sheet vba http request
I saw a blog post from a couple years ago about adding http request functionality to Zoho sheet vba scripting ( I couldn't find any documentation on it currently, has it been implemented or is it still likely to be added in the future? It would be really fantastic if it is - it would add a lot of functionality for me.
Hi, I've imported an .ods file into zohosheet, but I can't see where, if at all, I can modify the header/footer. It seems like you do recognise the info and preserve the data, since if I export it back to pdf it is still visible. Thanks, Marko oo
There is difference in results of YEARFRAC formula
There is difference between Zoho Sheet and Microsoft Product in results of YEARFRAC formula. You can download a test file from this site( and result is this( I do not know which one is right but there is difference.
how to add 7 days to a date?
I update a spreadsheet weekly and would like to write a formula that says "add 7 days to the date in cell c2" How would I do this?
adding days to a date
Hello, I would like for a cell to be the result of adding 7 days to a different cell. How can I do this?
Downloaded PDF file does not have pdf extention
When I want to print a sheet, I download it as a PDF file. It downloads on my desktop without the proper pdf extension. Everytime I have to rename the file - add the pdf extension. Anything I can do about it?
How to remove email address underlining?
How to remove email address underlining in a sheet? I already tried to remove hyperlink, to remove formatting. Nothing works.
Page loads to embedded sheet not at top
I have had for some time a Zoho Spreadsheet embedded in several blog posts on my Wordpress web site. Recently, I noticed when a post containing this sheet (actually, any Zoho sheet, I tried a few tests) is viewed, the page momentarily loads properly, then it skips down the page to the sheet. I see that this occurs in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, but not in IE. It also occurs in different recent versions of Wordpress. This appears to be a Zoho problem. I have other posts that use iframes (one a Zeemap
Please Help
How can i save my excel file on the embeded file from my blog
[How] Synchronized ranges on different sheets
For example, I have 3 sheets. Sheets 2 and 3 have an own table per sheet. On the Sheet 1 I want to have both these tables and it have to be synchronized. For example, when I modify a cell in the Table of the Sheet 2 - It also modifies in the table on the Sheet 1 (which includes 2 tables from Sheet 2 and 3). Otherwise: when I modify cells in the table on the Sheet 1 - it modifies in the table of the Sheet 2. Do you have such feature now? If not - Are you going to do it?
Can I duplicate a document
can I duplicate any of my documents into a new one and then edit it from there? If so can someone tell me how? Thank you
Problem in Export of Zoho Sheet into Excel
Im not able to export the data from zoho sheet into excel. I need the data urgently pls help.
Error Occurred alert when attempting to open Sheet document
When I click on the link for any saved Sheet document, the sheet does not load and following error message appears: Error Occurred Zoho Sheet Error Occurred Problem while Opening the Document Creating a new sheet, saving it, and attempting to open it gives the same error state. Hopefully this will be resolved soon. KM
How does (or why don't) AND(...) work with/as an array formula function?
Note: Gnumeric and ZOHO Sheet works the same way so there could be a good reason for it. Say we have two collums with a x and y patttern x x x y y x y y Add the same pattern 3 times to get some data. Lets say we would like to count the rows containing x in both columns. I did expect this formula to work: =SUM(AND($A1:$A12="x"; $B1:$B12="x")*1) (Finish with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to specify array function). But it does not and returns 1 rather than 3. A formla that works is =SUM(IF($A1:$A12="x";
edit sheet using api
Hello All. Sorry for my bad english. Please point me in right direction to find out how I can edit own Spreadsheet using Zoho API. Zoho API Guide contain API's to share, download, upload, list, get content etc but not Edit. I tried download sheet, modify and upload it back, but it stores with different ID and do not replace target sheet. Thanks for your time.
Can Not Export
Hi, I have used this product for about two years now. I had setup a sheet to be shared with multiple users, using the ability to grant permissions per sheet so that users can only update their individual sheet. I see that this feature is no longer supported for new sheets, but my current sheet has preserved the original permissions. However these users do not have the ability to export/download the sheets to their local PCs. If i change everyone's permission to Read/Write, they can export
Looking for Sheets user guide or help file
Can't find help anywhere for Sheets. What have I missed. Where should I be looking. Thanks
Unable to retrieve price for several stocks
Hi there! I am given to understand that Zoho sheet uses Yahoo Finance as its source data. Accordingly I use the STOCK symbol to retrieve data. It works for some stocks such as stock("") and returns correct data. But I have not been able to make it work for others such as STOCK("HDFCTOP200GR.BO"). This stock code is available in Yahoo Finance but in Zoho sheet it says Invalid symbol. Please let me know what I am doing wrong or how else to correct it. Thanks.
Line Chart - y scale or range
Hello, I have data in a small range between 45.5 and 46.25, with two digits after the point. If I plot it in a line chart, the lower border is adjusted accordingly to 45.5, however, the upper border will be fixed to something like 48.5. Due to this behavior, the peaks in the data are less visible than they would be on a smaller scale. Is there any possibility for me to either adjust the scale of the y axis, or its upper limit? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Best Regards, Jenny
Kindly need a macro to find a certain cell
Hi, I have worked with macros in Excel, but usually rely on taking an existing macro and modifying it to my need; I am not good enough to write one from scratch yet. I'm wondering if anyone would be so VERY kind as to show me the code needed for this simpe function: GIVEN: * There is a cell in column A that displays the text "TODAY". * The row in which "TODAY" is displayed changes every day, but is always in column A. MACRO DOES THIS: * With the user-selected cell starting anywhere on the sheet,
See only first 30 rows.
