show the metric with a negative sign? Cheers
Relative filter for snapshot/non-aggregate table
Hi, I want to create widget in dashboard that shows the sum of sales 3 months ago. If I use the relative filter (this logic applies to pivots and charts as well) such as "Last 3 Months" it aggregates the Sales $ for the three months. If current month April 2015, then the relative filter will aggregate total sales for Feb, March and April 2015. However, what I would like is the total sales for the month of Feb 2015 only. The reason I am using relative filter is because next month which is May 2015,
Drill down from one dashboard to another
Hi, Can I create links from one dashboard to another. A scenario would be where we have the homepage/overview dashboard with a bunch of metrics and want to click either the metric or a hyperlink that takes us to another dashboard - sales the Sales Dashboard with more detailed information. Cheers Sunil
Table with filter selected
Hi. I build a dashboard with 2 charts, 1 table and 3 aoption for filter. The charts works fine but the table wont respect the filter selected. How can I add filter to my table? Tks.
When importing via Web API using 'paging[page_size]=50' I receive an error.
Error: The parameter ZDBSCHURL does not match the accepted input pattern when I leave off the parameter 'paging[page_size]=50' things work fine, but I'd like to include this parameter when importing on a schedule. It seems like the issue is because of the brackets but encoding them didn't resolve the error.
Running reports to show increase in sales
Is there a report that you can run on Invoices for Accounts to show an increase or decrease in Sales?
Import csv/json file into zoho reports
Hi, Im unable import CSV file into ZohoReports using API. It was displaying below error. multipart/form-data please help how to resolve this issue.
I want to pull a report of my leads by date of birth. When I try to customize it, it pulls all my leads. What am I doing wrong?
Unable to load report charts in Internet explorer 9, 10 and 11
I use the zoho creator and zoho reports form, my embed public links are not loading in internet explorer, I have already tried looking for answers in your forum, but I was unsuccessfull. The public embed links generated are not loading in all recent versions of internet explorer, 9, 10 and 11. As an example I provide the public link bellow, it loads normally on chrome and firefox, but it never stops loading in the internet explorer and I can only see the title of the chart, the rest is blank. Public
Percentage of a sale value to overall sales
Hi, I am trying to calculate the % of a sale to overall sales as a row formula. In the following blog entry: it provides the following instructions: Or say you want to calculate the percentage of a sale value to overall sales. The formula will be (“Sales”/Sum(“Sales”))*100 However, If I try to add this formula as a custom formula it throws an error "Please use aggregate formula option to create aggregate formula.
Zoho - ManageEngine Integration. (Create a Time spent / Subcategory)
Hi all, Is it possible to create a report outlining the time spent per Sub Category per month. When I look at the table imported from ManageEngine to Zoho reports, there is no Sub Category field/column. Am I able to add this Sub Category column? Regards, Craig.
See account name in underlying data
Is there a way to display the account name in underlying data? For example, in a sales funnel I'd like to be able to see the Account Name along with the Opportunity Name. But the Account name does not display. Thank you.
Zoho and Crystal reports IX
I am new to ZOHO and have the most expensive version. Crystal Reports IX is my favorite Reporting Program,so I wonder if I can make a connection from CR to Zoho Not familiar with Zoho reports, and wonder if calculation on fields are possible ? Thnaks for reply. William
How to set up filtering based on user to show only their data?
In my example, let's say we have a report called Weekly Sales Report. This report needs to be shared with 50 sales people and each person can only view their own sales. When I share, I know I can share with one user and apply the filter criteria of "Sales"."SalesRep"=''. However, I would have to do this 50 times while making sure I set the filter properly for each share. Is there a more generic or global method to share once with all 50 sales people while making the filter apply
Querys from diferent Zoho Reports Data Bases
I have one data base from Zoho Projects and another one from Zoho CRM, and I need to perform Querys between tables on both Data Bases, how I do that?
