Customizing Themes
Is it possible to make slight customizations to the css that drives the themes? On the hosted payments pages, the field tooltips are very close to the background color, making them hard to read for some users.
Active Customers
The documentation states the following definition for Active Customer: ________________________________________ Number of customers subscribed to a paid plan till date. This does not include customers who are in trial. Consider that there are 20 active customers. If 5 customers have upgraded to a paid plan and 3 customers have canceled their subscriptions, the number of active customers would be 22. ________________________________________ If customer has multiple subscriptions, how does this fit
Hosted Pages and upgrade subscriptions
Hello, I use "Hosted Pages" in order to subscribe to 1 plan. I wan't upgrade plan for 1 user. What-is the good way for this? If a use same email address I have one error or a second "subscriptions". I just wan't update the first subscriptions to another. Can you help me? Best regards, Pierre
Using "+" in email addresses
Is there a + capability in Zoho? For example, GoogleMail and Dreamhost both allow to automatically go to .
My subscribers need to be organizations. Will that be a problem?
I'm basically going to be using this as a association management platform, except the actual customers are organizations, not people. Of course we'll also need to keep records of the people associated with those organizations. What's going to be the best approach for me so that the organizations are the entities payiung the subscriptions? Thanks
Zoho Subscriptions - What changed in 2019
Hello everyone, Zoho Subscriptions gets updated frequently, in an effort to provide you with the best subscription management platform. From feature releases to patches, there's always something cooking backstage. So, here's a list of our notable updates in 2019—just in case you missed any of our monthly What's New posts. These are just some of our key updates from this year. To view a full list of our updates, check out our What's New Timeline. Our Android and iOS mobile apps have been updated
API "Please enter a suitable VAT treatment"
Hi, I'm setting up a test UK business account with VAT. When I try to create a customer via the API, I get the above error: [code] => 102005
[message] => Please enter a suitable VAT treatment. Your API docs don't mention VAT in the customer section. Could you clarify what is required here? Regards, Andy
Creating a subscription thorugh susbcriptions api putting a past date as "starts_at" field does not generate invoice, how to generate?
Hello, Sometimes we need to create subscriptions through API ( setting a past date as "starts_at" field. But we noticed that in these cases no invoice is generated. We would need that subscription to generate an invoice (field child_invoice) in the same way as subscription with no "starts_at" field, which have the current date as default. Is this possible, or how it could be the solution, via API, to have an invoice for a subscription with past
Headers and footers for this holiday season
Hello everyone, The holiday season is here and 2020 is just around the corner. To help spread the cheer, we've come up with some holiday-themed headers and footers, which you can apply to the invoices and credit notes that you send to your customers. To apply these themed headers or footers to your templates: Click the Gear icon and select Templates. Hover over a template and click Edit. Click Header or Footer in the left sidebar. Click Choose from Gallery and select your favorite header. If
Introducing multi-currency support for payments through Razorpay integration (for the Indian edition customers)
Dear customers, Zoho Subscriptions now supports foreign currency payments through the Razorpay integration and we are glad to inform that it's ready for early access now. To start using this, kindly reach out to the Razorpay team so that you can request them to enable cross-border payments. Once it's enabled for your merchant account, you can just an email to with your organization ID and we will enable it for you :) A few more details on the update: Supported currencies:
What's New in Zoho Subscriptions - December 2019
Hello Everyone, We've been busy refining your subscription management experience during the past few months with both feature updates and under-the-hood performance improvements. Read on to know what's new in Zoho Subscriptions this December: Pause & Resume Subscriptions One of our most requested features is finally here! You can now pause and resume your customers' subscriptions. Use this feature instead of canceling and re-activating subscriptions for customers who need a temporary break. Pausing
Introducing: Pause and Resume Subscriptions (Early Access)
Dear customers, Zoho Subscriptions now allows you to pause and resume subscriptions as per your preference. If your client wants to suspend their subscription temporarily, you can quickly pause and resume it, rather than canceling and re-activating it. Canceling a subscription will impact your churn reports, whereas pausing it will not. Being the holiday season, your clients might want to freeze their monthly or quarterly subscription until they are back from a vacation. By pausing and scheduling
Zoho Subscriptions API, can I have the entire customer experience be on our portal?
