Error making POST
I trying to put a old record, always The API, make checking in the same call API moment This is My log, look the checking and checkout parameters, and look the JSON response. 2014-01-13 18:52:58 INFO com.mdo.zoho.client.communication.ZohoHttpClient:64 - checkOut 16/10/2013 20:00:00 2014-01-13 18:52:58 INFO com.mdo.zoho.client.communication.ZohoHttpClient:64 - empId 401 2014-01-13 18:52:58 INFO com.mdo.zoho.client.communication.ZohoHttpClient:64 - dateFormat dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss 2014-01-13 18:52:58
Changing employees email address
How do I change an employee's email address? I am an administrator on the account but it says that I am "not allowed" to do it?
Question about filtering contacts
Hello Question about filtering contacts I want to know if I have an option to filter contacts by Birthday when I set the date to a date. Thank you kobi ashkenazi
Summing in Excel
After exporting to Excel how do you format the hours and minutes so that I can get the total number of hours in a month?I've tried several different formats without success.
"Do Not Allow Duplicate" - Does Not Work
Hello, We had tried to use ZoHo People in our Recruitment process however we could not automate becuase the "Do No Allow Duplicate" function does not work on a Unique ID like Email. When our candidates apply we wish theywould only apply once however we find they re-apply several times making duplicate entries in our database. We tried to change the field to Do Not Allow Duplicates but it does not work. 1) Is it planned to resolve this key feature? Regards, Mark
Training section in Zoho People
I have set up a new training session in Zoho People that I want some staff to attend. I see that each staff memeber can register, but is there any way that I can invite staff to take the session? I am currently going in as the administrator an registering as each person I want to attend. I also want to be able to mark off or see who has actually attended - is there a way to do it? Is there any way I can see a total figure for each training session on the training main page where it lists all the
difference betwen form and module
I'm new to ZOHO.what is difference betwen form and we apply field logic on module??plz help me.
Can I email data to the Employee form ?
One of the things I like about Zoho Creator is the ability to email data to a form in which I developed. Is this functionality available in Zoho People ? We would like to receive New Hire data from a 3rd party vendor via email Please advise
Attendance Report - Export to Excel
When I try to export the user attendance report to Excel the file opens empty, without any information.
plugin is always crashing Outlook and Windows in general
It's useful when it does work, and part of my problem might be this ancient relic of a work computer and Windows XP I'm forced to use, but the plugin is always crashing Outlook and Windows in general and i want get email box for my online site email in my smartphones . I can't imagine what the new one is like, and how helpful it is ..
Handling employee expenses claims
Hi, How do I set up a workflow for handling employee expenses? I can work out how to raise the expense but now need to be able to set up a workflow so that it is automatically sent to my line manager for approval and then to accounts to be paid. Any advice greatly appreciated, thanks, Sophie
Custom Forms Limited to 10
Currnetly trialing professional edition that allows up to 10 custom forms. I didntrelaise that this was limited to 10 forms. If I go ahead with system in my organistion I will have 120 plus users. If I go to that level (I have had a quote from you already) will I be able to have more than 10 custom forms?
Mail Alerts
Hello, I am setting up Zoho People and still learning it as I go. I have an issue that may not be an issue at all. Basically, I created a custom form. Then, I created an email alert for when a record is added to that form. The email alert is supposed to be sent to users with the given "Role" as well as the people they are reporting to. I also created a checklist with tasks assigned to those people. The checklist works and triggers every time a record is added. The email alerts have yet
How to use Sum in Formula
Hello, I have a form that records student's attendance when they attend certain events. Each event is worth 10 points and by attending multiple events, say 3 events, they earn 30 points. How can I use the sum formula to sum up 3 events so that the 30 points is a value, so that I can use that value in a different form?
Import Data Field
Does anybody know if/how to make use of the "import data" fields which People includes as system fields (ie. for 'job title')? I'm really having trouble trying to get data to link together between the different modules without something which has this kind of functionality (for example: if I staff an EE to a certain one of our facilities in one module, I would really like for that to be reflected in the employee form without our having to go into it separately and enter the data in both).
Giving Permission to HR Manager all staff records on same level
Hi, My organization operates in several countries, each having a national manager, Human resource managers and other employees. All staffs, including the HR Manger, reports to the national manager. However, how can I give access to the HR Manager so that the person can add/change the details for the rest of the employees that is the same level as HR Manager within a particular country? In the settings there is only the function to allow a person to add/change subordinate/himself & herself. Thank
Leave summary report for company
How can I generate a single report/view with the leave taken and available for every employee?
Adding a field in People
Can you add a field in the free version of the Zoho People App? If so, how? A previous post said drag from the Other fields at the bottom, but I do not see an Other fields.
How do we assign a shift to employees?
I took Attendance Settings and added a shift, but I'm not able to figure out how I can assign this shift to employees.
Adding client
Can someone send instructions. I may be missing a basic step i adding client
Upload files.
