URL shortener service
Does Zoho have an API-supported URL shortener service?
Calendar Resource View
Hello, I'm considering Zoho Creator for SaaS development and wanted to know if its possible to create a calendar (resources view, image attached) in soho creator?
Updating a file field without giving edit access to users
I have a form that includes a file field where users upload a document. Sometimes they don't have the document at the time they create the record, and since only the admin has edit access for security reasons, only the admin can edit that record and add
Report workflow on multiple records only passes one id...
I have a list of assessment records, and a report workflow that opens a stateless form so the user can choose who to assign one to and when it is due by. It also updates the status, and all works nicely, as long as it's one row at a time. But when I try
Passing multiple parameters in ZML
How do I pass multiple parameters in ZML. This does not work. <%{ %> <panel><pr height='fill' width='fill'> <pc width='100%' bgColor='#FFFFFF' padding='20px' hAlign="left"> <button text='<%=searchresult%>' size='3' color='#ffffff' bgColor='#0072F4' type='rounded' action='OpenPage' target='same-window' componentLinkName='test' cornerRadius='60px' parameters='test1=true&test2=true' /> </pc></pr> </panel> <% }%>
Error: Internal Exception
Hi Team, I'm trying to convert a page to a pdf file and send the attachment in an Email. It is working fine but sometimes it gives an error saying Internal Exception. I got to know that this error is due to the time limit it takes to execute the invokeURL.
Invoke URL to get Record Template
Hello, I am wondering if anyone else is having issues using the invoke function to get record templates. I have used this in the past with no issues, but it is now not working. file_to_fetch = invokeUrl [ url: "https://creator.zohopublic.com/<adminUserName>/<appLinkName>/record-pdf/<viewLinkName>/<RecordID>/<PreferredDownloadFilename>/<encryptedKey>"
Record Template with dynamic content?
We are trying to build a record template for Quotations. Some variables are involved in how a quote should appear when printed, such as: -Include or exclude Bill of Material (subform data). - Include or exclude multiple Bill of Materials -Include or exclude MSRP column in Bill of Material - Include or not include Scope of Work (Rich Text Field) Can we dynamically choose what elements appear in a template, or can we create multiple templates to choose from when printing a
calendar view
Hi, To work with the calendar it would be very useful to configure the calendar report view where the date are specified dynamically via URL. The idea is to be able to display the calendar in one day view. At the moment, it is possible to set the view
Number instead of Actual value
Hi All, I have created a form which gets data from other forms. For some of the field, it shows values in DIGIT instead of characters. For example, if i select any customer from drop down list the remaining fileds will get populated from other form. All fields are coming corectly except for CITY. Instead of city name (e.r. Newyork, it shows "1407460000000023095". Can someone help to figure this out? Regards, Medheal
Print as list in creator
Hi How can I put use the print as list feature within creator and include other details. What I am trying to do is create an invoice using the print as list feature. Thanks
Reorder report search fields
How do I rearrange the order of the search fields for a report? We have a lot of fields and it can be difficult to find the most used relevant ones that can be buried down. I tried to look at the application IDE and that does not have any effect. Something
Add Javascript on Workflow -> Send Email Notif ->HTML
Hi Zoho Team, Requesting to add Javascripting on HTML edit field so we can expound and apply more functions to it. As of now, it seems dead-end on our part as we don't have option to iterate table rows upon submission of the form. We will not take the
Help with scanning a barcode serial and transferring the scanned serial to another lookup field in Zoho Creator
I have two fields, same form: a barcode field and a lookup field. I want to scan a serial with the barcode field, and then put the serial in the lookup field, but I keep getting an error. The barcode field is a string field apparently and the lookup field
Location Field not found for use
I am wanting to use a Location Field that I've seen in some solution templates however in my list of Basic and Advanced fields there is nothing called this. I don't want anything as specific as an Address and unfortunately the Address field type requires
One big app or multiple small connected apps?
I have a question for everyone on their thoughts and knowledge with app design. I was originally using Appsheet before coming back to Zoho Creator. I am building an app or apps for my house flipping business and it has many facets such as CRM, project management, logistics, material lists, etc, etc. With Appsheet, the more tables, forms, and data you had in one app, the slower it became and would take minutes for the backend to reload after each edit. Creating multiple connected apps was way too
How to setup Tasks for multiple sections
I have various sections that could each have their own set of tasks associated with a record. For example for Projects there can be tasks, for Contacts there can be tasks and for Opportunities there can be tasks. Is it better to create a a single Task
Building for Multiple Organization Usage
I am creating a single solution where I want to be able to have multiple organizations with multiple users use it but not be able to see each others records, and have their own logo, etc. I haven't found any topics or knowledge base articles however I
Validate field entry against a multiple value
I am trying to validate a field entry where the value entered must be a multiple of a value. for example: if(input.field_value != "multiple of 10") { Alert "Value entered must be a multiple of 10"; } Has anyone done this or does anyone have an idea of
Storing strings larger than 64KB in creator forms
Greetings in my application i'm working on a widget where the user can input large amounts of text (screenplay scene outlines and actions), after the user is done with writing i want to save the input as stringified JSON in my form. the issue is that
Dynamic Geo-fence
It would be amazing if we could dynamically setup the Geo-fence for a form from deluge.
