headers, footers, veritcal and horzontal page allignment?
Is there a way to edit/remove headers and footers in zoho sheets? Also, is there a feature to vertically and/or horizontally align the whole page?
Use of standard MS Excel function commands.
Hi, It really is a pain that ZoHo sheet cannot copy standard MS Excel cell functions from one cell to another. Something as simple as a multiplication is a pain. Why can't I use something like '+E40*I40' instead of 'PRODUCT(E40,I40)' Having to learn all new commands is not good... This will really slow adoption. Just my 2 cents. Thanks
Technical Support
i love the site but its going to expire at the end of this week and i have no reseave a e-mail yet:( lindseymuise
Saving option to public
When a file is shared it should allow the shared person to save the file. If this feature is enabled, it would be much useful coolsumesh
bug in zoho sheet
This has happened multiple times when I import an excel spreadsheet file to zoho sheet. Nothing comes up except large cells with no data in them, and half the time there is a message saying "loading . . ." but it just freezes up. This doesn't happen on all spreadsheets, just certain ones. So I have to continually upload the spreadsheet to zoho and hope that it loads correctly. jasonod jasonod
"Show/Hide" & "Freeze Panes" are cri
There are 2 features that are critical to our business: "Show/Hide Columns & Rows" and "Freeze Panes" Right now we use Zoho CRM, but we have to keep all of our spreadsheets in Google Spreadsheet because they support these features. Any idea on when these will be supported? And by supported I mean embedded in the program, not available by tabular import (not even sure what that is). Thanks.
overflow of text to adjacent cell, and hidden rows/columns i
I will never be able to switch from Excel until either Zoho or Google Docs allows me to overflow my words in one cell to the adjacent cell, as Excel does. I know this sounds trivial, but just about every single financial model I put together has indentation to make it more readable. For instance, for Revenues I like to put the growth in revenues below it on a seperate line, but the word "growth" indented to the right from "revenues". Much like an outline, it allows me to put new line items under
Uniform Row Height Adjustment
Both Excel and Google Spreadsheet allow you to change the height/width of ALL columns or rows at the same time by hightlighting them all and dragging For example, if you highlight all the cells, then drag to increase the height of one row, it will change the height of all cells universally. Is there any plan to implement this feature in Zoho? If so, when? thanks. The bottom line is this: When we input data into a spreadsheet, there are things we need to hide from the client before we send it out
Reference Cells on same workbook - different sheet
Hi, I am having problems referencing cells on the same workbook on a different sheet. Can you confirm this is the correct syntax please: =.Tests:C91 where Tests is the name of the sheet and cell C91 is what I want to display. There is a number in cell C91 on sheet Tests of 666. I get an error message: #invalid formular! Hope you can help! Thanks John
conditional formatting
Great stuff. Can you do conditional formatting? bkinahan
Any controls? Checkboxes Radio buttons Listboxes comboboxes macro buttons? canesbr
Zoho Notebook Video
I'm having trouble with the Add Video option in Zoho Notebook. I am only getting the embed option, not the record option. I have used it in the past, but it is no longer working for me. Any ideas?
Can not share a spreadsheet
I had a spreadsheet that I share with 3 users more. One user can not access to the spreadsheet for an error. I delete the spreadsheet and I imported it again. Then I tried to share it again but I wasn't able to share it with nobody else.
Feature Needed
Hello, One feature of Excel I desperately need right now is to be able to delete a single cell and have the option to shift the cells below up by one. Neither Zoho Sheet or Google Docs has this, and I find it to be an invaluable feature. Great product anyways, keep up the good work. slightnet
你好 初次使用兼容性不错,完全支持中文,只是网络速度不佳,操作起来反映很慢,望能改进,谢谢 ! zgbx1314
imported sheed date arithmetic
In an imported sheet, subtracting dates did not work until I formatted the date colum as a date in zoho bnorthlich
Maximum rows
Whats the maximum row limit on Zoho sheet, Excel is about 65,000 and I need more than that - is this poss here?
Shared spreadsheets don't show in Zoho Start
Hi, I have several spreadsheets shared to me (which are shown in Zoho Sheet's left side panel), but cannot see any one of them from within my Zoho Start's "Shared Docs" pane. Zoho Start shows only the sheets I have created myself. (I don't know if this might also be the case with the "docs" or "presentations" since I have none of them shared...) Is there any known issue about this kind of phenomenon? Anything I can do to get rid of it? Thank you in advance.
Comment form
Hi Is there anyway to add a comment form to embed in my website similar to the one found in blogs which gets updated automatically when a viewer comments?
