Zoho Flow Communauté

    • Announcements

    • Zoho Flow turns 5

      Hello everyone, We're happy to share with you that Zoho Flow has completed 5 years since its launch in 2018. With an objective of simplifying the need for custom integrations amongst everyday cloud apps, we launched the platform supporting 100 cloud apps
    • Most Discussed Topics

    • Zoho Flow won't save

      I am working on creating automatic itineraries on the Flow. Now, I have gotten my English templates and the flow to create this but I also have to create templates in Hebrew and I can't figure out how to make this save and run. I have a decision that
    • String to float in Zoho Flow

      Hi, I have set up a Zoho Flow between Zoho Books and Zoho Sheet to catch quotes with certain filters. the problem occured with amount data format. In Zoho Flow I get the quote amount as string and it is pased into Sheet as a text. Doeas anyone have any
    • Can't view image using the link fetch from the zoho form.

      So I connect the Zoho Form to Zoho Creator using the Zoho Flow but I can't view the image uploaded in Zoho Form. [{"path":"https://forms.zoho.com/api/form/Test/formperma/gufkgOxKaltV2K1ztByKn-pEw1C2GDFTz7t7RRnzGQY/resthookdownload?filepath=/Test/FileUpload/1719376590442_4.jpg","extension":"jpg","name":"4.jpg"}]
    • How to create a new Contact Person in Books via Flow

      I already have the Contact created in Books via Flow now I want to add just a Contact Person but I think my list/map formatting is wrong. This is what I'm trying to do: // Create contact person for the customer // // Create a map for a contact person
    • Delay based on specific Time of Day

      Goal: Delay after trigger, but only during office hours. Example: Trigger is executed, -if it is between 8am and 11pm EST, Delay for 2 hours. -if it is between 11pm and 8am, Delay until 8am. Can anyone advise how to make this happen?