report merging several tables
Hello There I am trying to build an application to manage payrolls. I built several tables such as: Companies Company name (field) Company ref (field) Departments Company name (lookup) Department name (field) Employees Employee Name (lookup) Employee number (field) Contracts Employee (lookup) Company (lookup) Contract # (field) Salaries Contract (lookup) Salary (field) Bonus type Contract (lookup) Bonus (field)
Get the current URL
After spending hours on the last simple thing, thought to ask this community instead of playing for hours and hours when someone probably already knows how to do this. I want to have a form field that gets the current URL dynamically of wherever the form is embedded store the url and show the link in the view - possibly with fixed text (or a button) on the view rather than lengthy URLs. Allowing the user to click and it will return to the page where the form was originally filled in. i.e. it is a
[API] Uploading file via API to existing record by ID
Hello, I'm trying to uploasd a PDF to an existing record using its ID via API as written in the instructions ( ). I succefuly created records on the form in my app. Then I took the record ID from
Zoho Creator - [Free Webinar] Creator Tech Connect - Creator's Latest Release Updates
Hello Everyone! Gear up for our next session in Creator Tech Connect Series! About Creator Tech Connect Series Creator's tech connect series would comprise of pure technical sessions in which we delve deep into key essentials and technical nuances while
Zoho Developer Community learning Initiatives
Developer Zoho User Group (ZUG) is a platform to encourage developers from the Zoho ecosystem to connect, learn, and share their expertise to find solutions for common business challenges. There are a couple of ongoing initiatives to help you get onboarded
Dynamic Filter on a look up field on a form based on the input of another look up field
Hello, I am trying to set up a dynamic filter where a look up field "Sending_Entity" in a form can then filter the drop down list of another look up field "Sending_Account". I tried setting the filter for "Sending_Account" as "Input.Sending_Entity", but
Title and Link Color Changed?
yesterday I could have sworn that the title color and link color were blue. now they are red. can this be reversed?
Zoho C6 Customer Portal Audit Logs
Is it possible for App Admin to audit customer portal user activity in Zoho Creator 6?
Data transfer Creator to CRM
Hello, We are currently using an application in Creator to create visit reports to Accounts. These visit reports are linked and visible on a related list in the ZOHO CRM. Anyway, we are thinking to stop using Creator and create a custome module in ZOHO
Did anything change recently with Zoho Creator?
I have been using a few contact forms on my personal websites. I have been away for a while and Zoho Creator account went dormant. I logged on and reactivated the same. However when I quickly tested my contact form got this notification. The actual content
Zoho Creator Embed Code is being Blocked
I am able to test the embed code as a direct link on the webpage. However when I try to embed the same into the Iframe I am getting the belowsaid error message Should I enable any settings for embed within the iframe?
How to compare records collected in creator to outside data
I have built an app in creator that gathers user input data that I need to check and see if it matches an outside data source for quality control purposes. It seems like doing this within Creator is not a great option, so I am looking for a way to do
Editing records via Record-ID for public url
With the usage of Record-ID we can edit a specific record directly from the url. I have found many posts here which are really helpful of how we can do that. But do you have any example of how we can do it when we have a published form??
OAuth 2.0 authentication compatibility with Creator as the client
I have been stuck for awhile now on this. I am using data from the Tyler Data & Insights API to autofill fields in one of my forms, when a unique ID is passed to one of the fields. Since some of this data is private, I am using their workflow for OAuth
Random String Generator
Suggestion: Random String Generator Purpose: A built-in function that can generate a random string. Tastes great with password input field! Motivation: Zoho Creator is missing a random-number generator. Examples: Create a strong password for a user. Alternative to Zoho ID#. Implementation: The function would have the parameters: character length, number range, and option to include alphabet charters (lowercase) Issues: Limited audience I bet. References: none I could find
Fetching records with multiple sort criteria
Wondering if anyone has had success running through a for each collection with multiple sorting instructions.... Example In a view's script you have.... sort by ( rep_name_grid ascending Talked_to_this_rep descending ) In a collection it looks like this..... for each r in Form_Name [group == group_var] sort by rep_name_grid range from startval to (endval - 1) However, in collecting records you set asc and desc in the scriptbuilder :) I tried to make the syntax work
How can I set a message to show when an upload file is loading?
We have an upload and parse script that goes through almost 2,000 records and takes a littler over 2 minutes to process. I would like the user to see a message that instructs them to be patient and allow the file to finish processing before trying to
Change of multiline fields behavior in templates
Until a few days ago, the multiline text fields of the templates made the corresponding line breaks to adapt the text to the width of the container. Recently, without me making any changes to the templates, the behavior has changed and now the text doesn't
Auto Add Subform in Zoho Creator
Hello, Could you please help me with how to auto create subform in Zoho Creator? Here is an example: Mainform Start Date is 14.11.2017 End Date is 17.11.2017 No.of Overnights is 3 nights. Is that possible to auto create 3 subform (based No.of Overnights). First one "Date (Overnight)" is 14.11.2017 (the same as "Start Date") Second one "Date (Overnight)" is 15.11.2017 Third one "Date (Overnight)" is 16.11.2017 Please check the below photo. Thank you in advance for your help!
Deluge code error in crm function
function getProductsByCategory() { products = zoho.crm.getRecords("Products"); categories = {}; for each product in products { category = product.get("Product Category"); if (categories.containsKey(category)) { categories.get(category).add(product); }
Automate and schedule data export CSV to a fisical folder
Greetings, I need to plan to export a table to a folder to synchronize with another software. At the moment I manually export from the settings screen of my "companies" table and save the csv in a specific folder on the physical server accessed by the
fields should be enable in a particular time
Hi, i have a form with 3 time fields,start time end time and shift time.and i added some data into it.Another form with shift time as lookup and some other fields.if start time<shift time<end time the forms fileds should be enable.otherwise fileds should
can't create report with connected datasource Form
Am I correct that in creator can't create report with connected datasource Form (or even add record from another form) I connected my form with zoho sheet and can't do anything more than send data to the sheet Is there any other option?
