LET, IMAGE, and two other functions to make things simpler
Zoho Sheet supports more than 400 functions to help you perform mathematical, financial, and other analytical operations. Now, we're adding four new functions to help you build spreadsheets that are more self-explanatory, more reliable, and most importantly,
How to use vba to import external data in which the link change everyday in the spreadsheet?
In the introduction of the vba page https://vbmacros.wiki.zoho.com/Welcome.html, there is an example stated: fetching live stock data from an external website -> populate the data to a cell range -> format the data in an aesthetic way -> and, repeat these tasks daily in a scheduled manner). I wonder how to do this. As I want to fetch about 100 stock price from yahoo. I can get the stock price by the add query in Excel then I can also delete the connection to make the spreadsheet faster. However,
Maximum # of Rows/Columns
Hello, Can you please let me know the maximum number of rows and columns for one spreadsheet? Thanks!
Link to External Data Deleted
I have a Zoho Spreadsheet that I need to periodically (at manual intervals) re-import data from an external source. When I create and "Run Once and Done" the link it keeps it in the link history. I can then go back under "Manage External Links" and "refresh" that link when I need to. However, I have found that what appears to be about 1 month after creating the link, it then disappears from the list of links available in "Manage External Links". I then have to hunt up the URL again and recreate the
Is there any way to save a zoho sheet as PDF in Workdrive using VBA?
Dear All, I am trying in a zoho sheet to create a button and with VBA to save this zoho sheet as PDF in a specific Workdrive folder. I have found some examples like the below but first of all the 'ExportAsFixedFormat' returns me unknown function and of
External Data Links do not update on Schedule (refresh does not work)
I leave the spreadsheet open so the data refreshes once per day.... but I manually have to do it.... My "Expectation" is that the external link data would update automatically in the cells and "Replace" the old data within the same cell. However, when
How do you insert image into cell?
Hello, I'm new here. I import my Google spreadsheet and I realize the images were gone came along with it. ( Is there a way to fix this problem? ) So I would like to to know how to insert image into a spreadsheet into cell, like in Google Spreadsheet. ( I know how to insert an image here but when I do, it over the cell, click attachment to view ) is there something like fit- in-cell or when you right click on a cell insert option > add image?
scatter line chart x axis range displayed
I have 2 spreadsheets, each with data in the x-axis range of 0 to 400. In one spreadsheet, the chart displays 0 to 500 (400-500 has no data). In the other spreadsheet, the chart displays -100 to 500 (no data for x -100 to 0, and 400 to 500). I don't
Refering cell from other sheet
Hi, If we want to refer any cell in the same sheet its very easy, like suppose if I want to refer cell A2 in P7 I just need to type =A2 in P7, similarly how can I refer a cell present in different sheet ( I mean refer cell A2 from Sheet1 into Sheet2) Thanks
Show the bigger picture in small spaces: Add images in cells with Zoho Sheet
When used correctly, images and infographics can add so much value to a spreadsheet. Zoho Sheet previously had an option to insert images into your spreadsheets, but now we're taking it a little further: You can now insert images into a particular cell!
Display text the preferred way with text rotation, indent, and wrapping options
Working with long, textual data in spreadsheets just got better! Zoho Sheet now supports text rotation, indentation, and wrapping options, which you can use to display the text and other values in your spreadsheet exactly the way you want. Set the right
Weird bug with API
Good afternoon, I may have found a very strange bug. On a blank sheet named "test", I create 3 columns with headers in the first row : "type", "color" and "check". I input values for 2 rows : "car", "blue" for the first row, "car", "yellow" for the second
How to reference a cell from another zoho spreadsheet?
Is it possible to reference a cell in another zoho spreadsheet? E.g. suppose I want to have a payroll spreadsheet for each of 5 employees that they fill out. Their info goes onto my master spreadsheet, pulling the info from their spreadsheets. Is this possible in zoho? How would I find out the syntax to refer to a cell in another spreadsheet? Thank you.
To err is human: Let Zoho Sheet's Spell Check handle typos for you!