Custom Creator App continually breaking
Our ZOHO Developer created a ZOHO creator app that my field techs use every day. It has become an integral tool to dispatch my Field Techs and provide Customer Information, GPS, Crew Data, Time keeping, Sales Orders etc.. It would seem that anytime there
Figma Screen Import Procedure
Hi, How can I import and build functionality in screens imported from Figma and build logic above that.
Form-Style Properties
Hi, Is it possible to customize the style properties (height, margin) of the form fields?
Timer function in Creator
Zoho Projects and Zoho Desk make use of a little timer gadget. The user manually starts/stops it. I have a need for this type of control in Creator. Any plans to add it?
How do I get the sum of a field in a sub-form
I am completely new to Zoho Creator. Using the SUM documentation below, I attempted to use a formula field to sum a single numeric field in a sub-form. I could never get it to work. I then tried with all fields in a db with only one form. Still no go, and I got the same errors. Should sum() work in the Expression property of a Formula field? If not, where do I use it to get a total for a field? If the sum function is not the way to go, what is? Here are results of various entries in Expression
Is there any work-around to show/ hide formula fields?
Hi, how do I dynamically show/ hide formula fields? The straight-forward way ('show/ hide [formulafield]') doesn't work. Is there any credible work-around?
Zoho Creator Sub Forms as Popups
I saw somewhere that we could now make subforms view as popups instead of the left to right list used currently...Is this true? How can I get this? Thanks!
Tip 23: How to create a custom page using HTML
Hi folks, Reports and dashboards help you analyze your data better and make meaningful decisions. And while Creator handles most reporting right out of the box, it's not uncommon for a business to have its own particular reporting needs. That's when custom reports or pages come in handy. So this month, we wanted to cover a simple use case to show you how you can create a customized page using HTML snippets in Zoho Creator. Use case: Employee details are collected using the Employee Details form,
Form Workflow Action Order and Dependency
I'm trying to wrap my head around how the Creator workflow actions handle order. Is it expected behavior that the downstream actions do not have access to the upstream actions' input changes? And do downstream actions only start after the completion of
Best way to create a Typeform style form witin Creator?
Hi, Seeking opinions on the following, I am wanting to create an experience within creator, which is similar to a https://www.typeform.com/forms/ style whereby each page/question is unique in its design. What would be the best way of portraying this within
Create the same task daily
Hello All, Can you help me with the script for the issue as follows, please? I'd like to create a recurring task in a task management app. I have a starting date, and have a frequency field. If I create a new task I'd like to see this task from the starting
Autonumber missing values?
Hello, I have added an auto number field that is to generate and identify a new purchase and sale upon form submission. The number does not show in any report ... or anywhere. Yes I have tested by submitting forms... Is this a bug? Is there a fix? It
How to filter lookup field from parent lookup field
Hi, I've set 2 forms which are depended. Form A : list of materials (singletext field Materials) Form B : list of all colours (singletext field colour, singletext field material) the singletext field material in Form B, is for now a comma separated list
Disable "Import data" for a report
Hi, By default there are menu options to Import data (see screenshot) which I want to disable on a report, but I can't find how to do this? It must be really easy? Thanks
Dynamically filter page content based on User
I am trying to build a page inside of which goes 3 different reports. However, I don't want the user to be able to view all the records in each report. Is there a way to automatically filter the data in the reports on the page so that when a user logs in, they see a filtered view based on their log in? I can create different pages for each of the 15 users I am building this for, but that would cause a lot of work whenever I change the look of one of the pages, I would need to then go to the other
Hiding Search From Customer Portal Report
EDIT Sorry this is meant to be in Zoho Creator Forum - could an admin pelase move? I'd like to start using Zoho Creator as a Customer Portal but am finding it a bit too leaky on information. I'm trying to setup a simple report tracking contract dates
User Permisisons Export Pivot Table into Excel
I want a user to be able to export a pivot table report into excel. I have a form (Form A) that records therapy visits, it pulls data via Lookup field from a Client Form (Form B). I have created a pivot table report where a user can see the total minutes
Replace number in formula with text
Hi I want to replace the number of counting days in a formula box (((zoho.currentdate - input.Date_field)) / (1000 * 3600 * 24)).round(0) in the column "COUNTING_DAYS" with a text "Finished " when the "status" of the operation shows COMPLETED or CANCELED
O que seria Coluna Base e Coluna dependente?
Olá sou Leigo no assunto, porém tenho uma frota de veículo e sempre controlei as manutenções pelo Excel, vih por aqui que consigo criar um app através do upload do meu arquivo CSV, mais quando subi o arquivo pede pra Eu escolher essa coluna Base, alguém
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