How to put a dashboard offline?
Hi, I have a dashboard which is shared to several people within the organisation. I need to make some significant changes to the dashboard. What is the easiest way to make the dashboard offline during development of new features and put them live again
How to compare data from last 7 days to previous period?
I would like to create Widget that shows data - counts the number of specific contacts that changed their Stage to a Win Stage in the last 7 days. After that, and at the same widget, I would like to see same data from the previous period. Can I do that?
Pivot chart - Formula (customisable) rows
Currently, the Pivot chart has a "grand total" bottom row that adds the values in the chart. However, I need this row to perform a different calculation. Specifically, I'm building a multi-dimensional income statement which need to subtract expenses from
Editing data sources as workspace admin?
Hi there, is there any way to allow workspace admins to edit data sources? I am a primary user of the account (across two workspaces), but not the account admin, so whenever I need to change import settings for data sources, I need to contact the account admin first and wait until they make the changes I asked for. This is very frustrating and time consuming. Please advise! Thanks, Gericke
Exporting Analytics Dashboards as PDF Reports
I am trying export PDF reports from analytics reports/dashboards that are aesthetically pleasing enough to send to clients. The native export has been a clunky process for me and the formatting has been inconsistent. Is there a 3rd party app that I can
What kind of SQL uses Analytics?
Hello, I find confusing how the SQL queries work in Zoho Analytics. Coming from other platforms, these queries have sometimes different results with the same query. Does Zoho Analytics use personalize SQL? Also, some queries fail without any kind of information,
Add column with logic function
Hello, Please, i need help for the following function in Analytics I have a column TIME with difrent numbers from 0 to 23. I have other 2 colums DAY and NIGHT with random numbers I nead an other column with following conditions. If the value in the TIME
Change database settings
Hello, I recently created a new database and created some queries. However when I'm trying to change one of the queries, I get the following error message: Performed changes in the query is not allowed due to following reason(s): Column 'totaltransactions'
How to retain Currency formatting in the concatenated the column
Hi Support Team, I would like to keep the Thousand Separator for the " Refund Amt" column. This " Refund Amt" column has been concatenated with the "Bill no" Column. The Table is generated via SQL Query. SELECT DISTINCT (VC."Vendor Credit Number") as
Starting y axis at 0 on line graph
Hi, Is it possible to change the default start point of a y axis on a line graph to 0 and not the minimum detected value? I can see that you can manually define the start and end of the range but this means that if I manually define the start as 0 then I also have to continually update the upper range limit when the data is refreshed. Cheers, James
Formula Column 'aaa' cannot be removed.
how do i remove a Formula Column? this product is frustrating... Table report
Spark Line in Zoho Analytics
Dear Team, I just noticed the Spark Line option within Zoho Analytics. However at Face Value I can not see what criteria are being used to group the data. Apart from the graphical representation I also did not find anything on this in the settings page.
Conditional display and formatting of dashboard elements
It would be great if we could set conditions for whether or not to display dashboard elements and KPIs. For instance, in the settings for a given element, there could be an item that says "if the value/count/average/max/etc. of this columnNameData is
Analytics Table Data
I would like to include a field in my analytics tables to include the name associated with the ID. For instance, in the potentials/deals table to include the contact name associated with the contact ID. Can someone advise how to accomplish this?
Zoho Books to Zoho Analytics sync fails consistently every other time
Different values between Google Ads and data in Zoho Analytics
Hi. We've actived the Google Ads integration to Zoho Analytics. However, we see that there are different values in Zoho Analytics if we compare the same data to Google Ads. How is this possible? Is it possible that values are rounded off after they are
Zoho Analytics sync period on "standard" plan
The pricing page of Analytics claims that the data sync interval is hourly without pinpointing specific applications. The shortest interval on the Data Setup page for data sync settings is "3 hours". Is the info on the pricing page incorrect or are there some other settings for the data sync setup which will allow us to set it to "1 hour" ?
What's New in Zoho Analytics - March 2024
Hello Users, We are back with the latest update and enhancements in Zoho Analytics to improve your experience. Read on to learn more about what's new in Zoho Analytics. New Database Connectivity We've added two new database connectivity options: HFSQL
Change language dynamically
Hi, Is it possible to change the language in Zoho analytics without changing the user? Maybe there is a parameter in the url to be able to do it? thank you
How to work on separate files created on different dates
I have different set of tables updated on different dates Table 1 - Location 1, Work Done %, Date A - Location 2, Work Done %, Date A - Location 3, Work Done %, Date A - Location 4, Work Done %, Date A Table 2 - Location 1, Work Done %, Date B - Location
Why do I need to check for null fields when excluding fields with certain content?
