Published sheet inside website results in #ref being desplayed
I have a control excel spreadsheet from which I then create a simplified version 98% with linked cells. IE file 2 is linked to file 1 inside my computer. I then upload file 2 to zohosheet and go to publish range. The resultant codes I paste into my website but the result shown inside the website becomes #ref in all the linked cells. The only cells to desplay is where I have used standard excel formulae with a link back to sheet 1 It matters not which version of excel I use the same problem occurs
Scrolling up and down in Zoho
How do I scroll down to view cells/rows that are below the initial spreadsheet view. The scroll bar that would normally be on the righthand side is grey and can't be used. Is there some way I activate it? I can't see any rows below 19...
Bom dia aos desevolvedores do ZOHIO. Realmente é um ferramenta ON LINE que funciona similarmente aos OFFICEs instalaods. Waldir Lins Jaboatão - PE / Brasil
impossible to freeze pane again
I did undo "freeze pane" to check if I would find a way to freeze a column together with a row. 1/ after that impossible to re-active it, either on a row or a column,on any tab of my spreadsheet. please help 2/ how do you freeze pane row + column combined together I posted a private feedback many days ago, with no answer, so i make it public now thanks Daniel
idiomas esta misturados
Os idiomas portugues Brazil e portugues Europa estao misturados. Há partes do menu em um idioma e partes em outro. Verifiquem.
can not open sheet file?
Popup a window : Error Occurred Problem while Opening the Document
Opera right-click menu not available
Version 10.10 Build 4742 Platform Linux System i686, Qt library 4.5.1 Java Java Runtime Environment installed I can't access the right-click menu in sheet, just gives me the Opera default menu. This was noted as a fixed bug in May 2009 but for me it's still an issue. Any ideas?
Zoho Sheet Functions
Maybe its a dumb idea to ask but is it possible to get a list of all the functions available at present in Zoho Sheet? Thanks to all who can help here.
zoho sheets
i am looking for a way to set up a lead tracking sheet, were i can enter all information onto a master sheet. i have 4 reps that woulkd need to updtae thier sheets. my problen is setting up the sheet so i can have each rep log in with a password and only see thier leads.
Probleme mit einer Hochgeladenen Excel Tabelle
hallo zusammen, ich hätte da bezüglich Zoho einige fragen... 1.) Ich würde gerne eine vorhandene excel Tabelle hochladen, die mit Mini-Bildern in einer Spalte (A) eingefügt wurde. Allerdings wenn ich diese vorhandene Excel-Liste hochlade, sind die Bilder nicht mehr in der dazu gehörigen zeile. Die Bilder verschieben sich sozu sagen nach lust und laune, weiter nach unten, und ich müsste theoretisch gesehen alle bilder manuell in die dazugehörige Zeilen neu verschieben. 2.) Ich habe in meiner vorhandenen
Date Auto-Formating
Hi, i'm new to zoho sheet, ive noticed that when i paste something like 18/06 - 10:00 it auto-formats accordingly to the option selected in date/hour tool. But i'd like not to have any formatting, i want to keep it 18/06 - 10:00 but sheet automatically changes it once pasted. Is there anyway to disable this feature ? If not, can you add a date and time format that is "18/06 - 10:00" ?
list of keyboard shortcuts?
Where do I find a list of keyboard shortcuts for Sheet? I want to know how to do things such as formatting of text inside a cell (e.g. I stumbled across Alt + Enter to force a line break). I can't find any specific "how to's" in the "Help" area.
Hi there! First of all, thanks for these wonderful applications! I'd like to know if there is an option to refresh my sheet every xx seconds? When we are several to work on the same sheet on different computers, it would be very useful if the sheet refresh by itself instead of loading it again... Thanks!
Can't Share a Sheet
I am not able to share a sheet I have created in Zoho. When I attempt to share it when the person hits the link all they get is a partially loaded page that doesn't even let them read. Also when the user signs up it is not in their Shared With Me list. I have tried this with two users.... Note: This is pretty urgent
Public Text Frame
Can I put a frame on my public Zoho worksheet, that public or registered users can post comments ?
Internet Explorer muestra comprimida la Hoja de cálculo
He insertado el "iframe" de una hoja de cálculo en mi web ( -- Introducción, Plan Financiero, Modelo), pero IE lo muestra comprimido, no ocurre así con Chrome, Safari o Firefox. ¿Alguien sabe porqué?
VBA Macro writing
I have a spreadsheet made that is a schedule and I need to stop people from signing up for multiple jobs at the same time... any ideas?
Tengo errores cuando abro mis hojas con internet explorer, pero funcionan correctamente con Firefox. He detectado errores en estas hojas: Ambas funcionan correctamente en Firefox y en mi ordenador con OpenOffice, ¿alguien me puede decir donde está el problema? Gracias por vuestra atención
creating a lead tracking sheet
i am trying to create a sheet where there is a master sheet and it has 5 sales reps on it. after i input the information on to the master sheet i want my reps to have access to only tier leads. can this be done. i can assign email address or password for each rep to open their leads only.
CSS for Sheet?
I was wondering if it is possible to modify the CSS of an embedded Zoho Sheet? My website has a black background making the sheet title unreadable. And I currently have all my cells with a black background with white text, but the hyperlinks remain dark blue and almost unreadable. I've included an example with a darker background so you can see what I am describing. Thank you for a wonderful product!
