Cannot find a Reply a Campaign recipient sent.
I'm just starting to use Campaigns. In the Sent Campaigns report, I see that there are "Replies" to the campaign email, but none of those replies actually arrived in the Campaign Sender's inbox. Where did they go?
Zoho Campaigns messed up my Signup Form
I have a Contact List that many months ago I setup and configured a custom Signup Form template for. Just today I clicked on the form design to review it. All of a sudden with no input from me, Zoho changed the form theme and colors! I clicked cancel to not save the changes Zoho made. Zoho changed all the changes anyway! Just to reiterate, I literally did nothing, Zoho changed the template on me automatically. So this is half rant and half bug report that Zoho Campaigns screwed up our signup form
Marketer’s space — How to track your email campaign performance
Hello, As a marketing analyst, you come across tons of information that gives you a look into your campaign performance, market trends, and customer insights. Amidst this huge amount of data, sometimes you’re not sure if you’re looking at the right numbers or drawing the right conclusions. In this week’s series, we’re going to discuss tracking an email campaign's performance and how to get a detailed understanding by interpreting the reports. Tracking click activity Link Click Activity is an
Confirmation Email: cant add additional textfields
Hi, i need to add a goodbye text below the confirmation url in the confirmation email. But i cant find the option anywhere to add aditional text fields and the reset button doesnt work.
Push your Campaigns Status to Fields in CRM
Often our users in CRM want to filter contacts on the basis of their Campaigns’ status but at the same time it is a tedious task to open every contact and find the status with respect to their sent campaigns. Zoho Campaigns offers "Push Campaigns Status" option which can push the Campaign status to the text area fields in Contacts or Leads module, respectively. Now, you can create a view on the basis of status and easily filter depending upon open rate or click rate. Thus you can target the filtered
Zoho Campaigns SMS Reports
Hi Team - I was able to successfully send SMS campaigns in Zoho Campaigns. However, the reporting part is, I think, broken. When I go into Reports, SMS Campaign Based Reports, delivered is 0 even though I can see the Message History in SMS Magic. I have 2 SMS Campaigns that ran and both of them have 0 delivered. The first SMS Campaign has my mobile number and I was able to receive the SMS Campaign but delivered is 0. SMS Magic has the Message History that says SMS was delivered successfully. Can
Tip of the week 53- Seven tips to make 2020 the best email marketing year yet.
Mobile friendly emails on the go: Make your emails campaigns compatible with different devices, especially mobiles. Factors such as email width, misalignment in the format of the template are just some of the disruptions you can face. Use pre-loaded templates and stay safe while reaching a larger spectrum of audience who open their emails from mobile phones. Minimalist content is best content: Craft contents which say a lot with very less effort. People today prefer not to spare the extra minutes
How many campaigns a month can I send?
I would like to know how many campaigns can I send per month through my account, and how many contacts can I have on my contact list.
Marketer's space: Signup Form - Identifying contacts who enter the mailing list through a specific signup form
In the previous post, we learned about identifying the signup form that is visited the most. In the final post of this series, we we'll learn how to identify contacts who enter the mailing list through a specific signup form and then how to send a welcome email to them. First, you must add a tracking text to your signup form. After adding a tracking text to your signup form, you can map it to a custom field in your mailing list so that you can identify the contacts who enter through the signup
Campaign Automation
I would like to create a workflow to send a series of campaigns every time a new lead record is created in Zoho CRM. I initially tried to create a workflow rule in the leads module but does not seem to be correct. Is this possible through Zoho Capmaigns?