Working together with your team under a tight deadline, without a lot of room for human errors? No matter what field you're in, misspelled words and typos make your otherwise splendid spreadsheet look a little unprofessional. Worry not! Zoho Sheet is
Excel Formula is Resulting in a #N/A! Error
Hi! I just converted my current excel work book to Zoho Sheet and I am going through the process of debugging. I have a formula that I currently use in excel that looks up the text in a column and a numeric value in another row. The formula should allow
Sharing only one sheet from a workbook
Hi, I have a Workbook with various sheets, but I need to share Sheet 1 with one user and Sheet 2 with another user, I dont want the users to see each others information. I want to be able to consolidate the data from different users in one consolidated sheet only for my analisys. Is this possible at all? is there any work aroud this issue? Regards, Kioumars B.
"Sorting cannot be performed on a range containing checkboxes"
I need to use checkboxes in my data, but also need to be able to sort the data. When will it be possible to do that?
Updating cell value using VBA resets cell formatting
There are cells in my sheet that contain dates, which I have formatted using custom formatting to adjust their appearance. I also have a macro that updates the value of the cells with an adjusted date. When the macro is run and the date changes, the custom
Hiding/Deleting blank rows and columns Zoho Sheet
How do you do this?
link to specific tab
Hi I have a zoho spreadsheet with 20 tabs. I am trying to link from an outside site to a zoho spreadsheet's specific tab. Eg. link straight to Tab1. Right now all I can find is a general link to the spreadhsheet, but then the user needs to find the correct tab and click it to get to that tab. Is there a way to link directly? Thanks
Goal Seek using VBA
Hello, I noticed from previous posts that Zoho intends to add Goal seek using VBA. Is this possible yet? Please provide an update and if possible the code to get goal seek to work via VBA. Thank you.
customize menu icons
This seems like it ought to have a simple solution, but how can I add (unhide) the filter icon so it is visible from the main toolbar?
Comments aren't visible in shared spreadsheet
I would like to send a spreadsheet to people who can use it to help solve a problem as a one off use unique to them. They will have to enter data in the sheet. I have comments attached to some of the cells to explain the purpose of the data being collected.
Find & select empty cells in a range
Are there any good ways to help me find the empty cells and select all of them in a certain range? In Microsoft Excel, there's a function in the toolbar that allows me to achieve this goal.
link to external data split cells
Zoho Sheets - External Data Link - Split Cells Problem I have links to external data... however, when the data updates.... It automatically adds new rows and cells.... I would like the data to regenerate in the same cells.... can someone please help me
Using wild cards in VLOOKUP
In excel this works but not is sheets can anyone confirm or suggest another method. =VLOOKUP("*"&B1&"*",A:A,1,FALSE)
Setting default fill color
Using Zoho Sheets, I have an extra color in my "other used color" in the color fill drop down as shown here (blue arrow) and this color is always the default color when filling my cell: 2 questions: 1. How do I remove this other color? 2. How do I set the default color? Right now, it defaults to this color and I'm constantly having to change the color to the one I use most often. Thanks!
Sending a set of cells by email
How do i send a selection of specific cells with the code below? Public Sub SendEmail () ThisWorkbook.HasRoutingSlip = True With ThisWorkbook.RoutingSlip .Recipients = Array ("xxxx") 'Digite os ids de e-mail separados por vírgula .Subject = "xxx"' Digite o assunto aqui .Message = "xx" 'Digite sua mensagem aqui .AttachWorkbook = False End With ThisWorkbook.Route End Sub
Where is the spell checker in Zoho Sheet?
I cannot find a spell checker in Zoho Sheet. I did find a 4 years old post asking the same thing with a reply stating it will be added in a future release. It's difficult to understand why after 4 years there is still is no spell checker in Sheets.....or am I missing where it's located?
