Calculation problem
for some reason the calculations in this .xls file will not calculate i keep getting #REF!
New Features: Insert Buttons, xlsx support and time zone preference
We put out a new version last week. You can now insert buttons in your spreadsheets to trigger VBA Macro. This helps you create nice spreadsheet based applications. Our macro functionality will be enhanced further to give you more power. Here is a sample spreadsheet with buttons: We previously supported import of xlsx files (The new excel format). Now, export to xlsx is also supported. Files in xlsx format are now supported via our APIs
Office plug-in picture handling situations
When opening a sheet containing pictures in Excel, pictures will disapear even if appearing on Zoho sheet. Then if uploading the modified workbook, the pictures which disappeared in Excel, sometimes appears up in Zoho sheet (which were inserted in Zoho sheet), but many times they disappear. Conversely, if we open the workbook in Excel and insert a picture in Excel, then upload the workbook and open it in Excel again, the pictures which were inserted in Excel can be seen only in Excel, but not in
No Horizontal Scrollbar
I've been using sheet for a while now on a windows XP machine with SP3, using the latest version of Firefox. No problems at all. I recently bought a W7 laptop and have realized a problem. When using FF on my W7 laptop, I lose the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the sheet. (screenshot attached) When using IE8 on the same machine, the scrollbar is there. Any suggestions? All of my sheets run into many columns and the scrollbar is very necessary for me. Many thanks for any help that can be
Save selection as PDF
Is it possible to save a selected area of my spreadsheet as a PDF file without the gridlines?
google v.s aranınca.
google v.s aranınca. geel giriş sayfası çıkmıyo. sitenin kendi linkinde de farklı bir yerden giriliyo. tek bir girişten girsek . shet write v.s hepsi elimizin altında olsa . sectiğimiz proğram yeni sayfada açıklsa. o proğrama ait bir oturum kapama seçeneği olsa. ve ordan çıkıldığında ana sayfa kapanmasa. süper olur. googlede üst sıraya güzel bir giriş sayfası olusturun accons tarayıcıda ilk çıkan en üstteki sayfa olsa süper olur
accons sayfası direk açılsa ordan girsek sonra diger sayfalara geçsek.
accons sayfası direk açılsa ordan girsek sonra diger sayfalara geçsek. örneğin sheet açık ama biz unuttuk yeniden açtığımızda ikinci sayfa yerine o an açık olan pencere öne çıksa açılmış gibi...... önemli bence bu. bide açık sheet sayfamız var. burda oturumu kapat yerine "shet oturumunu veya sayfasını kapat şeklnde olsa tarayıcıyı kapatmak yerine öyle çıkıs yapsak daha güvenli olmaz mı. hem diğer sayfalar kapanmamış olcak accons olan genel sayfa da oturum kapatılırsa bütün açılanlar kapanaca. çook
resim eklemek bakmak v.s
resim leri yan yana yükleyebileceğim sonrada büyütüp asğ ve solda ki oklar yardımıyla ileri geri diğer resimlere baka bileceğim bir bölüm olsa.. ekle butonu olsa. eklene reimi asagıya doğru altalta sınırsız veya sayfalar halinde yanyana 4-5 resim olacak şekilde olsa süper olur. 0507,754,54,24 bence süper fikir . patlama olur site herkesin hucumuna uğrar.
drag and drop
drag and drop is an important function missing here
How can I mask the email addresses?
Hello, I would like to mask the email addresses in a group that share documents or sheets. How can it be done in, and Thank you Staff TXTNLRN Call or Text 512-850-4898
zoho sheet
i have a zoho sheet shared from my colleague. there's a annoying problem that i cannot freeze the first row of the sheet in my chrome browser. is it the problem of my browser or simply a bug of zoho sheet?
Please support SQL data sources in Zoho Sheet
Please add support for SQL data sources in your "Link External Data" feature. Thank you, Near Privman
New Functionality: Two useful mouse techniques for your spreadsheets!
