User unknown
Hello Zoho, I tried sending a mail to my Zoho account and the mail bounced back with an "address not found". I am pretty sure i have configured all right. Please help. Please find attached image of email Thanks
Why i am getting "Sending failed;Reason:554 5.1.8 Sender Address Blocked" error
I gave proper configuration values but i am unable to send emails. Previously i am able to send emails from my application. Now I am getting bellow error SERVER -> CLIENT: 554 5.1.8 Sender Address Blocked
SMTP ERROR: Password command failed: 554 5.1.8 Sender Address Blocked
SMTP Error: Could not authenticate. Please let me know the issue.
Can't add a domain
My domain is and I can't add it.
Unexpected Server Error Sorry! Due to an unknown error that occurred in our server, the page cannot be opened now. Please try again later.
After Sucessful ste-up of my New Business email. I just keep recieving this message eachtime i want to log in into my New Email users. ( (" Unexpected Server Error Sorry! Due to an unknown error that occurred in our server,
Cannot delete user.
I have a user in my admin console, that I am trying to delete, but I keep getting the error "O112:Oops! Something went wrong. Try again later." I have looked through the admin console to try and see if the account is referenced anywhere
550: This domain is not hosted here
Hi I am not getting emails in inbox. I get the following error when sending test emails to Zoho email account I have set up. Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address. <>: 550: This domain is not hosted
535-5.7.8 Username and Password
Cannot send mail, get this: Error while processing the request! javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at 535 5.7.8 a18sm3129285pfn.185 - gsmtp
How do I access multiple email accounts in the zoho mail iPhone app?
I have the iPhone app for Zoho mail. I cannot figure out how to log into a second (or third or fourth etc.) email account at the same time, so that i can switch between them easily.
I need a new email for a different domain
I already have one email account for my 1st website, and now I need a new email account for a 2nd different website. How can I do it? I don’t understand thanks
Using two Accounts at same time at zoho web
So at my last work place, they had somehow added 3 zoho mail accounts at one place that I was using on web through chrome. Whenever I had to send something I would just click on drop down in front of "from" and select the appropriate zohomail account.
Email Problems Urgant
we cant received any emails please help thanks adnvace
Inbox not refreshing
I have just enabled SMS OTP for MFA and my email now doesn't refresh automatically. If I switch between folders it receives incoming emails straight away, but not unless I do this. Extremely frustrating! Any ideas?
Emails fetched by 3party Pipedrive have no mesasge id header
Hello! I'm a Support Engineer at Pipedrive and we have a email feature where the user can sync their email and receive/send from the webapp. Our systems fetch the emails by their message-ID but sicne yesterday we started to receive the following error:
log out icon problem
Hello, I try to log out of the account using the logo that is in the upper right part but I click on it and the option is not displayed. What can be happening?
Change browser in Zoho Mail desktop app on Ubuntu Linux
Is it possible to change which browser is used to open links in mail when using the Zoho Mail Desktop app on Ubuntu? I use the AppImage version (the .deb wouldn't install). I don't want to change my default browser system-wide, I just want to choose which
Mailbox Delegation
Hi, am member of Zoho One we are missing the Mailbox Delegation feature explained here: Can you help?
Mails sent from Zoho are being shown as spam in the recievers inbox.
When I send an email from Zoho Mail, the email always ends up in the spam section of the recievers inbox. How can I fix this?
Mails sent from Zoho showing up as spam
Emails I send from zoho mail with my custom domain show up in the recievers inbox as spam. How can I fix this?
can i use zoho mail api in zoho mail free plan?
send bulk email slowly and in queue
I want to send 100 email in a day how can we send email slowly and in queue . I want to send the same email to many different people but very slowly
how to use deluge to write a custom function to automatically upload attachment to another API
This doesn't quite explain it all: how to use deluge to write a custom function to automatically upload attachment to another API Zoho Creator cant export PDFs unless they're published un-securely
Mac outlook 2016 issue
Hello, I just setup 2 factor authentication for newly created account. I am able to log into my account from browser and iOS zoho app. However, I am unable to add zoho account in my outlook. I have Outlook for Mac version 16.13. I followed all instructions
How to embed a survey in an email?