How to automatically go to the bottom of a Zoho spreadsheet when opening the file
Is there a way to open a Zoho spreadsheet and have it automatically go to the either the bottom row that contains any sort of text or formula? It would work fine if it simply went to the "lowest" row for Column A that contains information. I do see you can use the URL to go to a specific cell (and probably a named cell as well) but I haven't found a way to do what I'm asking. The spreadsheets are fairly dynamic and information is added to them frequently. Another thing that would work would
How to stop scrolling of zoho sheet embedded in a website
I am using zoho sheet as a calculator. I embedded the following html snippet in this website. <iframe width="500" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="https://sheet.zoho.com/publish/rfcircuits.info/pi-match-lp2"> </iframe> The width and height of iframe are adjusted to exactly match the dimensions of the sheet. But even with scrolling="no" option, the sheet is scrolling after embeding in the webpage. Is there a way to avoid scrolling of the sheet inside the web page or atleast hiding
If(AND...) Function - How to Format
Hello, I use the following function in Google Sheets =if(AND($AA18<>"CLOSED",$AA18<>""),GOOGLEFINANCE($B18,"price"),"") Why will it not work in Zoho Sheets? I get this error. =IFERROR(__XLUDF.DUMMYFUNCTION("if(AND($AA18<>\"CLOSED\",$AA18<>\"\"),GOOGLEFINANCE($B18,\"price\"),\"\")");2.65) Thoughts?
If(AND...) Function - How to Format
Hello, I use the following function in Google Sheets =if(AND($AA18<>"CLOSED",$AA18<>""),GOOGLEFINANCE($B18,"price"),"") Why will it not work in Zoho Sheets? I get this error. =IFERROR(__XLUDF.DUMMYFUNCTION("if(AND($AA18<>\"CLOSED\",$AA18<>\"\"),GOOGLEFINANCE($B18,\"price\"),\"\")");2.65) Thoughts?
Linking Workbooks Together
I have a sheet with 4 workbooks in it. Sheet 1, sheet 2 sheet 3 and sheet 4. What I am needing is to set a patter in workbook 4 that is goes down the rows (sheet 4) as Row 1: =Sheet1.A2 Row 2= Sheet 2.A2 Row3= Sheet 3.A2 Row 4= Sheet1.A3 Row5=Sheet2.A3 Row6= Sheet3:A3 and the pattern on and on. When I keep dragging I will get a few in a row then skip then a few in a row correctly. Is there a way to get this pattern to allow me to just keep dragging down as needed?
cursor moves bij re-open file
When I open(phone) a sheet, the cursor stands always at the begin of the file. For example: I close a file while the cursor stands on G278. When I re-open the file, the cursor appears at the beginning of the file instead at G278 where he was closed. Can you help me. Can I change that?
When copying a Zoho sheet file within Zoho, the copied file loses its data validation and conditional formatting
Hello, When I copy a Zoho Sheet file (which contains some cell data validations, conditional formatting and simple formula's) within the same Zoho project folder, the copied has lost it's data validation on some fields and in some cases the formula's cell references have been incremented, meaning I have to do redo a lot of the work again. Is this an existing issue or is there another process I should be using within Zoho when copying files? Many thanks!
How can I print the notes inserted in the cells in Zoho Sheet?
Is there a way to print the notes inserted in a Zoho Sheet documents?
Read/Write access user unable to see data
I have a spreadsheet that has two Read/Write access users. They add data entries to a sheet, which has formulas flowing into summary sheet. Until yesterday, the two users were able to see the data on the data entry sheets, but all the sudden from today, both users wasn't able to see any data above certain row on that sheet. Any suggestion on how to resolve this is welcomed and appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Shared user can't see certain records
Hi I have a shared spreadsheet with two other read/write access users. In the spreadsheet, there is a sheet that is data entry sheet that one of the user inputs data (we will call her User A). Few days ago, User A all the sudden could not see any data above a certain row (but can see row 1 which is the header row) that she inputted. The rows were not hidden or filtered. However, when the data is copied over to a later row in the sheet, user A can see it. User B (the other user with Read Write
Read/Write access users can't see data
Hi, I have a spreadsheet that has two read/write users added. They add data entry for me and I review them online. We haven't had any issues on it until today, and all the sudden, the both read/write users can no longer see the data that's in the spreadsheet above certain rows. They were able to see it fine until yesterday. I as an owner can still see all data on the spreadsheet, and the rows are not hidden or filtered or anything. Please let me know if you know how to resolve this issue.
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