I can't scroll down. I can see only the first 30 rows of my data. This is new problem I found. Please correct, and get my all data back.
Published range, no line between cells
Hello and thanks for this very useful app! Question is, I use a published range (iframe) as our organization's calendar -- When I look at the sheet in there are fine border-lines between cells. But not when viewing it in as published. There's nothing separating the cells. Is there a way to make the cell borders visible in the published view ?? Thanks -- Howard Ballinger
Private view for filters
I've been trying to choose between EditGrid and Zoho for a business need here. Zoho is great, as it is being supported and is developing over time, but there are a few features I'd like to put on the request list: 1. Private view for filters. On EditGrid, if one user filters, only that user's view is changed. So different users can filter differently depending on what portion of the spreadsheet they are working on. In Zoho, it appears that if one user filters, all users get that same filter,
Printing problem
When I try to print a sheet it only prints part of the page.
Sheets duplicated and lost
Several of my sheets have been deleted and many are now mysteriously duplicated. Can't seem to determine why this happened but I'm concerned a lot of my data over the last few months is gone. Can you please help asap?
A couple of small points
Dear Zoho Sheet Team I have been accessing my sheets happily through Zoho Docs, but suddenly I can't any more! What's the reason? The second point is that the public URL doesn't let itself copy any more! Look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Hans
Opening sheets
Hello How do I make sure the tops of my sheets are displayed when opening? Many thanks and regards Hans
How do I sum the values?
I have the following table, I need to sum the values that match three criterias, for examble sum the total revenue of all deals that will close in november, are in forecast in the IS territory. Is there a formula for such thing. In Excel I used a sum(if... but i can't seem to embed this formula here, and in google docs the sum(filter... works. WON YTD setiembre octubre noviembre Total Forecast #REF! #VALUE! #VALUE! #REF! IS #REF! #VALUE! #VALUE! EA #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Upside #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Link to my public zoho spreadsheet.
When I navigate to my public zoho spreadsheet in I.E. the page begins to load but then goes blank. However, I can view it in print view as well as html view. Although it does work on other browsers, IE is the one we most often. Any thoughts/suggestions on how to fix? fyi the link is:
Zoho Sheet will be redirected to Zoho Docs
In a step to unify and showcase the office apps under one common web address, Zoho Writer, Sheet and Show will all be accessible from the Zoho Docs URL:, starting Nov 23, 2012. As soon as you sign in to Zoho Docs, you will land at the Zoho Docs Explorer, which lists all your files. You can open your files from there, create new spreadsheets, or upload your existing spreadsheets. You can create folders and organize your files better. Learn more about Zoho Docs at
Product Enhancements
Zoho Sheets is a great product, but for me and many others it would be materially enhanced if I/we could: hide and lock particular columns/rows/sheets, rather than just hide and lock formulas (this is crucial) improve the presentation of embedded spreadsheets by giving the option to remove column and row headings and scroll bars. Thanks!
Regular problems with saving files
Dear Zoho Sheet Team, Our users have been complaining about problems with saving sheets for years, literally. I can confirm the problem still exists. Usually it happens with "not imported" files, those which users just upload in native format (MS Excel, for example) and edit them online. They get problems regularly - one user add something, saves file, then other adds and first user lost his changes. That happens time to time in many files. I reported you a problem with document where you can check
how can i create thick overall borders
I can find thick bottom, but cannot find thick other borders. In most cases, I want an overall thick borders - top/bottom/left/right. How can I do it?
Tex formulas into ZohoSheet
I need insert Tex formulas from ZohoWriter into ZohoSheet. Can you help me, team Zoho? Please, thank YOU. Very good job.
Worksheet_Change event not firing
No matter what sheet I try it on, the Worksheet_Change event never seems to fire. For example, if I put some simple code in a macro and run it, it executes fine, but if I put the exact same code in the Worksheet_Change event, it never executes. If I do the exact same thing in Microsoft Excel it works fine. What am I missing? Jon
Sheet tabs not showing at bottom of workbook
I have a workbook with two sheets and there is not a tab at the bottom to toggle between them.
I want everyone in my group to be able to make changes on the original sheet, so everyone know what is left in he inventory. Does anyone know how to change "saving" parameters?
Below is the warning I get when I open this sheet!
Can't scroll down on iPad
Hello I Can't scroll down on my sheet via the iPad app or mobile site I can only see to line 51 and cannot scroll down. How do I scroll. Thanks
User-made Buttons disappear when Freeze Panes is selected
I have created some buttons that fire VBA Macros. If I select Freeze Panes, buttons in the "Frozen" area disappear, but buttons in the scrollable area stay visible. Selecting Unfreeze Panes, the buttons are again visible. I want to keep the buttons on the screen at all times, and they will scroll off the screen if I place them in the scrollable area. Obviously, I don't want to have to keep Freezing and Unfreezing Panes, or scrolling to the buttons to use them. Any assistance is appreciated!
How do I get everyone in the group to be able to change/update on the original sheet?
As you can see I get this Note: at the top of the sheet (see below screen shot) I want to let all the leads be able to change the original sheet! Is there a way to to that?
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