We have added a couple of new features in Zoho Sheet this week. Drag and drop cells: We have now made it possible to do cut-n-paste actions using your mouse. To move a cell or contiguous range of cells, select it and position your mouse over the selection outline. The mouse cursor will change to "move" pointer . Now drag the selection by holding down the mouse button. Once you reach the target cell, release the button in order to paste the content. Similarly, to copy a cell or range, hold down the
Printing Gridlines
We love this program but need to print with gridlines, is there a way to do this?? You can reply to or Thanks Dawn
Spreadsheet Does Not Show Negative numbers
This issue has caused a few minor financial issues for myself. I use this spreadsheet to track my spending in order to forecast how much funds I will have remaining once checks have cleared and all expenses have hit my account. There has been a few times that I've mistaken the total amount that I have calculated for a positive, when in reality it was a negative. I didn't realize this issue with your site until I exported the document and noticed the issue. I hope you see this and resolve this issue.
Can row and column names be removed when embedded in webpage?
I have a sheet embedded in my web page. Works great. I'd like to be able to make it look less like a spreadsheet. Can I not show the row and column names? You know, like, Col A, B, C and Rows 1, 2, 3...
Freeze Header Columns/Rows
Is there any way to freeze header columns and rows? If not, when will that feature be implimented, as that is a feature that I pretty much need before being able to adopt a system. -Justin jmyer (at) incrementaladvantage (dot) com
Link to external data by sql
Hi guys, I'm trying to get my company to switch from Office to Zoho, mainly for the collaboration capabilities. One thing which is really missing for me, is the ability to pull data from an SQL data source (mySQL in our case) automatically. Is there a way to do this which I have missed? Do you have any plans to add it? Thank you, Near Privman
Office plun-in comment conversion error
When I convert a Zoho sheet for modification in xl 2k10, the Office sync plug-in removes carriage returns from comments when convertion occurs, and so make the comment unusable. It'd be corrected, I think.
Selection Buttons
Hi I have a number of registers amongst my sheets where birds, mammals, insects etc are listed in alphabetical order. Is there a possibility to have selection buttons at the top of the sheet (A - Z) and by clicking on a button it takes the viewer straight to that particular section. This would save a lot of scrolling, which a lot of visitors do not like to do. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Hans
How many sheets / workbooks can I create?
I am new to using ZOHO and would like to use it extensively for my blog for various purposes. Now I need to know: How many workbooks can I create in a free account? (I have no plans to buy any paid stuff right now) What are the limitations (other than number of workbooks, if any) in free account as compared to premium/paid version? Thanks in advance for assistance Mohit
Is it possible to set an e-mail notification for event listed in Sheet?
Hi, I am new to ZOHO. Is it possible to set an e-mail notification for event listed in Sheet? And how to do it? I know how to do it in Calendar, but I need to make notifications for some dates listed in Sheet. Thank You!
Cells do not merge
Hi On my sheeet "Birds Q - Z I have title blocks which are 4 horizontally merged cells. It has so far worked perfectly on dozens of items, but in rows 50 and 51 the third and fourth cell refuse to merge! As soon as I try to merge, it goes back to split cells. It's a mystery! What am I doing wrong? Many thanks for any help! Hans
Embedded sheet = You do not have permission to access this document.
I had a simple public sheet embedded into my Typepad blog. It worked for years, now it displays "You do not have permission to access this document." I re-embedded the code, republished, and still get the same display in my blog. The URL is I am moving this blog to Wordpress, and have the same problem. I also re-embedded the code, republished, cleared my cache, and still get the same display. The URL is
Multi-layer folder - can tagging do a similar job?
I am seriously looking at "Zoho'ize" our company's document storage and sharing. It will be huge since we have several geographically diverse offices who need to share/cync data all the time. Zoho Sheet and Writer can well be an ideal solution - with one exception - tagging. While I love tagging personally, and on my PC, tagging has become the primary means of organizing files, our other users in the office may not be so thrilled. Our shipping team, for example, stores files under a folder such as
Macros keep disappearing
I've created several sheets in ZOHO Sheet all with a number of macros to perform repetitive tasks such as data manipulation and formatting... However, they keep disappearing from the macro list, comes up "No Macros Found" this is happening on several sheets and appears to happen randomly.. its is getting quite annoying to be honest as I'm now having to continually re-enter the macros.. So, in effect I've replaced a set of repetitive tasks with another repetitive task of re-entering the macro !!...