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to embed a survey unto a Zoho email, please. Regards,
mail rejected because of sender's SPF record issue
We recently started hearing from customers that email is bouncing with the error: 550 5.7.23 Sender's SPF Policy Failure We cannot reject email because sender's DNS record is wrong. We need to accept mail in most cases. How do we fix this (because clearly
All Emails Go to Spam
Every single email I send... on multiple zoho campaign accounts, with many domains... all go to the recipient's spam/junk folder. I always receive in gmail, this message (no matter what I say in the email) "It contains content that's typically used in spam messages. " I said this years ago, and I'll say it again... I believe that the serves that zoho uses to send are blocked. I am sad to say that unless this is fixed, we MUST LEAVE ZOHO. Every single time I mention this issue and every single time
Blocked account
Hello, we have problems with the account, it has been blocked for sending emails. We detect suspicious activity yesterday and changed the password. Can you help us please?
ZOHO smtp in php
Hi Team, We are unable to send or receive email in PHP SMTP mailer using zoho email. We are using this on website for sending status mail. Error is as below : SERVER -> CLIENT: 535 Authentication Failed SMTP ERROR: Password command failed: 535 Authentication Failed SMTP Error: Could not authenticate. CLIENT -> SERVER: QUIT SERVER -> CLIENT: 221 closing connection SMTP connect() failed.
Zoho Notes
I keep trying to use my mobile app and it continually freezes... I've tried from 4 different phones. Please help.
Domain Already Associated with another user
Greetings! I have been facing a problem while registering with Zoho mail with the following error. This domain is already associated with this account "f*****@l*****". It seems the previous domain owner already registered it to Zoho, but now it is under
This user is not allowed to add in Zoho. Please contact for further details
Whenever I try to add ANY user, I get the error: This user is not allowed to add in Zoho. Please contact for further details My user ID is: 778380865 Hope this can be resolved. Thank you
error unable to send message;reason:553
Hello good time I am facing the following error while sending and replying to the email Please help me, thank you
Zoho mail
I've upgraded from zoho mail forever free plan to mail lite and purchased 5 more user licenses, however when i try to add new users it says license limit reached. Can anyone assist..
Sorry! Email adress has been block
Sorry! Email adress has been block we recieve this message on zoho whats the problem
Error SMTP
Hello good afternoon! I have a problem sending emails using Zoho SMTP servers through my website when hosted, but when the site is in my notebook, it works perfectly. When sending mail using port 587, it returns the message (attachment I): Error on line: # 367 :: stream_socket_enable_crypto (): The certificate pair CN = ` 'does not match the expected CN =`' /home/petskoon/public_html/_app/Library/PHPMailer/class.smtp.php ERROR SENDING EMAIL: SMTP Connect ()
Error 554 - Poor reputation
Hey, got this error today while trying to send an email to addresses. Could you please help? Received:from by
with SMTP id 16783525798426.857424538018108; Thu, 9 Mar 2023 14:32:59 +0530 (IST)
Zoho Mail - Android - Contacts Sync (from Zoho Contacts to phone contacts)?
Okay. I am in Zoho Mail on my Android phone (Moto e 2gen) and Mail app is working great as I get mail and I see my calendar and contacts... Now, how do have the phone "Contacts" reflect the Zoho Mail "Contacts" so that I can dial a number or text to someone in my Zoho "Contacts" list? This is not clear. Thanks, Todd
Blind Copy E-mails
Hello everyone, I am new to Zoho. I am trying it out and I like what Zoho has to provide. So I added some people in my contacts, but when I e-mail to them all their addresses appear when they all receive an e-mail from me. Is there a way to make a name like "Team" and that all the e-mails are all contained within that name? This way when they receive the e-mail they only see from "Team" rather than right now they see all the e-mails of my contacts?
Problems sending to
We are consistently having problems sending to addresses. Your troubleshooting page reports "Host not found." I've checked their MX records, and all of them are up and answering. I'm able to send email to address from GMail, and I even telnetted a session just now to see the complete conversation. Only Zoho can't seem to deliver to From the troubleshooting page, if I select a pending message and try to resend it, it =very occasionally= goes through. Most of the time, it
Using Zoho servers to email through QuickBooks
I've just switched to Zoho, and so far I'm impressed. I do seem to be having one issue though. I use QuickBooks and with my previous email provider I had the "Send Form" preferences set up with their smtp details in order to email invoices from within QuickBooks. It's not that tricky, there's just an account name (email address), server name, port number and check box for SSL. I've set it up using the primary email address of an account,, port 465 and the SSL box checked. But, it just
Help! Unable to send message Reason: 553 Relaying disallowed. Invalid Domain
Hi, I have my email Unable to send message Reason: 553 Relaying disallowed. Invalid Domain I already added the record to my dns. How can I activate the domain now?
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