Zoho Commerce Communauté

    • Announcements

    • [Free Webinar] Build an online store and boost your sales with Zoho

      Good day, everyone! We're hosting a free webinar that will walk you through the ecommerce business cycle and showcase how Zoho Commerce and Zoho Inventory bring efficiency and innovation to your business at every stage from start to sale. Don't miss out
    • Most Discussed Topics

    • Credit card issue

      Hi guys, I have two payment method enabled, Stripe (Credit Card) and Paypal. If customer select Credit Card at checkout ZC open Paypal page. We notice this issue just now....someone have some problem? Thanks,
    • Quotes in Commerce?

      In Zoho Ecommerce, I need to be able to generate quotes, negotiate with customers, and then generate invoices. Currently, I plan to integrate Zoho CRM to generate quotes. After negotiation and confirmation, I will push the details to Zoho Ecommerce to
    • Zoho Commerce Major Display Issues Across Webstore

      Dear Support Team, I am writing to report a significant display issue affecting our entire Webstore. Upon accessing our website:https://switeu.zohocommerce.eu/, the following problems are consistently observed across all pages: Overly Large Magnifying
    • Change Product Details Style for Specific Product

      What code can I inject somewhere to make the product details style for just one of my products be one of the other styles? I want to change theme-product-details-style-02 to theme-product-details-style-06
    • Is there any way of hiding products from consumer view in Zoho Commerce?

      I'm considering using ZCommerce as a POS in my physical store, as until now, there's no other POS option from Zoho (sigh...). The problem is that in the physical store, I will sell some products that are not available in the online store. So, my question