WebDAV support
I need WebDAV support so that I can upload/download (and modify) documents from my local file system. Is anything planned in his direction?
Figure and Table Captions
It would also be great if you could support Insert cross reference so you can select a figure caption or table caption in the body of the text. The captions should renumber based on order if you insert a new figure or move figures around. The references in the doc should then reflect the new numbering.
uploading a document 15 mins. its still scanning for virus
Hi there, I tried uploading a document. A 75 KB .xls file, its been more than 15 mins. and it is still going about saying "Scanning for Virus" . There is also no idea whether the doc. has been uploaded or not ? Update :- It seems to have uploaded the .xls file but something doesn't work. It is not opening the .xls file. (I know the file is uploaded because I opened another tab and it shows the file has been uploaded.) It is showing "Unable to open xls file" .
WebDAV / FTP / SFTP protocols for syncing
I believe the Zoho for Desktop app is built using a proprietary protocol. For the growing number of people using services such as odrive to sync multiple accounts from various providers (Google, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, etc.) it would be really helpful if you implemented standard protocols such as WebDAV / FTP / SFTP so that alternative inc clients can be used.
Can I share my Zoho spreadsheet?
Hi everyone! I do the job of data entry any I perform my job on Zoho. my question is can I share my Zoho spreadsheet and database to other websites(3d animation production company). If yes, how can I do it? Looking forward to your answers. Thank you!
PDF Document creating, editing, digital signing?
Any chance you could provide PDF creating, editing,signing? Or perhaps integrate with http://www.pdfescape.com/ ? thanks, Linda
Can't seem to install the desktop version on my Raspberry Pi
I've tried the x86 and x64 downloads, but after extracting the files, when I execute I get the same pop up error message stating: "OS Architecture not supported. Please download armv7l bit setup of Zoho Docs to install". What can I do to install the correct version for my Raspberry Pi 4B running Raspbian with Linux kernel 4.19.97?
Shared docs not appearing
Things seemed to work fine until this afternoon (Feb 3 2010) . Now, when a new doc is shared (either to a group or a private share), the system reports "document successfully shared" and the proper email invite is sent out. HOWEVER, the document does not appear on the list of "documents shared by me" at my end. Nor does it appear on the list of "document shared to me" for any of the group with whom it was shared. Seems to be a recent system malfunction, or else I've really been pushing the wrong
Scanner for ZOHO Docs
I am planning to digitize the files in my firm. Is there a particular scanner that works best with Zoho DOCS?
How to delete Zoho Docs icon from Windows File Explorer
I have uninstalled Zoho Docs as I no longer use it. I do still have a zoho email account. But after uninstalling Docs the icon still shows up in my Windows File Explorer. If I try to get rid of it I get this message: Is there some way to completely remove the icon so it no longer shows up?
Direct Download Link
I saw how to share off a document to the public, which is great, but I was also wondering if there is a way to get a direct download link for a zoho doc. I would like to be able to simply send people my documents without them having to find download on the zoho page (not hard, but just for convenience)
Unable to remove zoho docs app from Window
The zoho docs app keeps popping up everytime when I login to the Window. Have tried to remove it (as it had already migrated) but unable to find the app under "Program". Please help to resolve the problem. Thanks
I'm trying to post to wordpress, hosted by me, but I can't configure it.
I'm writing my articles on zoho writer, but when is time to publish, I can't use the option post to wordpress. The only option I got is to post to a wordpress hosted blog, and I'm hosting my blog and I'm uable to find where to configure that. Thanks.
Portal - Client Upload to Doc
I am in need of a client portal. A place for a client to securely upload documents for my use. Does Zoho have an answer for this?
Links not working in PDFs created from Writer Docs
The hyperlinks to words or phrases I created in my Writer Doc stopped working when I export the document into a PDF. Fully written out URLS still work, such as http://www.zoho.com but the other words or phrases hyper-linked to external urls in the newly created PDF do not.
integrate zoho and wordpress
Hi, I have a buddypress site. I was wondering if I can integrate zoho with wordpress. So that every user can have his own workspace. Thanks, Aditya
on Premise solution with Zoho docs
I have an inquriy of a customer, who is interested in using Zoho Docs. His major concern is not to give confidential data out of the company. So my question is: Is there an onPremise solution for your great product available, that can be installed on a local server?
Deleting Document
Dear Sir/Mam, I had just begun to test Zoho so as to see how can I collaborate online on documents. I uploaded a .xlsx file which I want to delete now. It begins the 'Thrashing..' process to find this "You cannot trash the locked document(s)". I tried many a times but no gain. It neither gets deleted nor do I find the option to unlock it. Please guide on this. Thanks Sayed Imran.
Descargar archivos de zoho Docs
necesito subir un archivo a zoho docs y compartirlo con otros usuarios pero que estos no tengan la posibilidad de descargarlo, lo puse en la opción de 'Solo lectura' pero igual permite descargar. Agradezco sus aportes sobre este tema
How to store my website articles on zoho docs?
Hi Zoho Community Team, I am new here, I want to store my website all articles in Zoho Docs in form of folders. Is this possible. Kindly guide me. Thanks!
50 mb file size limit for Professional or Business accounts?
