Sharing - but other users changes do not save
I have shared a sheet with others. They are not registered with ZOHO. They can view the sheet, make input, but there is not way for them to save. Their permissions are set to READ/WRITE, but we can not find a way for their changes to save. HELP
Web Data Problem
Hey guys, I'm having a problem here. Whenever I try to import and online csv file, I get an error telling me that the webdata is not configured properly and no data shows up... Can you guys fix this? Thanks -building_429 P.S. I have shared the spreadsheet with you.
Hiding sheet menu's when embeded in a webpage
I am trying to place a calculator on my website. I have the sheet set up but when I embed the IFrame I get all the menu's and they clutter up the view. Is there a way to show the sheet with just the data fields and not all the menu buttons. I have seen several examples of this but can't figure out how it was done.
revising sheet without losing invitees
I wonder if there is a way to make a change to a spreadsheet offline and then updating the online version without creating a new document. Each time I export, and modify a sheet and then upload it, i have to send new invitations, which is confusing to the invitees. I may be missing the correct procedure to accomplish this and would appreciate being set straight on this procedure.
Please define in the TIP during Inflation Spreadsheet: 1. Line 25: "Cumulitive inflation(felation) until.." 2. Sensitivity Analysis This blog is great but the spreadsheet could use a help section.
Ebed Zoho Sheet into website
I am having a problem with embedding my zoho sheet into my website. It will not show. It only shows a little bit of a picture but not the full spreadsheet. I tried the zoho instructions but it is still now working. Please help.
not workin in google chrome after last browser update
Switch to link zoho mail is not listed
In Switch to link zoho mail is not listed. Amar
import introduces sheets then i can't get to the right-click object menu
Hi, I can't delete sheets: right-click pulls up an object men; the object menu works fine inside the body of the XLS, but I can't for the life of me get it to work on the sheet tab. Either FF or IE (please don't ask for a screenshot, it's another Zoho issue for sure) and, the only reason I am trying to delete a sheet is that the import, for some reason introduces two extra sheets with names that start with #: I took a sheet,
When I exported a sheet as a CSV file and opened it with Notepad then the values, which were in only one column, were separated by double apostrophes?
Layout configuration when printing
Are there controls in Zoho Sheet that allow you to define on how many pages a spreadsheet will print?
IF() syntax
Hi, I want to perform a function only if a condition is true. If the condition is not met then i want the cell to be empty / null. I've tried something simple like this =IF(0>1;1) This condition will obviously never be met, but rather than leave the cell blank it puts 'FALSE' into the cell. How can I make it completely empty (ie NULL). Thanks for any help.
Merging Cells
The ability to merge cells vertically would be enormously beneficial.
plug-in has too many bugs
The plug-in has too many bugs to enumerate, the worst of which is: it crashes Excel which is really something since Excel is hard to crash. Zoho sheet is generally unstable. I recommend you guys squash the many bugs and address basic usability before adding new features. Compared to other online office products, we hesitate to use sheets because productivity is lost. It is like a crapshoot going to use zoho; will we lose data? will excel freeze? etc ect David Harper
Cell fill color - Is there a clear?
If I have my cells filled in with green, and I want to clear them. Is there a clear fill? I was using the white color fill thinking this was clear, but then when I export the excel, none of the gridlines show up because it's really filled in with white.
Future formula implementation
Hello, I am interested to know if array formula are being considered for implementation in Zoho sheet. Thank you for a very interesting experience in on-line applications. It opens up a great new way to manage operations both in a group scenario and also by solving some portability issues. Good work! Regards Mark
Hide & Lock Formula Cells Publishing Error
It appears that formulas in published sheets that have been hidden and locked do not work at all now. They do work however when the published sheet has not had its formulas hidden and locked. Can this be fixed please?
problems with some public sheet today
Hello, i have some publics sheets with problems today, the most important has stopped working this morning. I tried to delete it and upload it again, but I can not open it again. I tried in my house and in my office with the seim results. Other sheets with problems today: Can you help me?
Want to Make Row Height Smaller Than Content
Zoho sheet will no allow me to shrink a row height smaller than the content in the cells. I want to do this. I do not need or want to see all the content in the cells. Microsoft Excel allows me to shrink the row height to be shorter than the content in the cells (see attachment) but Zoho does not allow me to do this. Please add this feature. thanks
Published Sheets Not Working
I have a list of public sheets which have stopped working today. Anyone else had this problem or know how to overcome it? Thanks
Right clicking...