Row numbers lining up w/ text
Why don't row numbers line up with text? Is there something I can do? I waste a lot of time aligning row numbers to row text. jrozar
导出pdf时,对中文支持太差。以及char图不能导出到pdf等问题。 zhaoyang66
Zoho sheet filename is corrupted when arabic file name
when posting an arabic file name or generaly a utf8 filename except for English it appears corrubted, this is a sample reuest i made: ----------------------------------------------------------------- <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> <form id="mainForm" method="POST" action="http://sheet.zoho.com/remotedoc.im?apikey=[apikey]&output=editor&format=xls" target="_self" onload="this.submit()" > <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="حمد.xls">
Cell drop down list: i.e Excel "Data/Valididation/List&
Hi Does 'Zoho Sheets' provide any equivalent or alternative for the Excel capability in Subject Line for this Post? I use this function a lot in Excel, but this capability seems to get stripped out of any Excel Spreadsheet imported to Zoho. The last drop down selection for the cell (in the Excel original) is cemented in as unique data. I did searches on this forum using a variety of keywords from above, but was not able to zero in on anything relevant. I don't know if that was just me or a result
How to "upload a new version"?
I exported the stylesheet for faster editing. It seems there are no buttons for me to "upload and replace the current version" May I know if it is hidden or in development? Thank you. hoball
VBA possible bug ?
Imported an xls with a simple popup user form. There is an error im getting for the following module: Sub OpenEnterTimeForm() enterTime.Show End Sub ERROR Encountered error at line 3 : Unknown function or field: show Any suggestions or is this a limitation of sheets vba right now ? How else do i present a user form ?
does zoho sheet store versions
can i revert back to an earlier version of the sheet in zoho sheets? thanks.
Technical Support
Can I group / ungroup rows and columns? jakob_kishon
Embedded sheet
Why can't I edit an embedded sheet? Don't find the save button. Regards Mats
Webdata Auto-Update
The webdata feature that ZoHo offers is unique and the main reason I use ZoHo over the other online spreadsheets. However, I find it annoying that in order for the webdata to automatically update you must have the file open. Am I missing something and there is a way to make it truly auto update? skillersunited
Freeze columns & Rows?
How can I freeze rows & Columns? sudhamani
Issue: Select/Insert a column in the range of merged cells
Do the following to reproduce this issue: 1.- In cell A1, type some text (5 or 6 words) 2.- Select cells A1 through F1 3.- Click the "Merge Cells Across" button 4.- Optional: Click the "Align Center" button 5.- Bug (1): Try to select column A or any column (A to E). It's not possible. You can select column F, but... 6.- Bug (2): After selecting column F, click the + button and then click "Insert Column Before". You will get an error saying: "Inserting not possible because one or more cells in the
Conditional formating
Excel has a formatting option that allows negative numbers/currency to be displayed in red without negative signs. I'm ok with keeping the negative signs. But negative numbers in red would be fantastic robcolburn
Can not import a document
When I try to import an unprotected xls file (852 KB), it appeares "Unable to import the selected document", is there a capacity limit? or what else could it be?
Hi, Yesterday I came here for the first time and was surprised with the announcement of the new macro capability. New to Zoho, wonderful! MS Excel2008 for Mac does not have it (yet?) !! In my macros I often call Scenarios, that were previously created, and then copy the results one by one in a table. Then I have a graph based on the table. Nice to analyze sensitivities. Unfortunately Scenarios are not supported. The Scenario-names are somehow listed at the bottom, in between the sheet-names :-( Are
Text search in Zoho Sheet
Zoho Sheet is missing of the text search inside the doc to move between the rows par7133
Feedback form PRB
the acknowledge page has some problems.. maybe missing par7133
Performance problems / 100% CPU load
Hi, I have a very simple sheet with 6 columns and ca 350 rows. No formulae, nothing complicated, just (small) integer numbers and short texts. Entering data manually works, the browser even buffers a large number of entries before displaying them, but takes half a second or more for each display step (display newly entered number, move focus to next cell, switch alignment of previously entered number from left aligned to right aligned). Selecting (highlighting) the columns takes at least a minute
Links between files give NAME-error
After loading 4 xl files, one link between files resulted in a "NAME"-error (creating errors in ALL files). The formula in one file points to the interest rate in another file as follows: ='Feasibility Volker combined3.xls'!interest When I replace the link with the number (11%) everyting's fine. May be the name is too long? Sippo009 / Using Safari with Leopard on Intel iMac
Show / Hide Columns
I have not found a way to hide columns or rows. Have I missed something? earl.keith
Holy Bajesus!!
This doesnt suck! More over, it's awesome! I thought google ran the internet... up is down, down is up. I need to lay down. tatercakes
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