Addition/Functions Won't Work
I'm running a test amongst 24 of my partners sharing one spreadsheet on several different web pages. We select "click to edit" and try testing the functions (basic addition), and about half of my partners are experiencing no addition within the cells. In other words, they could enter data all over the table and the "sum cells" are only showing the value for the last data entered into an individual cell. For the other half of my partners, things work just fine. Here's a link to one:
Unable to import spreadsheet saved in MS office 2010 beta
Hi there, I couldn't import some spreadsheets saved with MS office 2010 beta. (even .xls or .xlsx) but can with other versions. Also while importing sheets with VBA module compiled in Ver. 2010 the macros doesnt show up in the imported file. I have filed a feedback regarding this and i have got a (quick) response stating a "some parsing error while importing the file" for the file import problem. Awaiting Zoho sheets to support docs/sheets saved in MS Office 2010 beta soon since the MS office 2010
Offer templates
Zoho Writer has many helpful templates that can become modified for my use. I would like to find templates for Zoho Sheet too. It would help me and other recognize the many possibilities with this service. Some Zoho employees could study the templates offered by Microsoft and Google sheet to onte what are most popular and then adapt them for this setting.
Problem with Zoho spreadsheet
There is a problem regarding the alignment of the spreadsheet's rows. They become increasingly disparative as you go further down the document
Search an entire workbook?
How can I do a search across multiple sheets in a workbook? I was looking for an "Entire Workbook" option under the "Find" function, but the only options I see are "Current Sheet," "This Column," and "This Row." Is there any way to do a cross-sheet search? Thanks for any help.
Controlling acces to shared document
Hi, I am new in Zoho. It's first online web app for documents that I really like, but I have the problem: I am sharing one Sheet with one person, I've added her e-mail as read only, but the link which this person received is... public. Anyone who gots this link has access to read my Sheet. How to secure my Sheet for password protected access? Or only for Google account login: for me ( I am accessing Zoho from my Google Account and this second person should use her own login information to have access
Es dificil entender como compartir un documento con laguien, por ejemplo, si está en Mis Plantillas, no se puede compartir con un amigo, hasta que lo pase a Mis Hojas, no es intuitivo. Tambien esta muy oculto el chat y le hace falta un icono de ayuda en la barra de menus. Por lo demás EXCELENTE! Gracias
Freeze Panes
Hi, I am not bale to Frees more than 1 line. I want to freeze formatted lines the Freeze option is available only for 1 time then I get the UnFreeze as an option in the More Action drop down tab
Zoho Public Sheet Suggestions
I just observed from the public sheet that as per one of my previous bug report, this has been changed and corrected. Now I see an explicit button called 'Click to edit', 'Save to Excel' and 'Full Screen'. I have a few suggestions. (1) Once I use 'Click to Edit' it is disabled. Instead of disabling how about toggling it as 'Stop Edits' so that it would be like a on/off binary state switch. (2) Along with 'Save To Excel' can you get me an option like 'Save to Zoho
How Zoho Sheet import to update the existing sheet
Did Zoho able to import file to update the existing sheet? We see google docs able to upload the local file to update the existing spread sheet but we did not see on the ZOHO sheet...
How do I stop zoho sheet from including #N/A values in charts?
In software packages that are not web-based, charts will not plot cells which return the value #N/A. Unfortunately, zoho sheet seems to plot #N/A values as if they are equivalent to zeros. Could you please tell me how to set cells so that they result in no value being plotted when a chart is created? Huge thanks, Cam
Can I copy into a row?
e.g., I'd copy two words on the same line, separated by tabs, in a word processor and you want to paste them into Row 1 of the Zoho Sheet. Would you know why Zoho won't allow copying via the option in the context menu, but will accept the shortcut Ctrl + C?
Tengo en zoho projects varios usuarios, ya cree un documento sheet... como comparto con estos usuarios de zoho projects este archivo facilmente?
Lo digo porque para compartir un documento, veo que la unica forma es colocando el correo de la persona, pero deberia de haber una manera mas sencilla y que de pronto no he visto. La otra pregunta que agrego a este es... ¿como hago para agregar a mis contactos, usuarios creados en zoho projects? GRACIAS.... POR SU AYUDA
Thanks for the great work!!
Can you add the feature of Auto filter as in the normal spreadsheet? Its missing here or did i miss out somewhere?
Função Auto Filtro na planilha
Preciso da função auto filtro existente na planilha Excel. Como acessa-lo? Grato Murillo Fonseca
Coloring text according to value?
Hi, New to Zoho, and am trying to get familiarized with the tools. I have imported a sheet. I would like to color/format the values depending on their value (green if > 0, red if < 0). I assume there's a simple to make this happen... but I just can't figure it out. Thanks!
Sheet Tab Reference
I work on a file with multiple sheets (tabs). How do I reference Sheet 1? For instance, I might be in Sheet 3 but want the data from Sheet 1 Cell A3. How do I reference that data? Thanks
Cell formatting for negative dollar values ($x.xx)
I uploaded a spread sheet from Excel that contained formatting to display negative dollar values in parentheses. This formatting was successfully retained in the Zoho document. However, when I copy and paste it to a new area in the document, sometimes the formatting is lost and it defaults to using a minus sign instead of parentheses. I have not been able to locate an option to display with parentheses even though it is clearly possible. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Is the STOCK() function broken?
I am seeing the price displaying in what appears to be a left-justified text format. Any calculations using it are evaluating as zero. The sheet is already shared if someone wants to look at it. Robert
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