Hello, we need to share files up to 50 Mb, if I upgrade my account to Professionall or Bussines, the limit size upload desapear? Thank you, Batmoon
Embedding Sheet into Writer
I am trying to publish an area from Zoho Sheet into a Zoho Writer document. The process has worked one time. I have bounced between Chrome and Safari trying to solve. No luck. Please give me some guidance here. thx cld
All files are lost after migrate from Google Drive to Zoho Workplace
After click Migrate button, I received an email says: "Your migration from Zoho Docs to Zoho WorkDrive is complete". But there is no files in Zoho Workdrive. I mean completely empty. It says: There are no items Drag and drop or click here to upload. Anyone
Zoho Docs support now available for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and Linux-Mint
With the latest update, Zoho Docs sync now supports more versions of Linux. Here's a list of all the version supported for Linux: Linux Mint Debian Fedora Ubuntu Please note that .DEB packaging has been depreciated in order to simplify the installation process. Now, a common BIN installer is available for all the Linux versions.
Zoho Docs to Zoho Workdrive
Hello, Want help to migrate zoho docs to zoho workdrive. I tried to migrate it but couldn't do it. please guide me through it. Thanks
Bulk Download - Absurdity of having to pay for same
I remember when I first found Zoho Writer. Exactly what I had been looking for: document editing and storage in a browser. I loved it, so I wrote there exclusively for years. Time went by, and I moved on to other writing services for various reasons that have nothing to do with the zoho product. Now I want my old stuff out of your service, but I apparently "DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT" or "DON'T HAVE THE PERMISSION" to take ****MY STUFF**** out of your service. So that I am redirected to an "upgrade your
Zoho Docs EOL extended to March 15, 2023. Migrate to WorkDrive now!
Update: Zoho Docs access will be blocked for all users. Read this official post to know more. Most Zoho Docs individual and org users (including Workplace and Zoho One users) have already migrated their data and users to Zoho WorkDrive in response to
Zoho Docs Migration Not Working
I login to docs.zoho.com and see the migration message, with the MIGRATE NOW button. But when I click on that button, it redirects me to the admin portal of zoho mail ( https://mailadmin.zoho.com/cpanel/home.do#dashboard ) and the migration doesn't start.
Zoho Docs will be discontinued soon. Migrate to WorkDrive now!
Update: Zoho Docs access extended until March 15, 2023. Check out this latest announcement post for details. Since the release of WorkDrive in 2019, we have been moving customers from Docs to WorkDrive. We have taken the below steps in the last couple
Admin Panel? - Migration problem
Trying to do the migration thing as requested and instructed, but falling at the first hurdle... "Click Settings and go to Admin Panel" - except that when I click Settings, all it offers me is Connected Devices and Storage Details. I'm using a free version
Copy documents
Hi there, I recently started using Zoho and find it to be good solution so far. Although I have a simply requirement and it would appear (by reviewing the forum) that the functionality is not supported. I have created a spreadsheet document that I need to make a new copy of for each new client. However I understand that I can only make copies of uploaded documents and not native Zoho documents? I can't work out why this would be the case. Is this still a current limitation? thanks, Zane
ZohoDocs Desktop application doesn't work with latest UbuntuMATE LTS 22.04
Dear Sir/Madam, I have downloaded the latest tar.gz, extracted the contents and tried to install both by running the "zohodocs_installer.desktop" file or running the command "./.setup" as suggested in this post: https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/community/topic/ubuntu-20-04
Zoho Drive Sync Errors
I am receiving an error with Zoho Drive Sync. I previously had Workspaces created, however, I have deleted them from my computer and from the Web. The Sync program is giving errors regarding the inability to sync the folders. How can I fix this?
google docs file in zoho docs ?
is there a way to get the google docs files in zoho docs?
Save Writer Document to ZOHO Workdrive
Hi, i just switched my organization from ZOHO Docs to ZOHO Workdrive. Problem: When opening a blank Writer (or Sheet) Document i cannot save it to ZOHO Workdrive, but only to ZOHO Docs or to other Cloud Drives like Dropbox,..... any idea? kind regards Lambert
Automatically transferred from Docs to Workdrive?
Dear all, My colleagues want me to use Docs to access to their files. However, my attempt to access to Docs has never been successful. It is always Workdrive I end up. My colleagues insist that they authorized my account to access to Docs, but the log-in
Preview is not available
Can someone pls advise why only download is available in the following page? http://www.myairlease.com/article_170002_STATUS2 Thanks! EDIT It seems it now works(?) but I can't properly scroll through the doc, only the top part of each page is shown. I changed scrolling to "yes" but it didn't work so is it possible for any width/height to scroll down the document? Thanks!
Can I share my Zoho spreadsheet?
Hi everyone! I do the job of data entry any I perform my job on Zoho. my question is can I share my Zoho spreadsheet and database to other websites(3d animation production company). If yes, how can I do it? Looking forward to your answers. Thank you!
How to sync folders on my desktop?
Hi, I want to sync existing folders on my computer with my Zoho online docs. I'd rather not have to move the folders into the Zoho Docs folder on my computer. I just want to "assign" a folder on my computer to be synced. I looked at the Zoho settings on my computer, but it doesn't allow me to change the Zoho Docs folder to another folder. Any way to do this? Many thanks!
Turn off auto save
Hi, is there any way to stop Zoho writer from auto saving after almost every keystroke? It has bogged my system down to the point of not being able to work and honestly I'm more than fed up with it. This was never a problem in the past so I'm not sure
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