Zoho Sheets are REALLY slow lately.
I keep getting an errror message stating that a script is slowing down the performance of the page. This is not just happening on 1 computer, it's on at least a couple.
hours graph
Hi there, Just want to find out how to make a graph on Zoho Sheets that have hours and minutes as input data?
default show option in alignment button
hi, In zoho sheet cell you are showing the alignment in auto based on their format(like number or words). if i want to change the alignment, not going to click left or right, only i should click center alignment menu only. so it is very useful(user friendly) showing the center alignment menu as default.
Can I move contents, of a column, up one cell?
e.g., and a column I might have a list of 9 items, 9 cells filled, and I delete the 5th. I'd want to bring up cells 6 through 9 or delete the 5th cell if possible. Also, can I add a single cell?
Export to Zoho Sheet
Zoho Team, I was browsing through a webpage and just used the 'Export to Microsoft Excel' option and then imported it into my Zoho Spreadsheet. I was just wondering if you could help us with a quick BHO that could give a context menu in Internet Explorer and FireFox which would export the webpage into a new Zoho spreadsheet. You can perhaps name it as 'Export to Zoho Sheet'. I hope that would be of great use to many Zoho Sheet users. ---- Deepak Vasudevan http://thamizhththendral.blogspot.com/
Hola, estuve manejando el spreadsheet y tengo el problema de que algunos números con decimales se convierten en fechas... quisiera solucionarlo.
my sheets are lost!
Hi, I import six sheets one week ago and today i login the system, i found all of them are lost, so what's wrong with the system??? /Jack
Can I drag & drop a list from Zoho Writer into a column of a Zoho Sheet?
I want to have a list up here and every cell of a column without having to individually drag text to each cell.
progetto nuovo articolo 80
Hi, I posted a question a few minutes ago re:how to format cell borders. I just wanted you to know that I found a posting by you with a sample Macro you wrote to accomplish cell borders and it works great! You can close that one out! I LOVE ZOHO!! You guys ROCK! Thanks a bunch, Sue
Formato de los números
¿Hay alguna forma de dar formato a los números con el punto para los millares y la coma para los decimales, sin que por ello debamos hacer constar la moneda? Finalmente, sería increíble poder fusionar las capacidades de "Google Docs" y "Zoho", conseguiríamos el TOP de las aplicaciones en la "Nube". En fin, lo máximo. Gracias y un saludo
Error importing YNithya Tax Utility Spreadsheet
Zoho Team, I was trying to import http://ynithya.com/taxcalc/TaxCalc_2011.xlsx (Our this years Tax Calculator) but Zoho is refusing to import it with an error message. Can you help import the same? I think I would suggest you make it a Zoho template since many Indians can use this for Tax Planning purposes. ---- Deepak Vasudevan http://thamizhththendral.blogspot.com/
Share Document
Share This Document >> Type EMail ID >> Click Send Mail --- is not working and no mail has been sent gnanasekar
False positive Editing Capability
Zoho Sheet, Please visit this URL https://www.zoho.com/zoho_faq.html#5 The hosted spreadsheet allows me to edit and delete rows. I think it is public and readOnly sheet. I admit it the changes are not committed anywhere but it is trying to send a communication as a saving to the server and all those false positive actions. Can we address it? ---- Deepak Vasudevan http://thamizhththendral.blogspot.com/
Unneeded sheets not to be shown ...
Zoho Sheet, I would like to draw your attention to https://www.zoho.com/zoho_faq.html#5 public spreadsheet. The specific spreadsheet has data only in the first sheet and Sheet 2 and Sheet 3 are just boilerplate contents and is empty. I think whilst publishing empty boilerplates need to be pruned off. ---- Deepak Vasudevan http://thamizhththendral.blogspot.com/
Equivalent for "f4" key in Sheet
Hi to all my name's Marco; I'm new here at zoho and I've been trying it! I must say I feel very good with it and that I'm happy to find an online tool for my works that is nice and helpful.. My question is that in Microsoft Excel, when I want to "set a command" , I select it and then I press F4 so that what is on that cell will repeat in the cells I want it to drag ,so what's this equivalent in zoho sheet? By the way, in OpenOffice the equivalent is "Shift + F4" and I haven't found the equivalent
importing text files to spreadsheet
Hi, Recently, I created a zoho spreadsheet, either by copy/pasting a text file, or by importing it, and I thought it automatically detected that it was a tab-seperated file, and the results were perfectly formatted two column file. I am unable to duplicate that process. Is there an easy way to do this? Thank you. motownmutt
Validación de datos
Hola, Quisiera saber si contamos con algún manual, no he podido encontrar cómo trabajar la validación de datos.