If I get all records and use WHERE "Lead Source" != 'Webinar' my report removes all records where Lead Source is Webinar or is null. It removes null fields. If I want to just get all records where Lead Source is not Webinar, I need to use this WHERE ("Lead
Merge Pivot Table Columns to count as one column
I am new to using Zoho Analytics and I am trying to run some simple pivot tables. Basically I need to know how I can merge columns together so I can count them as one. We use Deal stages to track a record progress. Some deal stages need to be rolled up
Combining two reports
I am a Microsoft Access Developer new to Zoho Analytics. I ran into an issue where filter two sets of dates cancel out one of the other. For example, I have client Start Date column and a client discharge date column. When I filter the start date and
Zoho Survey Table: "Respondents", Column: "Survey Modified Time"
Hello there, I wonder what the time is in the Respondents.Survey Modified Time column. This cannot be the data from the survey, as the two data are not the same: However, it cannot be the time at which the user last edited the survey, it generally cannot
Zoho Survey Table: "Surveys", Column: "Type"
Hello there, when creating a query in Zoho Analytics, I noticed the "Type" column in the "Surveys" table (table was automatically created by the sync between Analytics and Survey). It only ever says survey... I wonder what this information is even used
Chart background color
How can I change the background color of a chart? Probably a silly question but I have tried several things and can't seem to figure it out. Our app has a grey background color throughout and the charts have a plain white background and it sticks out.
Same Year filter for two date fields
I have a report that includes a FosterIntake Date and a FosterDischarge Date. I want users to view the number of youth that entered the program this year (2024) - Year of FosterIntake, and the number of youth that were discharged from the program this
Inverse Scoring Results
I have a set of 6 text choices and they were ranked by users from 1-6, 1 being the Highest and 6 the lowest. I am trying to calculate the inverse scores and display them in a chart for all the respondents in the survey to show which answer had the highest
Importing Google Sheet - date format problems
I have a Google Sheet with a "Date" column and its format is set to yyyy-MM-dd. When I create a table in Zoho Analytics and import this sheet, the preview screen shows the Date column format as "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" (e.g., 28 Sep 2023 00:00:00). When
Changing Ownership of Zoho Analytics
How do I change the owner of Zoho Analytics
[Webinar Announcement] Transforming raw data into actionable insights using data visualization
Are you looking to maximize the impact of your data insights through effective data visualization practices? Look no further than our upcoming webinar on the best practices for visualizing data with a modern BI platform. In this webinar, we'll cover how
Access Data Source from Another Workspace
If there a way to use data or a query from another workspace in Zoho Analytics? Thanks Simon
Plot a count of records during a date range
Hi all, I am far from a SQL expert, but this feels doable and I just don't know how. If I had a table that looked something like Stage History.. Record Id Start Date End Date Stage Duration (Days) 11111 10/01/2020 10/21/2020 Needs Analysis 20 11112 09/20/2020
Report: Show data based on changes over last time period? Ex: This month to date vs. Last month to date
This might be a complex question, but I was curious if it is possible to do the following: 1) I would like a chart that can compare data with the following date ranges. This month to date (meaning all of November through the current date, for example
Query doesn't refresh if subquery value change
Hi Zoho People, I run through a simple problem of a query not being refreshed. I have a table called "Params" with a column "Mois". The table has a unique row with the value of say "8". I have written this Query statement : SELECT "Date", "Qui", "Jour" , count(1) 'Nb Vis' FROM "Visites" where month("Date") = (select "Mois" from "Params") group by "Jour", "Qui" This statement runs without problems and reports all rows whose date is the 8th month. If I update the table "Params", changing the value
Multiple Left Joins Causing Duplication of Data
In Zoho Analytics I have an SQL Query that has multiple Left Joins. These Left Joins are causing some duplication of data, which for the most part is okay, as I can use a distinct count to collect data between certain things. I am trying to display some
Market Basket Analysis
Has anyone successfully done any market basket analysis / measuring product lifts in Zoho analytics and if so, how did you do it?
[Product Update] Changes to Zoho Analytics Integration with X (formerly Twitter)
Dear Customers, We would like to inform you about some upcoming changes to our integration with X (formerly Twitter). As X has requested all users to migrate from Version 1 to Version 2 of their APIs, we are revamping the Zoho Analytics integration with
I am unable to get details of particular channel.
I see the following error.{chat-id}/messages?fromtime=1546344120000&limit=1000 { "message": "Sorry! Looks like you are not part of this channel.", "code": "not_channel_user" } Also, I notice that I am not able to view
Inventory Remaining Days
Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to have a report that is done automatically that shows how much days there is left for a SKU. This would be the formula : ''Available Stock''/(''Average sales per month for last 3 months'')= remaining month for
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