The zoho People have a limit of 1mb to upload files to the forum I created, but this is a topic or in general? Thank you!
Employee Birthdays Calendar
Is it possible to change the view of employee birthdays so that I can see who has a birthday coming up within the next two weeks or this month, instead of only today?
Attendace check-IN and check-OUT for PAST days
Hi, for now in Attendace module I only see two buttons: plain Check-IN and Check-OUT just for "today". With only these two options avaliable this module functionality is heavliy reduced. 1. What's missing is the possiblity to allow users to track attendace for past days (for very simple reason - they just forgot to check-in/-out and this would normally result in missing attendace entry for this given day). Of course such time entry for past days should be approved by manager/admin before it'll
Leave calendar(s) as ics
It would be great to have a public ics url for the department leave calendars, so we could add them in google calendars, where we manage everything. Even a read-only option would be great. Could you please consider this as a future feature? Thanks a lot for your support! Best regards, Marco
How do i change my status to active after terminating it on Zoho people
Hi, I incidentally terminated my active status on Zoho people and now it looks like I am an ex employee. my partner also have admin rights like me, but he is not able to correct the error. how do we resolve this? since my credential is still active on CRM and Books. Gimba
Zoho good for a check-in kiosk?
Hi all, I have a student event with 200 kids where I need my five staff to check the kids in and modify two fields of data. All kids must arrive and be checked in during a 30 minute window. So, I need the staff to be able to simultaneously access a cloud-based list of students, click them as 'present', enter their meal preferences and type their home address such that the data is collected in single place. Last year we had paper check-in lists and it was chaos! Is Zoho a good option for this?
Unable to access Attendace Settings
Hi, while trying to access Settings tab in People-Attendance I getting error message: "...check your code" (see attached file). I'd really like to use this module but it's buggy.
Adding dual reporting
HI, I'm started using your tool to manage my non profit organization. we have volunteers and assisted persons we usually have two or three volunteers for each assisted person To trace it in the Zoho people I setup the assisted people as managed by a volunteer. In this way i created a employes report with all the assisted people and the related volunteers I'm finding a way to have the same result but with more than one volunteers for each assisted people. Do you have any trick for this? Thank you
Add a second report
Hi, I'm using ZOHO people to manage my non profit organization. I have two type of "employees" Volunteers Assisted Person Volunteers work in group of 2 and follow 1 or more assisted person. To have everything in the same table I create a direct report using "report to" where the assisted person report to a volunteer. Then I created a view where I can see both the info of assisted person and related volunteer I need a way to add also a second report line to connect the second volunteer like a second
Import Public Holidays
Is it possible to import public holidays from e.g. a .csv file, so I don't have to add every single public holiday? Thanks for your help!
Creating Staff Shifts / Schedule
Is it possible to create a weekly worker shift page; both for the individual employee and for a whole department on the one sheet / view, which can be printed or in self service. With hours tracking for payroll?
Can we plan and track HR utilization in hours?
Can Zoho People or Project app. manage simultaneous participation in different teams/projects/more than one person to report? Can we plan that employee efforts utilization in hours not in days: for example the load on some task A is 2 hours a day, and 6 hours are vacant and can be used. And we plan an employee will be occupied with task A 2 hours a day during two weeks. And he will also be occupied 3 hours a day with task B during one week. So does any Zoho product allow to plan working time in
How to Auto increment Travel Id Field in Travel Request form?
Hi In Travel Request Form we want to Auto increment Travel Id field in Zoho people.Presently,it is not auto generated. We are experiencing problems due to duplicate entries in Travel Id as employees are filling in duplicate or random value. Please do guide with this problem at the earliest as we are facing issues in tracking people who fill travel request form.
Can i set a certain date for e-mail alert?
Can i set probation period to the employee - the probation end date for example add such field to employee form, and then get e-mail alerts on specified date? Or how can get Zoho people to e-mail users on certain date or after a certain period of time after the event happens, not at the moment some changes to a record have been done?
Only english?
It's not avaiable Brazilian portuguese language for Zoho People?
Zoho - Import Contacts - Website Field?
I'm importing a large number of contacts using a CSV file. I'd like to transfer my contacts' websites as well (ie. but Zoho doesn't provide a field for this. How can I import this document with each contact's website?
Not being able to login to my organisation
Hello, My administrator has added me to his organisation. But when I click on the link which I got in the email, I signup and create another organisation. Can you please advise?
How to Autoincrement Text Box Field in Travel Request form?
Hi In Travel Resquest Form we want to Autoincrement Travel Id field in zoho people.Presently,it is not autogenerated. We are experiencing problems due to duplicate entries in Travel Id as employees are filing in duplicate or random value. Please do guide with this problem at the earliest as we are facing issues in tracking people who fill travel request form.
Google Apps Intergration
Not available in Google Apps Intergration? Regards Andrew
Zoho People Form Approval -- Multiple Levels
I am constructing an application where travel request and travel expense forms must be approved by 2-3 separate persons. How do I accomplish this in People?
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