Reports not loading in Internet Explorer - Published URL
Hi Zoho, We often use the Publish -> URL/Permalink to export our Zoho Reports to our Intranet. Some users have alerted us that they are unable to view these reports correctly: some appear only partially and others not at all. We have determined that this is most likely due to a fault with Internet Explorer. Even with the Security Settings set to 'Low', we are unable to pull through the whole report to an IE browser. We do not have this issue with Chrome. Can you please advise as to whether this
Zoho Reports - New feature rolled out on March 26, 2015
Configurable Join support for report creation Zoho Reports now allows you to choose between Left or Right type join while creating reports (Charts, Pivot Table and Summary View) over related (linked) tables. This option will provide much more flexibility in creating reports. You can find this option in the Table Relationship dialog. Left Join - Report will be computed with all the rows from the child table (left) and only the matching rows from the parent table (right). Matching is done based
INNER Join With Concatenation
SELECT 'Task' as "Type","A"."Project Name","A"."Task Name","A"."Actual time Taken","B"."Work" FROM "Tasks" as "A" INNER JOIN "Task Estimated Hours" as "B" on CONCAT("A"."Project Name",' - ',"A"."Task Name") = "B"."CK" Above Query not returning even single row, need help in resolving the same. Thanks, GAURAV ARYA
Duplicate entries in my reports
I have a very basic report where I want to show entries for a specific date. I have created a date field and that is the only criteria that I use. I get a display of all client records with that specific date, which is exactly what I want. However, I get from 1 to 4 lines (records) for CRM record. Why do I not just see the client one time. If I am doing something wrong, then please tell me. Thanks David
Use Lookup Column in Formula
How can I use a lookup column as a part of a formula or what would be an alternative to this? What I am trying to do: - I have products and product prices stored in DB1 - In a sales DB I am using a lookup column to get product prices from DB1 Now I want to automatically calculate product prices (lookup column) * amount of products sold in the sales DB but for some reason I cannot use any lookup columns as a part of formulas. Any help would be much appreciated... Thanks in advance!
Upload Tool suddenly stopped working
I don't get any errors log, the only thing I get is the last line of the shell script: ./ línea 37: 26153 Terminado (killed) $JAVABIN $JAVA_OPTS $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 The file has all permissions and I'm running it directly from console.
Security issue rogue employee
hi, I have a situation where we suspect an employee is using our data at a rivals office. Is there a way to check the IP address which a user logs in from? We would like to capture the data over a period of a few days if possible, and get a report on it.
Create a Date Column
Hi, I have two columns, both with number format, one with year and in the other month. I want to create a new column combining both that has Date format. I appreciate your help.
how to make graph as on example?
hi use klipfolio with zoho creator (json) think use zoho reports please explain how to make this type of graph - as on screenshot example? 1) current state of data (16.4%) 2) milestone data (19%) 3) 3 different colors for other pieces of graph
"number of rows" not properly counted
Hello, We're currently using the reports standard plan which allows us to upload up to 500,000 rows. According to the suscrption/usage page we are currently using 497,213 and that's not correct at all. We have 3 databases with less than 70,000 rows among all of them, so we are pretty sure the counting process on your side is not working right. We apreciate your help and thank you in advance. PS: the login email address of our account
Adding data using Java API - Only Time column in a table
How to store only time like HH:mm:ss in zoho reports. I have changed my column type to Date and given the format as "HH:mm:ss" on dashboard, but I try to insert data, it gives me error.
Multiple filters same value
I have different tables, with different charts and I would like to have just one user-filter to filter the values of all tables (there is a column "primary key" in every table). Is it possibile?
Problem using the upload tool with mssql database
I'm trying to use your upload tool with our inhouse mssql db. I downloaded it and followed the configuration instructions. I keep getting this error. We have discontinued ticket support for Zoho APIs. We recommend you to replace the program with Authentication Token. For details, please refer our API guide available in https\:// RESULT=FALSE 2015/03/09 16:42:14 EDT:ServerException (HttpStatusCode 200 Error Code: 407 , URI: , Action: ZOHO_LOGIN,
Reports not generating
Hi None of my reports will generate - they open and load and then get stuck "generating" and then time out. I didn't have a problem with these reports before. I am able to create a new report, but it also gets stuck generating. Please assist urgently. Thanks Davina
How to enter data via iPad App?
Hello, We are wanting to enter field data via the iPad app. Does anyone know if this can be done? I have tried with no success. Thank you for the help.
CSV feed available to integrate Creator and Reports with free account?
With a "free" account in Zoho Report and Zoho Builder.. can you integrate them using a CSV feed or is this only available with a paid account?
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