Hi everyone sorry if this is a dumb question. I see that Zoho Subscriptions has an API on it so was just wondering would it be possible then to have our own customer portal built ourselves, but using API allow customers to log in and then have it list all their invoices, make payments, view subscriptions and so on? I would assume so but just wanted to check, as my preference would be to use Zoho to handle the actual subscriptions and billing, but instead have the customer just do everything through
CustomFields in Subscription Plans - API answer ignores custom fields
Hi, i configured a custom field in the Zoho subscription web interface in the products section name: Features type: TextBoxMultiline After that I extended an existing plan and filled out my textbox which occurred as it should in the webinterface But when I query the Zoho subscription api (GET /plans?filter_by=PlanStatus.ACTIVE) I get the list of all my plans as a list but without the custom fields map. find one entry of the list here: {"plan_code":"Medquat","name":"Medium,quaterly","billing_mode":"prepaid","description":"","status":"active","product_id":"1464976000000065054","tax_id":"","tax_name":"","tax_percentage":0,"tax_type":"","trial_period":0,"setup_fee":2000.00,"setup_fee_account_id":"","setup_fee_account_name":"","account_id":"1464976000000000388","account":"Verkäufe","recurring_price":499.00,"interval":3,"interval_unit":"months","billing_cycles":-1,"product_type":"none","show_in_widget":false,"store_description":"","store_markup_description":"","created_time":"2019-09-29T20:11:15+0200","created_time_formatted":"29
Address Format (Displayed in PDF only. ) Placeholders not displaying in PDF invoice
We've created a form on our website that allows users to update their company_name, billing address and VAT (which is setup as a custom field). The form uses the Zoho Subscriptions API to update these values in Zoho Subscriptions. However, when we create a PDF invoice, only the company_name, dislay_name, and vat are displaying. None of the Billing Address values are shown. Below is the Address format as configured in our Zoho Subscriptions Admin here
Monthly subscription by users count
Hi, We are a SaaS platform like you guys in Zoho. We want to use Zoho subscriptions but we have p problem cause some of our clients are paying a deferent amount of money depends by their active users amount. It means that Customer X can pay on January $200 for 5 users ( 4 times $50 ) and on February they will pay 250$ for 5 users. We need to manuslly update the users count in order to charge the right amount. How can I manage it with Zoho Subscription? Thanks
How to make add-on appear?
I created a test product and an add on but when I check the link, there's no option for adding add-on, or changing the quantity. Hoe can I achieve this? I also tried integrating it with my WordPress site and the package only shows as is. There's no option for add-on.
Bill Every Days
I need to setup subscriptions which are billed every 30days. Is it possible to configure this? Seems only allowed in Weeks, Months, Years.
invalid oauth scope to access this URL
I want to fetch all customers so, i am using ZohoSubscriptions.customers.READ scope but i am getting error as "invalid oauth scope to access this URL"
Linking items from books and subscription
Linking books and subscription It is a pity that it is not possible to associate with a product an article present in ZohoBooks This would make it possible to manage products composed of a nomenclature of articles of books
Subscription List Order
I am trying to find a way to order the subscriptions within Zoho CRM either accroding to date or status. However, there seems to be no way to sort the data. Any suggestions?
Retrieve Zoho Subscription ID following getList function
Hello, I am creating a custom function which will update a customer's Zoho Subscription as inactive when their Zoho CRM account is made inactive. I am using the subscriptions getList function as follows in order to retrieve all subscriptions: allSubscriptions = zoho.subscriptions.getList("Customers", "694960175"); My next step is to find the subscription ID which matches the Account that was made inactive. Based on instructions at this article:
Is Zoho a merchant account provider?
I want to use Zoho subscriptions and I realize i need a payment gateway (I'm going to use but do I need another company to be my merchant or does Zoho subscriptions handle that?
IP Address for Zoho Subscriptions Webhooks in Europe
Hi, We are working on integrating Zoho Subscriptions into our website and are using webhooks to integrate with our internal system. We would like to whitelist only Zoho's servers for our api, however I can't find a list of IPs that the Webhooks originate from. Could somebody please let me know what IPs to whitelist for European servers?
Fast forward to 38 seconds - how do I setup a Hosted Page like the one in your demo video?
Starting at the 38 second mark in this video ( you show how to create a Hosted Base Link. Then you embed this link in the pricing card. Then when the call to action button on the pricing card is clicked, the card flips over and the contents of the Hosted Base Link is displayed. This is really slick and exactly how the integration between the Hosted Page and the pricing cards should be done. Problem is, I've tried about 1,000 different methods
Change customer company name of an invoice at zoho subscriptions
Hi. Our Client has purchased our service and invoice was generated automatically but then they realized that the company name should be a different one. We tried to change the customer company name of this specific invoice at Zoho subscriptions , but we couldn't.. How should we proceed in that case? Thanks
MRR subscription
Hello, Apparently the MRR and ARR are visible only until Dec 2019, where is it possible to modify the end date in order to see the MRR forecast? Thanks in advance,
Send invoices to multiple CUSTOMER recipients
We have some customers who wish to have the invoices we generate emailed to multiple recipients at their company. I know Zoho subscriptions has the ability to add multiple contacts to a single customer, but does that mean ALL communications between Zoho Subscriptions and the customer will automatically get emailed to each and every contact under that customer record?