When I right click, my normal mouse functions show up over the Zoho functions. Is there something I can do to change that? Jim jwrbloom
Publish has some kind of glitch
Please help, we switched from editgrid and never had any problems. Zoho sheets doesn't seem ready for business use for text that spans columns (a very common thing in good XLS design) we have to do a manual merge across cells apparently (uggh; this *really* should be a feature) instead of having a option that allows for overfill. Okay so we take the time to do all that, and it looks fine in the source, then the version for my customers (publish > external blog, using the iframe) reverts to cutting
Revision History
Hi, I was working on a spreadsheet when suddenly it cleared pretty much all of the data. I tried to revert to an older copy, but it still just shows the same little amount of data... It is a bit annoying because I have spent quite a bit of time working on it.... Thanks -David
Update a document with import without creating a new document
Hello Everyone, I've created a online portfolio spreadsheet in Excel and I'm using ZOHO to share it on a website. The problem I'm running into is every time I update my ZOHO version of the spreadsheet using the "import" option, a new version of my online portfolio file is created. I do not want to create a new file, I want to update my existing file. Is there a way to update an existing ZOHO file with a file stored on my computer? Or do I have to manage the ZOHO file instead? Thanks, Todd
Is there any way whereby my macro is not seen/ edited by users....
Move/Copy sheet between files
Hi Can i move or copy sheet between files? The desktop version of Excel or Opencalc are able to do that, can zoho do that?
PivotTable ???
Zoho Team, I find most of the features are well covered. I am not able to locate pivotTable option. Is the feature available? Regards, Jay.
compatibility with chinese IME(input method editor)
1. single click any cell 2. turn on any Chinese IME 3. input "nihao" (你好) 4. we should see that the cell accept the first character 'n' as an english character. In this way, only "ihao" was left in the Chinese IME. The correct behavior should send the whole word to the IME. Remark: SINGLE CLICK ANY CELL NOT DOUBLE CLICK. For convenience, press tab to move to next cell or single click actions are both frequently used. Ideally, the just focused cell should be able to accept the Chinese character immediately.
Zoho Microsoft Plugin bug
I have found that the Microsoft plug in will only download sheets and documents that are in the "My Sheets" folder. This works great for the person who owns the sheet, but I need for those I am sharing it with to be able to download and access them into excel also. Otherwise, whats the point of using the plug in? Is there a way to access the "Shared With Me" or even "My Templates" folders from the Microsoft plug in?Thanks,JoshuaAnother Day, Another Disaster
text won't overlap cells
when possible, i like to keep all of the cells in my spreadsheet the same size so that its easier to move pieces of it around. for this to work, text needs to cross over from one cell to the next. currently it gets cut off at the end of the cell it began in. is there a setting somewhere i can adjust? if not, please add this to your feature request list. thx.
apostrophe in words like you're or daddy's etc
in sheets when I try to use a work with an apostrophe in it it shows up like you're shows you&appos:re or daddy's shows up daddy&apos:s. How do I correct this, or keep this from happening. Thank You.
Cut & Paste
How do I Cut & Paste in Zoho Spreadsheet
' appearing instead of '
Please, please fix this problem ASAP!!! I never used to get the (presumably HTML) ''' instead of a simple apostrophe; now it occurs every time!!! Please urgently find this new prpblem and correct it ASAP!
Zoho Sheet
Hi, I keep encoutering the error 500: Internal server error, kindly reopen the file and try again. I've try to import an excel, but i failed, and since then, this error keeps appears again everytime i input anything in zoho sheet. However, I've created a new account and didn't encounter the same problem. Pls help to fix this, thanks a lot! Mimi Mui
New here and need help
Hello, I am trying to create a online spreadsheet that will automatically calculate. It's an inventory sheet for a restaurant . The ower wants something simple where he can go in and check the status of the items used so he will be able to order supplies when the inventory gets low. I've never done this before and would really like to take on this challenge and make it work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please forward to Excel Plugin team.
I am encountering the following error message every time I push the save button on the Plugin in Excel. Error at line 13871. "Incorrect argument". I am using Windows XP SP2 danish language and Microsoft Office 2003. The document is correctly saved at Zoho even though the error message shows up.
Hi, Is it possible to apply a formula to an entire column? For example, I have a imported a live data feed from an online csv file and in a column next to the data, I have a formula which uses the csv data. So is there any way to have the formula extend downwards forever so that whenever new data appears from the csv file, the formula will be next to it. Thanks
Saving issues
I am getting reports from my users that it is not saving input info and freezes up. Could you check into this and get back to me asap, please.
Spreadsheet running very slow!
Hey, I have a spreadsheet that I am in the process of creating. The purpose of the spreadsheet is to pull data from an online website for 60 different users. As I have gotten part way through this spreadsheet, it is getting increasingly slower and slower. The webdata take forever to load and I often have to restart zoho to get the data to appear. I have to put the data in for 60 pages (1 for each user) and as you can guess, it is extremely annoying to spend 10 min just to get one user's data on a
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