Linking cells from different ZOHO sheets
Does anyone know how to do this - or indeed link cells from separate tabs
Update multiple tabbed sheets
Is it possible, in Zoho Sheets, to update multiple sheets at one time? For example if I have identical data for 12 of 36 sheets, can I select the 12 sheets and then enter the data into the relevant cells all at once? Thanks!
Zoho spreadsheet
Hi, I am a current user of google spreadsheet. As i am suspecting that there is leak of info, ( spreadsheets are shared), i wonder if zoho track the ip address of each user who view the document? Is it single login per user or mulitple Rgds,
Zoho Report and Zoho Sheet
I have generated a Zoho Report from Zoho Creator information - a Zoho Summary report. This has also been embedded back into Creator. I would now like to use the summarized figures from the Zoho Reports table in Zoho Sheet, ultimately to schedule an import of summarized figures for Sheet to work on. What is the best way of doing this ? I have tried 'Publish'ing it but I get a password protect error, even if I try the non-login option. Any ideas ?
how to build a new function using VBA?
Hi all, I have a specific problem. I want to use this user-written Excel function on my Zoho Sheet. Straight copying does not work. But do you have any idea how I still could make it work? Thanks very much! Laszlo
Hiding rows and columns in sheet
What happened to the ability to hide rows and columns. This feature is critical to our continued use of your product. You have just removed a CRITICAL feature.
Zoho Sheet questions
Hi Everybody, I'm a first time Zoho sheet user and an Excel power user (basically everything except VBA coding). I'm pretty excited about the sharing possibilities that Zoho sheet offers, and am working on trying to convert a simple Excel model I have to Zoho. Things I have questions about: 1) I have a couple of drop-down menus in the Excel document that the user selection an option from. The options are pre-defined using a list hidden elsewhere in the sheet. Does Zoho offer drop-down functionality
how to input a part of an external data into Zoho Sheet?
hi, i am new on Zoho Sheets, i just wanted to know how to input a part of an external data into Zoho Sheet? for example: i only want to get views "62,963 views" on my Sheet and also Auto-updated, is there any formula? does it wor on Zoho Sheets? Thank You
Importing xls files to Zoho sheets
Hi, I created an INVOICE report in ZOHO CRM, one of the columns is the Invoice date in dd/mm/yyyy format. I exported this report in .xls format, saved it and then imported it to ZOHO SHEETS. The problem is with the date field. It shows as: '01/07/2008 The apostrophe makes the date unusable, and it can't be removed with the replace command, because it is only visible in the Formula bar, not the actual column data. Can you help? Christopher
Understanding the Display
When the form is displayed on my web page, it shows my signon name and then says 9 views. First, is there anyway to NOT show my signon name? Second, what does 9 views mean?
Server Error
Error 500:Internal Server error
Kindly reopen the file
I am so sick of getting told to reopen the file because of an error. What's causing this?
We keep getting an "error occurred" in one of sheets and we can't open them unless I copy it and then use the new file. Any ideas? Thank you.
Pre-sale questions: Google Docs features, support, sharing/editing
Hi, After evaluating Zoho Sheets and comparing it to the spreadsheets of Google Docs, I have a good view on the features and capacity of both services. Zoho definitely offers great tools, however I still have a few questions. 1. It seems that Google Docs spreadsheets are quicker to load. On the same Mac, Google Docs spreadsheets load around 50% faster than Zoho Sheets. Will there be a speed bump anytime soon, or is there a way to load sheets faster? I will be opening loads of sheets each day, so
ファイルを開けません。 「シートを開く際の問題発生」といったメッセージが表示された。 Docsと同じようなエラーです。
Protecting cells
Need to protect cells while in public area if not anybody will tamper with the structure or information provided in a spreadsheet. You either have collaborative work spreadsheets or you have public type that require protection for certain parts. When can we expect that option?
Protect sheet or link sheet to other sheet
Hello all I'm a new Zoho user. I have an issue. I have developed a projectmanagement method in excel. This works really good and clients want to use it aswell. I want to give them access over the internet so that more people are able to use it en get informed. That means I have to protect my links and calculations over the 15 tabs to prevend damage and unauthorised use. Does anyone have ideas how to do this? Is Protecting cells/tabs an option? An alternative is to leave my method in one sheet and
Can I assign a note to a cell?
I need to add different notes to many individual cells (as can be done in Excel). Is this functionality available, or incoming? ;) Thanks
Zoho Sheet API doesn't allow to make a sheet public
Hi, I've been trying to integrate zoho sheets to my page, I'm able to upload a sheet but now I need to publish the sheet and I don't see any function on the REST API to publish or share a sheet
Formatting numbers
Hi, by default numbers are formatted like "1,234.56". How can I change the format into "1.234,56", like it is used in many non-english speaking countries. Kind regards, Frank
Is there anyway to ROLLBACK or RECOVER an earlier version of a sheet?