Tips and Tricks #23: How to avoid errors while importing data in bulk or migrating from other systems to Zoho Subscriptions
To import your data successfully, you will need to ensure that the rows and columns in your import files match with our sample import files, which can be downloaded from any import screen in Zoho Subscriptions However, even after doing this, you could still run into validation errors, which prevent your data from being imported. This could happen if Zoho Subscriptions has not been configured for the data in your import file. Here are a few examples of validation errors: You try to import transactions
Custom Views for Subscriptions
When creating a custom view for the list of subscriptions, the available column list does not contain all subscription fields. How can we add a field not listed as a column for a custom view?
Our subscription button code doesn't work anymore
Few month ago (on July the 3) we set up "code" on our website with that code (exemple one of them)[0]=LLNRAA&addon_quantity[0]=1 Now it doesnt work anymore and discover a different code Code we setup : Now when i download from
Free version to Trial version
I've created a Free version to check out the possibilities and now would like to test the Trial version, how do i go about doing so? After I'm done with the Trial, can i choose the Lite plan? I will definitely not need the Premium plan. Thanks.
Charging the stored credit card prior to subscription renewal date.
Is it possible to setup the billing such that the saved credit card is billed a number of days PRIOR to the renewal date? For example a subscription is due to be renewed on the 20th of this month - I would like to charge the credit card 4 days prior (on the 16th in this example) to ensure the card is working prior to the start of the new subscription period. Please advise.
Reminder: Encode square brackets in plan URLs by 20 October 2019
We made some under-the-hood security updates to Zoho Subscriptions recently. As a part of these updates, we will be deprecating the use of un-encoded square brackets in plan URLs. Note: A banner message regarding this was displayed on Zoho Subscriptions' dashboard a while back. With the deadline to implement these changes just 5 days away, this post is a reminder and can be ignored if you've already made the necessary changes. How to Encode Square Brackets If you're using parameters like addon_code[0]
Are Group Invoices and Add On Billing available with automatic billing
My developer seem to think you are restricted to offline billing. We have a situation where we will have customers responsible many subscriptions and add ones for those subscriptions and want to simplify things. Thanks
What New this November in Zoho Subscriptions
We are back with a set of new amazing features lined up for you this month. We are continuously looking for ways to provide you the best subscription management experience. So without further ado, let's dive in and take a look at the features and updates we've worked upon the past few months. Secure Export of Data Are you worried about security when it comes to exporting your data? You can now choose whether you want to include any sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) while exporting
Generating hash value for webhooks security
Hey, so there is a feature for securing webhooks, however, the docs are very unclear The example you provided is not useful, since the JSON object is very simple and not similar to the one I get (the object of the example is flat). Can you please provide a better explanation for the string generation? in what way should the key values be sorted? do I have to flatten the JSON? do I have to sort it recursively? should I use hex
Payment Method DirectDebit - Invoice can not be sent at invoice date automatically...?!
We are using Zoho Subscriptions for our SaaS-Business in Germany. We understand, that the function of sending invoices automatically to customers is linked to the successful payment of the invoice, but concerning to legal and ususal reasons (in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and most of the countries in EU) the invoice has to be sent on the day or the day after invoice date to customers – it must not be addicted to the payment and for example, when payment was not successful, no invoice will be sent…
5 years of Zoho Subscriptions - Thanks to you!
To our community and team, Five years ago, Zoho Subscriptions started its journey toward easier billing for recurring payments. Today, we'd like to thank you, our lovely customers, for helping us get this far. While we are grateful to all of you, we'd like to extend a special thanks to Larry, Tolu, and Jaspar who have made valuable contributions to our Zoho Subscriptions community. Thanks for taking the time to help your fellow Zoho Subscriptions users and help grow their businesses, too. :) We
Changing Subscription
Hi, I have a question about what happens when I edit/change a subscription. When a subscription is created, it automatically pro-rates the amount from the date it was created, until the next billing date - this is good. When I edit a subscription and change, for example, the plan, it prorates from today until the next billing date. However, the issue arises with what happns to the "old" plan. When the "new" plan is less per month than the "old" plan, Zoho doesn't seem to properly credit the account
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