Solution to circumvent API Limit
I have a report (1) for which I make 1 API call to get 200 records. Each record is connected via lookup (2_id) to another report (2). Now I want to get some fields from report 2 for each record in report 1. (without adding every field as a lookup) I tried
Photo Upload Field: Reduce File Size
Hi Zoho Team Do we have a roadmap for this topic to reduce the uploaded file. As of now, we noticed that whenever our Engrs. upload a photo onto our service report app, Creator will retain the original file size. Unlike Zoho Forms, it does have an option
How do I find out the user account id from an email ?
I'm creating an employee register by using an API from our HR system (not Zoho People) and I want to link the zoho account of employees to this record. However I can't use the associated email and I can't find a way to get the account id. For example
Data Dictionary code
FYI: void Utilities.Data_Dictionary() { // the following code INFOs tab-delimited form and field info for analysis in a Google or Zoho Sheet or Excel // "allcreatorscopes" is an internal connection that has access to all Creator scopes // // the delimiter
Concern with the Record Template
Hi Zoho Team Do we have a way to have this alignment issue be addressed. Here's an issue when a report been generated back to Zoho Desk as an attachment on the email. On the report, if a page been added tendency is that the alignment was off on the 2nd
Control Over Pre Set Print Settings
Hi, I was wondering if theres any way to have control over the print settings. For example i have two HTML pages that require printing frequently. However they both require different printers with different settings. It becomes annoying having to set
Generate a QR code from Form data
Hi everyone, Simple function from which I can't seem to find other people in the same case. I want to create a form with a few fields (client name, product name, date). Whenever the form is filed up, a QR code is automatically generated from the data filled in and available for printing. Is that not possible? Looking much forward for your help! Cheers.
Is creating this Order Management tool possible in Zoho Creator?
Hello! My company is looking to automate our open orders (we still use paper…) and has tasked me with finding a solution. I have worked with Smartsheet and ventured down a few other platforms that have not worked. (Our POS is pretty limited and does not
View Audit Trail field
The Audit Trail feature is great, but its data is only available to admin users. It would be really great to have a system field "Audit trail" that we can add to the detailed view of a record. This would allow supervisors, directors and etc. to quickly track what changes have been done by whom for each record. It is a current feature from a client of mine and while it's probably possible to hard code it, since this data is already available in Zoho, I would be surprised to hear how hard it would
How to add and remove fields that can be mapped when importing from Excel
I am trying to import an Excel sheet which will come out of our POS and create an Order Management tool. When I try to import it says I have to map columns, but when I go in to map them, there are "required" fields like "Delivery Agency" which we will
Create dynamic link in HTML snippet - link change based on form input value
I need to create a page in CREATOR, where there is a form and a iframe below the form. The iframe will show a picture so I need the link to be changed dynamically each time the field input (field name: ClassID) I added the form as usual, then add a HTML
record_summary ID?
How do I get the ID? I have this as an example for a a "comment" I @ mentioned myself on. <SNIPPED>/record_summary/UAS_Aircrafts_Report/3850763000000308019/ How do I get this full URL???
Create multi-value lookup field for recording class attendant
I am a newbie for Zoho Creator and facing an unsolved challenge. In a lesson, the teacher need to record all attendant student (children). These are two requirement: - The student data should be retrieved from ZOHO CRM (Account object) so the teacher
Custom filter with muti select partially working/broken
I have configured a custom filter on my report as <multi select field> does not contain <value from options> OR <multi select field> is null. I have done this through the UI, which leads me to believe such functionality is supported. If I only select
Redirect to Form populating field based on the report item that called up the form
I have a Report named "All Invoices". I have added an Action button to that report that once clicked redirects to a Form "Worked By" where I select the staff that worked on that invoice. That Form "Worked By" has two fields: - Invoice Number (lookup to Form Invoices); - Staff (lookup to Form Staff); Is there a way to pre-populate the Invoice Number on the Form "Worked By" based on the line item on the Report "All Invoices" that caused it to be opened? Thanks, OV
"Copy Link" missing on web?
I see copy link on mobile for a form item, but its not on web?
Join us for the Zoho Creator Developer Meetup on September 12th!
We're excited to announce the Zoho Creator Developer Meetup, scheduled for September 12th, from 10am to 1pm at the Zoho campus in Chennai. This meetup will celebrate creativity, collaboration, and innovation in low-code application development. Here's
When I am creating a new customer, after filling all necessary details I am getting this error message "Invalid value passed for attention" . I am not able to figure out what is causing this.
I haven't done anything different from other times but not sure why it wont let me save the new customer.