Marketer's space: Signup Form - Identifying the signup form that is visited the most
In yesterday's post, we learned about identifying which device and operating system contacts used to sign up. Today, we'll learn how to identify which signup form is visited the most. The tracking code report tells you the number of visits a signup form has received. To identify which signup form is visited the most, you simply use this report and compare the performance of all your signup forms. This will help you identify areas that generate more leads so you can position your signup forms
Marketer's space: Signup Form - Identifying the device and operating system used by contacts
In the previous post, we learned about tracking through which source a contact has signed up via your signup form. Today, we'll learn about identifying the device and operating system contacts are using to sign up. The Devices and Operating Systems report displays the number of contacts, device (Android or iOS mobiles), and operating system (Windows and Mac) from which contacts signup. This data will help you understand your contacts better and improve your campaign's performance. How to view
Marketer's space: Signup Form - Tracking the signup source
Hello Marketers, In our previous series of posts, we learned about using unsubscribe callback URL and notification settings. This week, we'll learn about some exciting features of signup forms such as tracking the signup source, identifying the device or operating system used by contacts to sign up, and more. Tracking signup sources Signup form reports offer valuable insights into conversions that have occurred through signup forms. A source report sheds light on sources like websites, blogs,
【2020年1月17日(金)無料セミナー@東京】 Zoho Campaigns。もっともオーソドックスな使い方。 ~Zoho CRM連絡先の同期編~
あけましておめでとうございます。 本年もよろしくおねがいいたします。 新しい年を迎え、今年は新しい集客施策で動いていきたい、情報発信していきたいといった方もいらっしゃるかと思います。 昨年好評いただいていたZoho Campaignsのセミナーを本年も実施することになりましたので、是非ご参加いただき、今年のスタートを盛り上げましょう。 --- Zoho Campaignsの評価として、 「使い方がわかれば簡単。だけど、一部操作方法を忘れてしまうと、作業がとまってしまう。」 そんなお声をよくいただきます。 色々な機能を搭載しているので、難しく見えがちなZoho Campaignsですが、 「ここだけを覚えれば大丈夫」という最低限のコツをお伝えします! CRMのリストにキャンペーンメールを何度か送ってみたけど、スムーズに行かない方。 これからキャンペーンを使おうと考えている方。 是非お越しください! 今回のセミナーでは、裏技や、特別な使い方をお伝えするのではなく、 王道の王道 をきちんとお伝えすることにしました。 2020年は、メールマーケティングを活用して、 リードに、お客様に、貴社の商材への熱い想いを伝えてください。
みなさま、あけましておめでとうございます。 最近は年賀状を送る方が少なくなってきていて、また、転居などで新住所がわからない方もいますので、メールで年賀のあいさつを送ろうと久しぶりにZOHO CAMPAIGNを出してきました。 以前、作成しておいたCRMの連絡先(任意の取引先種別)の数が増えていないようで、でも定期的に更新はしてるみたいなのですが、もう一度設定を見直そうとするとCRMの連絡先に接続できませんと出てきます。 無料プランではCRMからデータを取得できなくなったのでしょうか?
Linking to an Anchor from Campaigns
I have created a campaign and I am trying to link that to a page on our website that already has an anchor in place. I labeled the anchor "schedule". The link I am trying to use is: url-of-page/#schedule It is not working, takes me to the page but not to the point on the page that I need. What am I doing wrong?
Tip of the week 52 - How to smartly restart your email marketing for 2020
As a marketer, you had likely put your email marketing on autopilot before leaving for your vacation to ring in 2020. So once you come back and start chalking out strategies for 2020, tap into the insights your automation tool has in store. Apart from triggering emails based on your predefinitions, today's automation tools depict the complete buying journey of your contacts. If analyzed closely, these reports help you understand the tastes and preferences of your contact. Zoho Campaigns, for
Marketer's Space: 2019 Recap
Today we're continuing to recap everything we covered in 2019. Here's a link to yesterday's post. Today, we'll revisit the final section of posts made in 2019. As we mentioned in our last post, throughout the year, we took a closer look at different features in Campaigns and the elements that make them tick. Below you'll find links to where we explored each of those elements in further detail. Merge Tags Social Merge Tags Contact Merge Tags Video Merge Tags Vcard Merge Tags Signup Forms Associating
Linkedin image post is messed up
Hi, I have sent a linkedin post update and this is what i am getting. This is NOT acceptable!!!!!!!!, as it has gone to all my connections. Is it meant to show an image or just a link. Cos showing a link like you have done to an image is... pants... any ideas?
Kickstarting email marketing 2020 with new updates from Zoho Campaigns
Dear users, Along with wishing you a happy and prosperous 2020, we're here to announce some exciting updates to simplify your email marketing process. One key aim we resorted to is to help you achieve more in less time and with better focus. The creative enhancements we've made in Zoho Campaigns reflect this, and you can be prepared to increase your customer engagement just as 2020 gets started! Here's a quick walk-through of our updates: Email campaign updates: 1. One-page campaign creation: No
Marketer's Space: 2019 Recap
Hello Marketers, It is the dawn of a new decade, and we take immense pleasure in wishing you a wonderful 2020. This year, Marketer's Space will be buzzing with interesting updates about Zoho Campaigns. Before we get going with the next series of posts, let's recap our 2019 posts today and tomorrow. Throughout the year, we took a closer look at different features in Campaigns and the elements that make them tick. Below you'll find links to where we explored each of those elements in further
New Year wishes from Zoho Campaigns team!
Dear Customers, With the end of anything, comes reflection. On this new year eve, we reflect how in the last decade, this user community became a platform to share ideas, ask questions and importantly an ecosystem of mutual learning. Zoho Campaigns wishes its customers a great year ahead with your business reaching new heights and success. Happy and prosperous New Year 2020! Best regards, Zoho Campaigns team.