Script Error: sheet.js
Hi, I get an Internet Explorer Script Error every time I open a sheet from Excel 2007. The details arbelow: Line: 15214 Char: 1 Error: Invalid argument Code: 0 URL: http://js.zohostatic.com/sheet/v35_22/js/sheet.js I am running IE 8.0 on Windows XP Professional SP3. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Lars.
Error Occurred Problem while Opening the Document
Imported an excel file but it won't open.
Error when removing comment
when I select two cells that has comments and select remove comment from right click menu, only comment in first cell is removed.
Limitar la opción de una hoja publicada
Una vez publicada una hoja de cálculo en una web, ¿podemos evitar que el usuario acceda a "Visual Basic" con "Alt + F11?
Eliminar columnas y filas
Al insertar el "iframe" de una hoja de cálculo en mi web (GoogleApps) no consigo eliminar las filas y columnas en blanco sobrantes. Lo he intentado desde la misma hoja antes de publicarla pero sin éxito. Gracias anticipadas.
That would be a nice feature !
Once i was updating my sheet file, i saved my edits and closed it. Then i opened it today, and i found that somehow i have deleted a row in the previous time, and i can't remember its contents. It'd be nice if Zoho can create revisions or at least take a copy from the sheet file before editing it and save it somewhere, so i can undo my changes if i want that. Thanks and keep the good work . . .
Doesn't work on iPad
Please the problem with iPad
Paper Options Missing
When I try to export my excel file in PDF format, I can't choose if I want to export in portrait or landscape. Please have a look at same function in Google Docs.
Ocutar y proteger celdas de fórmula
Cuando publico una Hoja de cálculo en una página web con la opción de pegar el "iframe", y me aseguro de seleccionar la opción de "Ocultar y proteger celdas de fórmula" no funciona, puesto que cuando lguien se conecta a la web puede acceder y modificar esa celda.
Celdas protegidas
Al generar el código HTML-Iframe para publicar una hoja de cálculo en una página web, el programa te pregunta si quieres proteger las celdas con fórmula. Aunque respondas afirmativamente, cuando accedes a la página igualmente te permite modificar esas celdas, provocando que el resultado que genera sea incorrecto, y por tanto, obligando a refrescar y volver a introducir los datos. ¿podemos evitarlo? Un saludo
Enviroment WindowsXP Chrome5 Lang Japanese
font bug
Login form(iframe),Privacy policy and some menu cause a font-bug. But File menu dont have bug. Please fix this.
Link to open another Worksheet
Is it possible to link a cell to open a separarte worksheet within a spreadsheet. I am creating an index in the first worksheet to open other worksheets in the file
Zoho Sheet Changes Report is Inadequate!
When any of those people I gave them the right to edit an specific sheet applies changes to the sheet, I receive a notification in my email. The problem is this notification isn't complete at all and doesn't provide adequate information for the changes. Sorry for comparing with Google Docs again, but please check how they notify administrator about the changes a user has done!
Labels for X axis
I can't insert or define labels for X Axis which makes any chart look useless
We can not add . it only allows , how do we solve this?
Question is above. Valentin
Browser Tab View problem
Suppose I have opened different spreadsheets in tabs of a browser. When I have a look at these tabs, I see them all showing Zoho. Indeed they show the name of spreadsheet after Zoho, but when the number of Tabs is a lot,we can see only Zoho word. In Google Docs, I can see the name of every spreadsheets ,which is too convenient to locate when there are too many tabs open.
Leading Zero
Is there a way to format numbers as text? If we are entering UPC codes preceded with a 0, the zero is dropped. There doesn't appear to be an option to format numbers as text. eakaufman
Zohosheets functionality
Terrific application. Thank you. Works very well. My only suggestion might be that it would be nice if you could elect to have no grid lines, as Excel allows. ....But that is nit picking. Thanks again.
Share Invitiations Not Being Delivered
Hello - I have tried sharing documents with several different business colleagues - some with corporate firewalls, and some without. IN almost every case, they have had trouble receiving their share invitations. A few found them trapped in their spam filters (hoping you're working on whitelisting). But several others never received them at all. I then tested the sharing in Sheets in particular and found the same thing when sharing to other email addresses of mine. The delivery rate is less than 50%.
Cloud SQL external data "Problem in configuring WebData."
I have a Zoho Spreadsheet in which I have several external data links from Zoho Reports via Cloud SQL. After creating the shhet several weeks ago, the links pulled the data in flawlessly. Now they're all broken saying "Problem in configuring WebData." When absolutely nothing has changed.
How to save documents in Zoho?
How do I save a spreadsheet or document I've opened from an email in Zoho into Zoho Sheets or Documents? - D
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