Zoho Creator - [Free Webinar] Learning Table Series for Logistics
Hello everyone! The most pivotal part of building any application is to understand the industry, business operations and standard features/functionalities that are required to get the operations going. Industry is the key here and every feature that we
How do I filter a subform lookup based on a main form lookup?
We represent multiple vendors as commissioned sales reps. We track our sales by entering them on a Purchase Orders tracking form. One of the fields on the main form is Vendor, a lookup from the Vendors table. The form has a subform to select the Product sold, and enter the cost and order quantity. The subform field Product is a lookup from the Products table. I would like to limit the list of Products in the dropdown to only those sold by the Vendor that was selected on the main form. I can't figure
Show Hide Zoho Creator subform Fields
It seems like ZOHO has recently launched a new feature that allows users to hide/show Subform row fields, which was highly anticipated. Previously, users were using the disable/enable feature for this purpose. Reference Code:- if(row.College_Name.isEmpty()
Migrate from C5 to C6, what synchronisation I should take care of ?
Hi, We have multiple applications in C5. Goal to is migrate to C6, but these applications have connections with other Zoho apps (CRM and Books), and also external websites with incoming and outgoing webhooks (REST API). When migrating to C6, how these
bulk edit records and run internal logic
hi there is few logics in manner "it this than that" logics work well when i edit entry openning it one by one (via workflow "on add/edit - on success" , for custom field "on update/on user input") but when i try bulk edit records - logic does not work. how can i turn on logic to work as programmed - for mass editing records via bulk edit?
Build a table from an API request
Hi! Do you think it is possible to achieve this functionality in the Creator? On opening the app, it loads data from Books (recently Shipped Packages). Basically, just one API call. Using the data, it displays a table with the packages and buttons. Tapping
close a form only with submit
Hi india Does any know how can i script the following : we can't close or update a form until the submision, in other word i want to prevent the user to close the form without passing by the button submision. I would like to see a kind of alert message, requesting the user to submit before closing his page/form thank you in advance
Unable to insert record after modifying field data in "Parse data from uploaded CSV files into fields"
Hi, I followed the steps here and every time I modify the field data under the heading and re-upload I get an error message. \ I only
Zoho Creator - [Free Webinar] Creator Tech Connect - V2 API and Open API - Latest API Offerings in Zoho Creator
Hello Everyone! Gear up for our next session in Creator Tech Connect Series ! About Creator Tech Connect Series Creator's tech connect series would comprise of pure technical sessions in which we delve deep into the key essentials and technical nuances
Zoho Creator - [Free Webinar] Learning Table Series for Real Estate
Hello everyone! The most pivotal part of building any application is to understand the industry, business operations and standard features/functionalities that are required to get the operations going. Industry is the key here and every feature that we
Zoho Creator - [Free Webinar] Creator Tech Connect - Custom AI Models - No Code AI Offering in Zoho Creator
Hello Everyone! Gear up for our next session in Creator Tech Connect Series ! About Creator Tech Connect Series Creator's tech connect series would comprise of pure technical sessions in which we delve deep into the key essentials and technical nuances
Zoho Creator - [Free Webinar] Learning Table Series for Manufacturing
Hello everyone! The most pivotal part of building any application is to understand the industry, business operations and standard features/functionalities that are required to get the operations going. Industry is the key here and every feature that we
How to create lookup field that only list unique records
Hi, I have several single line fields in my form of which most have duplicate records, but I need the user to go through a 4 step process of selecting from a lookup list, then the next 3 fields will be a dynamic pick-list based on previous selections, but I don't want the duplicates to show up in any of these drop downs... I've tried to configure the lookup field with a distinct aggregate record function, but it either doesn't work or I'm doing it wrong. Is there a better way? Cheers Eric
Creation of a numbered list
I have read a lot of threads on why Zoho doesn't use loops, but here is a case that I seem to run into many problems trying to accomplish. It should be very very simple. In one form, I ask among other things, for a maximum (N) number of entries to expect in a related form. Thus, I would like a picklist in that other form that allows the user to choose which set (1 -- N) that form represents. Usually you would just create a for loop and use add item(num); num++; but that seems impossible on here.
Drag and Drop in Creator Application
Hi, I am in the planning phase of a new application and I would like to use 'Drag and Drop' in the user interface of my new Creator application that I am sketching out, but I don't seem to be able to find any reference that this is available to developers. In my instance I have table of entries and I would like to be able to allow users to move an entry to another table (much like you do in your own interface when creating a Pivot Table report. In addition, I would like the user to be able to re-order
Feature Request: disable specific dates from calendar (based on rules)
Hello, I have two fields: departure date and return date (for flight). Business logic is: - The departure cannot be in the past (the sooner is today) - The return cannot happen before the departure (the sooner is the same day as departure) Best option I've found is to display alert messages in case above rules are not validated. But instead of letting the user selecting dates that are not valid and then displaying an alert message, it would be better to prevent the user from selecting dates that
Possibility to create and send ICS file
Hi, I'm looking for a possibility to create an email which outlook can read. Discovered some, but don't know how to implent this into my script. I need to create a ICS file like this: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 11.0 MIMEDIR//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=US/Central:20071214T210000Z DTEND;TZID=US/Central:20071214T230000Z SUMMARY: TEST SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: TEST DESCRIPTION UID:tpn1456-33432 SEQUENCE:0 DTSTAMP:20071207T151700
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