Timesheet time log sorting
The Timesheet "List View" presents time log entries in no apparent sort order. It would be very helpful to have the option to sort by start time or task name. Ideally, all views that show individual time log entries (such as the project timesheet list views) would sort by log entry start time, then by task name, by default, with the option of sorting the opposite way. Just to be clear, I mean sorting timesheet logged entries by the beginning of the time spent. For example, say I log my work on
Weird glitch that happends randomly on some hours
This issue has occured on two or three occasions and I can´t grasp as to why this would happened? Anyone know why this happens or how to prevent or solve the issue?
Move Timesheet from one Task/Issue to another
Timesheets are used for tracking time logs of tasks, and issues. You can control the number of hours a user can log into timesheets. In Zoho Projects, you can move these timesheets from one task/issue to another. Consider a scenario where John is an employee
Dependency task dissapears
Open a existing task. Select Dependency tab. Select Add Task and add a task using the same Task List. Now switch tab or exit the Dependency tab. Then select the Dependency tab. The task just added is missing.
Adding emoji reactions to comments on tasks
Please can you consider allowing emoji reactions to comments on tasks so we can give it a thumbs up (etc) as there is no way to acknowledge a comment currently without replying to it as far as I can tell...?
Option to not truncate text in project tags
See screenshot, it would be helpful if there was a view or setting to not truncate the tags otherwise don't know what some of them are without hovering over each to see the data-tooltip.
Allow associating of tasks to other tasks
right now, we can associate tasks to issues(bugs) inside zoho projects desktop. this is helpful because when you complete the issue the tasks can still remain open. With tasks, if i want my techs to complete sub tasks, then i can create sub tasks on a
Tasks indicate that they have a description
Tasks description can have important information for the execution. However, not all tasks need description. That leads to cases, where users do not open the task details to explore their description. I see a high value, when there would be an indicator
Projects List - Custom Views Include Sorting
We have between 75 and 125 open Projects at a time and use a Custom View for our weekly review/update meeting. The trouble is that the custom view works for filtering, but it does not have sorting. Why does that matter? If I click on any project to
Zoho Projects mobile app now supports iOS 16 compatible lock screen widgets and focus filters.
Hello All, In the latest version of the Zoho Projects iOS app (v3.5.12), we have brought in support for the below enhancements. Lock screen widgets: The mobile app now supports lock screen widgets that let you display today's activities, upcoming events
quickly make subtasks out of (many) tasks.
is there a way to take 10 tasks, and quickly make them the subtasks of 1 master task? or do we have to drag one by one in? seems like with sub tasks, there is no QUICK way to do anything. for example when creating tasks, you can just type the task, press enter, and type the new task. When creating sub tasks (within a task edit view), it forces you to put the details of the new subtask in a pop up window, stopping you from quickly creating new tasks. There is no way to IMPORT sub tasks when importing
Is it possible to customize timesheet export settings using Deluge code in Zoho Projects developer settings?
Every month I export timesheets for my clients as an excel file. Every time I open the export settings in timesheets I need to remove all of the fields I don't require, add the ones I do, then move them into the correct order. It would be great if I could
Deleted First Project
I am currently using a Zoho free account. I clicked the wrong option when creating a project and went to delete my project and now I can't create a new one.
Web Tabs in Zoho Projects
Web Tab allows you to access external websites within Zoho Projects. You can associate web tabs to specific Projects by which, only the users of that particular project will be able to access the web tab . Create web tabs by embedding the URL of the external
Add checkpoints to GANTT Chart
Hello everyone, is there a way to add checkpoints into a GANTT Chart? Something like this: I need to let the participants in the project aware that there will be project advancement checks in specifica dates. Thank you
Project historical trend
Hi all, is possible to have a report, a graph or a widget to see Historical trend of a project showing how the rate of achievement or the percentage of tasks changes over all the project life? Or, if i add a custom field, is possible to show it in an
Automatically move task from default General Task List
When creating a new task in Projects using the Zoho Desk plugin the task is added by default to the General Task list. Is it possible to setup automation on creation of the task to move it to another Task List? e.g. Move the task from the default GENERAL
Strict Projects - A Kind Savior
Hi there! It's been a month since we launched Strict projects in Zoho Projects. We would like to get your feedback on how Strict projects have been kind to you and your team in terms of managing deadlines. For those of you who are new to this feature in Zoho Projects, here is a preview of it. Out of all the factors that play a significant role in the success of a project, the project schedule aces the list. Only at the expense of the project schedule, we tend to do eleventh hour changes; stretch
Unable to clear date on tasks with Predecessors and without Successors (but also on tasks with Successors and without Predecessors)
Hello, I've set several dependencies for my tasks, and assigned due dates to them. Now, when I try to clear the due date for all tasks, I always get a "Dates cannot be cleared as it has dependent task). This is happening also when I try clear due date
Make notes field mandatory in timesheet entries
How can I make the "notes" field required when users of Zoho Projects are logging their time? That is a control we've put in place using other timesheet applications, but I can't find that setting within Zoho Projects. Thanks!
Can't see unscheduled tasks in GANTT Chart
Hello, I have a project containing unscheduled tasks: If I move to Gantt & Reports > Gantt Chart > Unscheduled Tasks, I can't find any task: I need to see the tasks in order to set start/due date and duration directly from the GANTT view. How can I solve?