We used the Zoho Notebook with a sheet page, we had data and someone did a sort which moved some data out of place then their IE crashed. Thus they could not UNDO to fix their mistaken sort. Is there any way to REVERT to an earlier version of a sheet? I have manually fixed my sheet but would like to know my options if this happens again. What are backup options (I hear there are some if you're not on FREE, what's the $ for NOTEBOOK + SHEET?). Thank you.
Diferent axes on charts
I can't do a chart whit different axes. I need put different values on different axes.
Problem with copying, pasting, sorting if cell contains a link
My sheet is: Its a sorted sheet for a TV schedule. The columns are date, time, channel, and a link (naked URL). Since several days I've got problems with copying, pasting and sorting if the 4th column with the URL is included with the rest. In short: it doesn't work now at all, although it used too work properly. So I have to leave the URLS completely out. This seems a new bug. Another question: is there a way to display the date in german
Read/Write access users - I can't seem to make it work
Hello - We are just testing out Zoho and are trying to share a spreadsheet in Zoho sheets between 7 users. I have created the sheet and shared it with the other 6, highlighting the read/write access. A few questions: 1. When they sign up in Zoho and go to Zoho sheets, they do not see the file in the "Shared with Me" section. a. Is this where they should see the file I shared with them? b. If so, should I or they be doing some kind of account setting so the file shows up? c. If not, where should
Unable to open Zoho Sheets... again
I don´t know why but I can't, again, open my zoho sheets. I am logged and I can access to all other documents except the spreadsheets
File size limit, # of people file can be shared with
What is the size limit per file of a Zoho spreadsheet? Can it be shared to an unlimited # of users? My case: Would like to use it on a report needing consolidation of data from 150 teams. The average file size of the report is 15-20mb. Please get back to me on this as soon as possible. :) Thanks!
Unable to open Zoho Sheets
I can't open any zoho sheets from long time ago... What's happening?
Couldn't able to see a navigating bar in lower side
Hi Team, I wonder how I am missing a navigating bar in bottom side. I have a sheet with 7-8 column and could see 3-4 at a time..Then I just want to see other 4-8, I don't have a navigating bar in bottom. Am I missing something? Regards Shihab
Save Sheet via an custom javascript function
Hello, i am loading the Zoho Sheet in an iframe in my application. It works perferect. When the user saves the form, the Zoho sheet must be saved as well too. Since the sheet is running in an iframe i cannot call the function "saveremoteGEdoc();" since cross-browser-scripting is no allowed. How can I solve this problem? Anybody any idea? Looking forward to hearing your ideas. Andy
Our Business site disappeared
We have been working wit a business site and we can no longer login. The site is
Formating cells
Hi! Is there a way to have an image as cells background? Marko
Remote saving problem ?
Hi, We are trying to integrate Zoho Remote API on our server... All is fine width Zoho Writer ... read/write docs is OK ! But with Sheet and Show... we can read documents, and save... but the changes are'nt really saved... Do we forget any thing ? Then url for submitting ... : (you can use it ... ) The code : <form method="POST" action="" target="_blank"> <input
goal seek
Hello, I would like to know if is it possible to use the function "goal seek" in Zoho Sheet? Thank's Josep
Share a Sheet and hide the formulas
Hello, Is it posible to share a Sheet for edditing with other members and to hide the formulas and Macros? Thanks Josep
How do I attach a comment log to a spreadsheet?
We would like to attach notes to client spreadsheet and make it accessable to all employees. We cannot find a link to do so. Is there one?
cannot merge two or more cell between row
i found that we can only merger between column. Perhape we can merge row also
Find/Replace on Zoho Sheet
I cannot find an option to Find/Replace when using Zoho Sheet. Am i just missing it somewhere? I use a status page at the front of my sheet and without Find/Replace functionality I wont be able to use the product since manually changing code every day is not desirable. Thanks
When do you plan to finish the beta status?
Hot To Make Fixed Column Titles?
Row one in my table I want to make as titles that are permanently in row one. I have frozen the panes so that row one is fixed in place when scrolling down and up. But the data in row one is not frozen. If I order a column alphabetically the data in row one is reordered with it and so my titles can end up anywhere in the document. How do I fix or freeze row 1 and its data to stay fixed on top?
Can we have custom formulas (User Defined Functions) in ZOHO?
In Sharepoint we have Excel services that allows us to add our addin that contains UDFs. If the same behavior we want with ZOHO; can we implement that some how.
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