protect cells?
when I make a spread sheet how do I protect cell that should not be changed (Calculated cells) ?
Percent glitch
I have a column with % format. If I enter say 15.15 in this column it will first do 1515 without the decimal. After entering a second time 15.15 it will stay correctly at 15.15%.
Sync with Excel
Zoho docs for desktop synchs my pdf and word files but not exel ??? Does this not work?
Excel with protected cells
Hello, I do not see the option to protect cells in the spreadsheet is this possible? When importing sheets protected cells, these go unprotected, should I do so that when importing an excel book not unprotect the protected cells?
Embedding Spreadsheets on vBulletin
Here is a link to a public spreadsheet I've tried embedding on vBullein. HTML is enabled for forum. I keep getting the "Sorry, we could not process your request" error message. Here is the link: Here is an old link to similar documents that I've embedded in the same forum over the years with zero problems: Here is the html code that is problematic: <iframe width="500" height="400" frameborder="0"
I have a problem when adding decimal on spreadsheet it keep showing 0.
Could it be possible to show me how to fix this problem.
File conversion from XLSX
I have attempted to upload a couple of XLSX files, allowing the conversion to the Zoho format in the process. I get error messages. The files are under the 10 Mb limit. The reason for the errors is unclear. I can upload the XLSX files without allowing the conversion, but must download them to work on them. I've looked for a way to convert the files, once safely uploaded as XLSX files, into the Zoho format, but cannot find how to do that. How is it done?
Revamped VBA Macro Engine
We have been supporting VBA macros for the past three years in Zoho Sheet. Last month we made a significant revamp of our Macro execution engine. With this update, your macros could run faster by up to 75% than before depending on what your macro does. Here is a spreadsheet which generates Vicsek fractal (box fractal) using macros. There are 4 different fractals generated in 4 different worksheets. Click on the 'Generate Fractal' button in each worksheet to generate different fractals. To change
Why can't I pass a concatenated string as the argument to a particular subroutine I'm using?
In the code below, you'll see that: 1. An event handler makes calls to a subroutine called "DebugMsg" that provides an easy way to turn on and off MsgBox statements used for debugging. 2. Whether or not the messages get passed to an actual MsgBox statement is based on the value of the constant "DEBUG_MESSAGES" *** For some reason, the one line of code in "CODE EXAMPLE #2" throws an error, but the two lines of code in "CODE EXAMPLE #1" work fine. As far as I can tell, they are functionally equivalent.
Macros not working
macros seem to be recprding.. but they dont run they cannot be edited in VBA and they are npt visible when you click on view Macros What is the problem? What can I do? Thanks for a fast answer Loïc
"The server has encountered an error. Please try later."
When I open ZOHO sheet(no collaborator), the sheet crashes around every 2-3 minutes with this message. I had used this sheet before, but its the 1st time that I have such this error. What should I do for solution? Kind Regards
Is it possible to hide the gridlines ?
Hiding Tabs
How do you hide a tab on a sheet?
Printing Options on Embedded Spreadsheet
I have editable spreadsheets embedded on my website. I see an option to download as a .xls, how can I get a print option to allow my members to print their spreadsheet after editing it? Thanks!
Equals function among different spreadsheets
Hello, In both excel and google spreadsheets one can pull a data from a cell in another sheet with an equals function. Is there a way to do this with Zoho sheets. Thanks
Old URL does not work
Dear Zoho Sheet Team I notice that all URLs have been changed, but the old ones generally are still working. There is an exception in my Folder entitled "Wild Flowers" regarding each of the 158 pages. The old URLs on the yellow buttons "Next", "Previous" etc work ok, but clicking "Index A - Z" gives an error message. I have to edit the URL to the new one and then it works. I have done this on the first 7 records. Before I carry out this task, can you easily rectify this and save me a lot of boring
How to delete a file
I am not well versed in using Zoho. I would like to understand 1)delete a file 2)How to make a file Read only for other viewers while sharing and 3)A detailed help access. Thank You Venkatesh
Error publishing calculated column.
I have noticed what I think is a bug with the Publish range feature. I have several columns that are dependent on the column next to them to calculate the difference in date between today and a date in that column. The range allows me to publishes the date fine but the column that is calculated from the date simply displays as #NULL! on the website where I have it embedded. Oddly, if I am logged into zoho on the same browser at the time, the correctly calculated elapsed times are displayed. Am I
Spreadsheet is locked can't enter data
I have an excel based spread sheet. I can still view it but can't enter new data. I can select a cell but when I type nothing appears in the cell. Any ideas?
Co-owner of sheet cannot see the publish options under the Share tab....
I'm trying to share a zoho sheet to a friend so we can both edit it, I also want them to have the ability to publish the sheet in case they want to change the range published. I've set them as Co-owner of sheet but they cannot see the publish options under the Share tab. Is there any way to share this option to them ? They can only see Share and Collaborators at the moment.. Thanks for your help !!
Set a entry limit
Hi All, We use Zoho to sign animals up for spay/neuter clinics. The problem is we have everyone wanting 9am appointments. Is there a way to disable, say the 9am appointment when it reached 18 or some preset number? Thanks
Collabedit does not refresh when typing is done
Hi, I was recently interviewing the candidate & there was coding question using collabedit. The problem that we faced was collabedit did not refresh when candidate was typing the code. I have seen this problem multiple times with different candidates now it keeps happening on day to day basis. In-order to resolve this issue, candidate has copy his content from collabedit , refresh the page and paste the content. after that I can see what candidate is typing. once candidate stops typing for some time
Is there a collaborative-editing feature in sheet?