Calculate Hours Minutes Sec in Zoho Creator Using Deluge
check_In = "8-Aug-2023 10:00:00".toDateTime().toLong(); checkout = "8-Aug-2023 18:00:00".toDateTime().toLong(); //difference = start.timeBetween(end); check_In = "8-Aug-2023 17:56:50".toDateTime().toLong(); checkout = "8-Aug-2023 18:00:00".toDateTime().toLong();
Error parsing XML List
Hi, I'm trying to parse an XML list the way it is shown in the Zoho documentation. Here is my code: mapvar = getUrl("http://xxxxxxxxxxxx"); xmldata = mapvar.toXML(); strdata = xmldata.executeXPath("/root/value/items"); xmllist = strdata.toXmlList(); for each thing in xmllist { datestring = thing.executeXPath("/items/date/text()"); } When I execute, it gives me an error when it gets to the last line. This is the error: Execution Failed Error details: Error occured while executing
Custom SMTP relays
Hi, It is possible to use a custom SMTP relay server to send out email? Thank you
Redirection in iFrames
Hi, I have a Form which is published. The Form directs to a Page on submission, which is also publushed. When I put the iFrame code provided for the publish Form on a website the Form works fine, however the redirect to the published Page does not work.
Dynamic Lookup boxes?
Hi, I have 2 forms. One is a form of Training Sessions (location, date etc), and a form of Bookings, where people have booked the sessions. I need to create a Register, so another form where attendees can register their arrival to a session. I want the
How to make a formula that incorporates other formula fields?
Hi, im creating a complex quoting tool in Zoho Creator. Im using formula fields to calculate the price of certain add ons. I need another formula field to add all of these other formula results together. How can I do that?
How to use a conditional formula based on a lookup?
Hi, I need a formula that is something like this : if(Test = TRUE, if(Installer.toString() == "Patriot", 1000, 0), 1). However, Installer is a lookup field and zoho doesnt seem to be catching that. How can i make that work?
Zoho creator Integration with Biometric
Hello, Is there anyway to store biometric details for each employee inside my custom made Zoho creator application as a field and then use it to track attendance of the employees, if there is any what device do you recommend to be used for tap-in\out and what api should i use. Thanks,
Adding Subform Row Values together
I am having a hard time figuring out how to add values from a subform together. I have a subform called - Payment_Information When people pay us, I record the payment in that sub form called - Amount_Received. If they pay in full, it's just one line and
Auto fill in fields after selected lookup dropdown menu
Hi everyone~ good evenning/morning I am a very new and beginner of Zoho creator. i have test almost a week, and created some databases and forms for users. i am started to love zoho products and i am considering to have paid version instead of trial version.
Page Parameters broken with Page Variable Release
My page parameters are coming through as empty now that page variables have been released. I am unable to use the name of the page parameter to create a new page variable and I am unable to delete the old parameter to free up the name. I have tested a
Track date variable across a page
Hi I'm creating a page that has a few charts that pull data from another table. At the top of the page i have 2 buttons that allow the user to go back a month or forward a month in data that they're looking at and a text field that displays the current
Activate python application
Is it possible for a deluge code to activate a python application ? Say i create a deluge program, in that deluge program, i need it to activate a python application stored on my drive Would that be possible, and if so, what would the code look like
Sending Emails - Creator/ZeptoMail/Campaigns
Hi There, I'm looking for some advice on the topic of sending emails triggered by content in a creator application. We have a customer & order system application in creator and would like to start sending out emails to customers for order confirmations,
Field Service Management Application
Hello all...I am currently trying to use Zoho Creator to create a field service management ticketing application. I am new to Zoho, and coding in general, and know that I am in over my head at the moment, but this effort is borne out of necessity. Right now I am working on a relational database style diagram on how everything will tie together. I initially thought that everything that needed to be visually present when working a ticket (not necessarily creating a ticket) would be included on a
Deluge Script: Option to copy Rows from another Subform
Hi Zoho Team, Do we have an option to copy existing Field Rows(excluding the value) from a subform to another subform(stateless) on the same form. I hope I make sense :d
Please can we have an edit link when viewing a related form from a list view report?
Its great that a list view can display URLS for lookup field values which give you a preview of the related form. However, without being able to edit the displayed record you tend to have to bring up and other browser window and locate the other record from its dedicated list view report. Ive seen complicated work arounds to bury the edit URL into a field which is the included in the linked record view but thats just nasty IMO. Please could zoho add an edit link into the view record popup.
"Oops, something went wrong." on Google Drive import to Creator
This is peculiar, because I've been uploading records to my Creator app via Google Drive for over a year now, and it's always done just fine. However, over the last month or so, anytime I try, I get as far as attaching the file and then get a mysterious
Custom Sign-in and Sign-out
I've had a number of users ask me "how do I sign-out" when the sign-out link is clearly on the upper right of the page. To make it more obvious, you can use this bit of code to make a sign-out button on the top of any HTML view. You can customize the serviceurl as needed. <a class="zc-formbutton" style="padding: 5px;font-size:12px;" href="<%=zoho.adminuser%>/<%=zoho.appname%>/">Sign-Out</a> And since we're on this topic, you can
Click on Table Row to Edit
Hello, I am very new to Creator. Thank you for your help. I created a Report and added several Tables from Related Blocks. I want to be able to click on a row in the Related Block Table to edit the data. I am creating a Sales Pipeline App. The Contact
Accepting Callbacks in a Zoho Creator application
Hello - I have a Zoho Creator application that needs to query data from views (asyncronously) in Zoho Analytics. Using the Zoho Analytics API, I can submit an Export Job that includes a CallbackURL, whereby Analytics will POST to the URL when the export
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