Potential bug in Client Users
Hello, I've added some client users on Zoho Projects and I'm trying to add them to a project. Under Client Users I see there are no users assigned to the project, but when I try to add a client user I get a "All users are already added to the project"
Zoho Projects: Quarterly Updates | Q3 2022
Dear Users, In the third quarter, we implemented a few new features and updates to improve user experience. Here is a summary of the most significant developments. Timesheet Settings Members of a team can now be granted access to log time for tasks or
Custom Fields on Users/Teams
It would be great if the ability to add custom fields to a Portal User, Client User or Team was added much like exists for Projects, Tasks, Issues, Milestones and Timesheets. This would allow for the streamlining of a lot of user information and avoid
Tasks - Order/Group By Owner
I have a view under the "Tasks" tab of a project. I would like to be able to sort by (or group by) "Owner" so all tasks belonging to a particular user are grouped together. This seems to be one of the few columns that are not "sortable". Any ideas?
Any software developers use Zoho Bug Tracker? Care to share your workflows?
Any software developers use Zoho Bug Tracker? Care to share your workflows and any feedback? I see two serious problems with running software development projects in Zoho Projects + its subordinate Zoho Bug Tracker add-on: 1. Issues (Zoho Bug Tracker records) cannot have time estimates, so they can't feed into the overall time estimates for the project. (ZBT does have "Affected Milestone" and "Release Milestone" fields and we really need these. But we need them in "tasks" too — not just in "issues".
Gantt chart is now supported in the latest version of the Zoho Projects Android mobile app
Hello, In the latest version of the Projects Android mobile app (v3.6), we have brought in support for Gantt Chart. Zoho Projects Android App is now one of the few Project Management Tools that supports Gantt Chart feature. Gantt Chart : Gantt chart
Revenue Budget in Zoho Projects
We have introduced Revenue Budget in Zoho Projects. Revenue is the payment that is expected from the clients and can be used to track the profitability of the project. Users can track the revenue budget of a project and compare it with the planned and
Projects visibility in Recent Project list for admins
Hello, every time someone is creating a projects on our Projects portal, Admins are added to default to the projects. Is there a way to avoid this behavior? We simply don't want to find all org users projects in our "Recent Projects" list Thank you
Risk Mangement
Zoho is best project management tool i have seen till date but still one thing which i feel is missing that is risk management So i request to zoho administrator, please also include risk management in Zoho so that it will become complete in all aspect.
Time Tracking include seconds?
Hi, Is there a way for the time tracking to include seconds instead of just hours and minutes? Sometime small tasks take only a few minutes, but a bunch of small tasks adds up to many minutes and seconds.
Time Tracking API
Hi, Is there an API available for time tracking? Thanks.
Time logging issues
I am losing times tracked on tasks. The problem is that it is not clear when the time is logged, when the timer is stopped or when the task is closed? I've done both and neither works. Whats more when the task is closed, the tracked time disapperas (i guess bc it shouldve been logged) but when it's not logged you've just lost your tracked time. The bigger problem is the UN-NATURAL way this time logging is set up. On every other plat form that tracks time, it is made clear to save timer or log when
Time Tracking in Zoho Projects
Time tracking is one of the important aspects of project management. In Zoho Projects, you can schedule tasks and restrict work hours by enabling the Time Log Period Settings and Time Log Restrictions. Here are some of the timesheet settings in Zoho Projects
WOW, Do I now hate zoho!!!! The time tracking functionality is so bad, it adds crazy hours that didn't take place and now its treating every second as 4 seconds. My staff were working for 7 hours and it says they are over 20hrs. THIS COSTS EMPLOYERS RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS OF MONEY, WEITHER ITS OVER PAYING STAFF OR PAYING SOMEONE TO CHECK EVERYONES TIME SHEET TRY TO FIGURE OUT ACTUAL TIME SPENT. I USED TO RECOMMEND ZOHO TO EVERYONE, NOW I WARN EVERYONE NOT TO USE IT. I WANT MY MONEY BACK AND AM ABOUT
Time Tracking Using Timesheets
Timesheets can be used for logging in number of work hours a user has spent on a task or a project. You can specify the start and end time or the duration of the task. These time entries can be used for tracking resource utilization, calculating employees' work load, billing, and project costing. Log work hours: Work hours can be logged on a daily or weekly basis. Users can specify start and end time for their tasks if necessary or simply enter the duration. Users can also select if the task is
Time Tracking Needed in Zoho
It seems lots of people request a Time Tracking Zoho Desktop App, that is only problem I have with working with Zoho. People need to know how much time they spend on specific tasks. Is Zoho planning to do this sometime in the future?
New Cost per Hour is great, but...
The new 'Cost Per Hour' feature is great, so thank you. However, what we also need is the ability to create Profiles, such as a Project Manager, who can only see Budgets in terms of Hours, not Rates, For example, we need to empower our Project Managers
Google Chrome Extension for Quick Add Task
Dear zoho project, Almost all popular SaaS are using the power of native extensions to enable users to carry out tasks of the web app more faster and smoothly, eg: rememberthemilk, google tasks, gqueues etc. Zoho projects should also offer an extension for chrome/firefox to let users add a task/meeting in a snap. Because right now, switching to projects portal->switching to the relevant project->adding task is a multi-click operation which cause a mental switch as well, instead of letting the
Feature request: Detailed notifications
Right now, notifications are somewhat generic and unhelpful. For example: John Doe updated owner of Task in My Project It lacks the most important details in my opinion. Which <task/milestone/event> was updated? What was the <owner/start date/whatever> changed to? As it stands now, I have to click into each notification in order to obtain enough information to decide if I even care about the notification. Often times, I don't care about the notification! If the notification literally said, "John
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