CRM-Campaign Sync
Hi I am a one of sales of our company. I want to do CRM/Campaign Sync. I added a CRM/Campaign Sync but it seems it related to our admin... (as the first screenshot) Then the sync begains. I only have about 4k contact in my crm..(as second screenshot) However, I added more than 40k contact into my list. For sure I have added contact from my colleague's crm system. We are zoho one user and I am sure all the crm user have been granted access to Campaign. Why there is so many contact from my colleagues
Campaign CRM Sync
Hi I only have 4k contacts in my crm and started to sync.Then I added 40k contact into my campaign list. I believe U added my colleagues contacts.(as attached) Please check urgently
Saving eCommerce Email Template
Hello, when i try to save a advanced campaign template to my library, I cant use it again bause the only way i can recall it is through a regular campaign which does not connect to my shopify store. I donlt want to use the zoho templates and im spending alot of time each email i send editing. can you help! thanks in advance
Hello, Please i am trying to set up spf/dkim for my account. there is a 3rd domain the system generated automatically which i could not verify as i don't own the domain. Here are domains i have verified and that i own: This is the auto generated one that i couldnt verify can i ignore it please? and how can it be deleted ... thanks
How could I find QR code for a form of a campaign
Hi I know in ZOHO Form app which could have QR code for the form. But in form of campaign, there is not QR code option. Any idea and suggestion?
Campaigns_ Multiple Segments
Our contacts can be sorted by region and industry. Example we have Day Cares as an Industry, and geographically broken down by 7 regions ( Southwest, West Coast, Southeast ect) I want to send a campaign to Daycares who are in Southeast, Southwest and Midwest regions. When I set up the segmented list as follows Industry is Daycare and Region is Southwest and Region is Southeast and Region is West Coast No contacts show up in the list. What am I doing wrong
Campaigns rejects a valid public Vimeo url
This is a valid, public Vimeo url. The Campaigns error message is "The URL must have been moved or deleted." It seems that Campaigns only accepts a Vimeo URL like this:
ZoHo Campaigns refuses Survey Monkey survey because "no collector has been added"
My Survey Monkey and ZoHo Campains accounts are connected but when I select a Survey in ZoHo Campaigns it says "Selected survey has no collector'. But that's not true! I can't get any further, help!
How to Remove Footer from Campaigns Emails
Hi, I need to remove the footer completely from my email. Have done this with header successfully however no joy with footer. Cheers
Anyone willing to give me a demo of how you use Campaigns?
I am looking for opinions from current users of Campaigns. What do you like and not like? Why did you choose Campaigns over MarketingHub? And would you be willing to do a quick screen share and show me how you are using it?
Hard Bounced Email Addresses
Over the past several months, I have received lots of emails from people wanting to know why they no longer receive my weekly essays. The campaign email list is handled by Zoho. When I attempt to restore these hundreds of addresses, I am told that they are "hard bounce" and thus cannot be restored. What in the world can I do about this?
Customer name in subject mail
Hello, I can't insert customer name in subject line, I insert $[FNAME|Subscriber]$ but I read FNAME in the mail arrived. Of course, all customer data are filled in and mapped What am I doing wrong? Thank you
Marketer's Space - Notification Settings - For opt-in
Hi, In the previous post, we discussed setting notifications for campaign reports. In today's post, let's see how to set up notifications to receive information about contacts signing into specific mailing lists using signup forms or APIs. Let's explore the feature with a user scenario: Zylker, an online store, maintains separate mailing lists for different product categories like electronics, apparel, and so on. Patricia, the marketing head, needs a monthly report of contacts opting in to different
Marketer's Space - Notification Settings - Campaign reports
Hi, Have you ever thought how convenient it'd be if you received email notifications on your marketing activities? How about receiving email notifications about your sent campaigns and mailing lists at your preferred time? In this week's email series, we'll discuss how you can achieve this using Zoho Campaigns. The Campaigns feature Notification Settings lets you set up notifications to receive reports of sent campaigns, a list of contacts who've signed up for mailing lists using signup forms, and
Is there a way to pass form submissions to new contact records in Campaigns?
Hi, Upon submission of a Zoho Form, I would like to pass these submissions to create a new contact record in Campaigns contact list. Is there a way to do this? - JR
why the forms shows in Chinese?
Hi we designed signup form in English and when we open it it shows Chinese
Response of sign up form
Hi When I set up response of sign up form, I found it is really stupid that I can't customize the response email content. When lead sign up, I want to send him a email so that he can have the link to download our research report rather than ask him to confirm his sign up again. Can I just delete the confirmation bottom and add a report link????
Custom field missing in email?
Hey everyone I created a custom field in the Zoho Campaigns setting, but when I create a new mail to send out to my customers and I want to add this custom field to the email, it's not in the list. Please can anyone help with this? Thank you in advance, Shaun
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