Hi, Testing out Zoho for potential use by my company (instead of say google docs). One must-have feature is collaborative editing, where two or more people are "in" the spreadsheet and making changes to it at the same time. One forum post I read implies that this is supposed to work, but I just tested it. - Neither of us could see edits being made by the other - Both of us saving a modified sheet ended up with the last one saved "winning", losing the others changes So, is this supposed to work? If
Pick from drop down list
I want to format cells to be able to "pick from a drop down list." I don't see this function??? TK
Errors using If then Statements in a Macro
I have created a macro that uses If then Statements. About half of the If then Statements work fine but, the other half, when the statement is true give me an Application Defined Error. No error if the result is False. Below is an example of one If then statement that works and one that doesn't work. I've named the Cells on the worksheet but even if I use the cell reference (A1), I still get the error message. If I put the "IncludeTuition" instead of the "IncludeBookFee", then the If statement
Set Colour of a cell if amount is negative.
Dear All Is it possible to automatically set a cell to change colour if it is negative? I had a look at the functions and it seems you can get the colour using cell() command but I did not see any mention of changing the cell colour. Thanks Colin
Zoho Sheet computation bug
This is my 1st use of this forum. Forgive (& correct) me if I'm not on protocol or if there is an existing forum on this. Zoho sheet had a bug years ago that I brought to the attention of Zoho at the time. I'm super impressed with the new sheet and writer applications and am using them as default. However the same bug still remains and that bugs me. As an example, put into cell A1 the number 0.05 and into A2 the formula A1*2 then drag A2 down to A31 Below is the result, with the SUM of the numbers
Reverting back to an older version of Zoho Sheet
Hi Is it possible for me to open worksheets in older versions of Zoho Sheet? The reason I ask is because earlier this year I spent a lot of time putting together a VBA macro which, after recent updates, no longer works. I've spent hours trying to fix it to no success, and to me it appears that the more recent versions are much slower and more prone to errors, which is unfortunate because I had enjoyed using Zoho up to that point, and it is the only online office application I know of which supports
VBA Conditional Query
Hi, could someone here please help with the following dilemma i'm having? I have zero skill with code but after reading a few posts here, ive pieced together the following VBA code to 'almost' achieve what i want. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Application.EnableEvents = false On Error Goto ENEV If Target.Column = 10 Then ' 10 means Column J If Target.value<0 then Target.Interior.Color = RGB(255,0,0) 'Red fill colour ElseIf Target.value>0 then Target.Interior.Color
copy/pasting formular
I'm having a problem copy pasting this formula (Q2:AA2 on the DATA sheet) IF(ISERROR(FIND(NAVN;C1;P2+LEN(NAVN)));"";FIND(NAVN;C1;P2+LEN(NAVN))) (cell Q2) IF(ISERROR(FIND(NAVN;C2;P3+LEN(NAVN)));"";FIND(NAVN;C1;P3+LEN(NAVN))) ( cell Q3) somehow the reference to C1 will not be changed to C2 if there is no error (and why isn't there an IFERROR command?)
How do I change the border colours in zoho sheet
Hello, plesae advise how do i change the colors of the borders in zoho sheet?
unmerge or split cells?
here it is July 2013 and like people over the past years I can't get merged cells to unmerge or split. No reaction on the split cell command. Removing formatting still does not do it. Once a cell is merged it seems stuck. Any workaround even? Thanks, Greg
Sharing individual sheets to different people?
Could you tell me please when you will bring the individual sheet sharing functionality back? Also when the email notification on modification will be restored?
Zoho Sheets is slow to load. Please enable caching.
Hi Zoho team, I was working on Zoho Sheets for the first time as an experiment to see how things on the web work. While comparing Google Sheets and Zoho Sheets, I enjoyed the features Zoho sheets provides. But one big annoyance prevents me from using it full time. There is no caching. I switched between sheets on the bottom, going back and forth between 7-8 sheets, and each time, the sheet was loading from fresh. I even tried to navigate within the sheet (of 200 rows) and even then some rows
Spreadsheet does not load
Hi, I am very happy since I use Zoho Sheet. But since the last upgade, I can not anymore load one of my speadsheet. Either it takes a very very long time to load, or I recieve a message "servor error". The spreadsheet address is: Could you help me? Thank you Thierry
Sou Brasileiro
Uso o Zoho Sheet, agrade�o a vers�o em Portugu�s, mas para que possa utilizar mais satisfat�riamente o produto, preciso do s�lbolo do Real, a moeda do meu pa�s (Brasil) R$ Agrade�o
*HELP* Spreadsheet to Message body for e-mail
I'm using this website to make a spreadsheet for a registration form for a part that has to be a table, show total amounts, etc. When the customer clicks the Send button when they are done filling out all field on spreadsheet and non-spreadsheet all that shows up in the e-mail is everything but the spreadsheet. What is the code I have to use for the table to be able to put it in the message body for the e-mail? For the fields that I don't use from this spreadsheet use the codes, First Name: [your-name1]
Embedding sheet in applet
Hi, Can zoho sheet embed in applet? Regards, Praveen
Horizontal alignment
No matter how many times I direct the horizontal alignment to align on left it keeps reverting to align to right side. Whenever I put a new spreadsheet entry this happens. I then (Ctrl-A) select all, go to format and select horizontal alignment to left and that fixes it; temporarily.
Drawing in Zoho sheets
I need to create a project netwrok. I have the boxes set and need to draw arrows to show the project flow and preceding activities. How do i do this in Zoho sheets
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