Cell borders
I've imported a sheet that uses some thick and thin borders. It imported keeping the formatting, but now that I've edited it some borders need repair. The border button doesn't allow me to do all the fixes- for example I can't put a think border on the only on a left or right side of a cell. In fact, Zoho only lets me add a thick border to the bottom. And looking more closely, this sheet uses thin, medium, and thick borders... I see from older posts that a more advanced border edit feature was planned,
Zoho Sheets
The cell comments don't seem compatible when dowloading to Excel. Format is considerably jumbled. Have tried various versions of Excel, is all the same problem. Actually, more current versions of Excel are worse. I have tried 2003 and 2007 versions of Excel under both XP and Win 7
Why am I unable to paste info from other files into Zoho files?
Finding option is not working properly
Finding option is not working properly in zoho sheet please look in to it and solve asap.. Regards J.Lavanya..
Would it be possible to allow a member who only read rights to view or chat with other shared members?
Scenario: I shared a Zoho sheet with two members.To one a provided read only access and the other member with read and write. When I started the chat session the member with only read access was not part of the conversation.. Suggestion: To have all members who are sharing the sheet be about to chat. Staff TXTNLRN Text 512-850-4898
zohosheet表格中小区列能否按第一个字的汉语拼音排序 编号 小区 楼层 套型 面积 设施 装修 价格 906c 1号大院附近 6F/6 3+2 90 部分设施 中装 38.5 909c 79大院 3F/5 2+1 70 空调太阳能家具 中装 38.8 891c 79大院附近 1-2F/2 130 独门独院 中装 81.8 830c 上海西路 1-2F/2 3+2 80 独门独院 中装 35.8 东大院 1F/1 3+1 105 中装 85 844c 东大院 4F/5 2+1 60 管道气 中装 34.2 845c 东大院隔壁 3F/5 3+1 72 精装 37.8 647c 东湖望景苑 4F/6 2+2 100 车库10平方 精装修 54.8 908c 中天花园 12F/18 2+1 85 毛坯 46.8 851c 中天花园隔壁 5F/6 3+1 100 平地车库15平方 精装 42.8 887c 中径路血站 5F/6 3+1 82 空调设施齐全 中装 38.5 842c 丰登路 6F/6 2+2 78 设施齐全 精装 37.8 丹桂苑 6F/6 2+2 90 车库19平方,阁楼90,2+2太阳能灶具
Add capability to resize the comment box
Hello, Request to add the capability to be able to resize / shrink and expand the comment box. See screen shot attached. Thank you Staff TXTNLRN Call or Text 5128504898
Live Updates not getting refreshed in excel collaboration.
Hi, I am trying to collobarate an excel document between two users. I am not looking for saving the file now. i just want to see the live update and chat window. I will list out what i have done. First i created an HTML file as below <html> <form method="POST" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="_self" accept-charset="UTF-8"> File : <input type="file" name="content" size="38"> <br> <input type="hidden" name="apikey" value="my api key"> <input type="hidden"
Track Changes by Author?
We are using Zoho Sheets between a group of us in different offices. However we are running into a major drawback: We currently can not see who is authoring each cell. For example...once I create the template and set it to share, I want to be able to have anyone in the group be able to edit it. However when they add or change a cell, it should add a little note or tag to the cell with the users screen name or initials or something. this way if in the future we want to look back and see who made an
In Zoho sheets when the owner of the sheet makes an update....
Hello, In Zoho sheets when the owner of the sheet makes an update.... An email with the link is not being sent to all members sharing the sheet. What am I missing ? Thank you Staff TXTNLRN send a text to 512-850-4898
losing information
hi there, am having problems with data disappearing when I paste it in from Excel. whenever there are more than about 500 lines pasted in they appear to be copied in correctly and saved etc. but then when I go back all the data has gone. is there any reason for this and is there a better way to copy this information in so I won't lose it. I am copying in to an existing worksheet which 3/4 other people have access to. thanks.
VBA code is not working, but works perfectly in Excel.
I'm having a rough time getting my VBA codes to work in Zoho, while it works perfectly in Excel. UserName: In Excel, I use the WorkBook_Open() and Application.UserName functions to get the UserName logged in. I know this is not possible (soon?) for Zoho. So instead, my understanding is that I need to label a cell as 'UserName' and then the user is required to input their UserName before editing. Not fool-proof or error-proof, but it is a slight workaround. However...its not working for me. And im
Problems with Right Clicking on the Sheet
When you right click on the shreadsheet the browser context menu appears with the Zoho Sheet Behind. You can get the correct context menu to appear by holding down the mouse button. Also pressing the alt key on the keyboard appears to fix the context menu in place. I haven't seen this issue mentioned in any forums yet. jtmitc
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